
This report compares your webpage with the top 10 ranking pages for the selected keyword. Based on what brought your competitors to top ranking positions, the report gives advice on optimizing your own pages for top rankings.

Page overall optimization rate in se is 36.2% 

Page optimization rate for the keyword network is 32.9%  

Title M.Keywords M.Description H1 H2-H6
1 keyword
3 keywords
2 keywords
0 keywords
0 keywords
Bold Italic Link Anchors Images Alt Texts Body
0 keywords
0 keywords
0 keywords
0 keywords
0 keywords

Total number of keyword repetitions is 6
Prominence is 0%

Page optimization rate for the keyword networks is 35.9%  

Title M.Keywords M.Description H1 H2-H6
1 keyword
3 keywords
2 keywords
0 keywords
0 keywords
Bold Italic Link Anchors Images Alt Texts Body
0 keywords
0 keywords
0 keywords
0 keywords
0 keywords

Total number of keyword repetitions is 6
Prominence is 0%

Page optimization rate for the keyword business networks is 39.6%  

Title M.Keywords M.Description H1 H2-H6
1 keyword
1 keyword
2 keywords
0 keywords
0 keywords
Bold Italic Link Anchors Images Alt Texts Body
0 keywords
0 keywords
0 keywords
0 keywords
0 keywords

Total number of keyword repetitions is 4
Prominence is 0%

Title optimization rate is 63.4%  

Title optimization rate for the keyword network is 63.6% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total
0% keywordDensityChart 50% 0 keywordCountChart 1 1 wordsCountChart 12
10% 1 10
16.7% 1 6
16.7% 1 6
0% 0 1
33.3% 1 3
50% 1 2
11.1% 1 9
33.3% 1 3
8.3% 1 12
33.3% 1 3
25% 1 4
Avg. Competitor
25.3% 1 5

Title optimization rate for the keyword networks is 55.9% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total
10% keywordDensityChart 40% 1 keywordCountChart 2 4 wordsCountChart 10
10% 1 10
16.7% 1 6
20% 1 5
16.7% 1 6
25% 1 4
14.3% 1 7
40% 2 5
10% 1 10
25% 1 4
16.7% 1 6
25% 1 4
Avg. Competitor
20.9% 1.1 6

Title optimization rate for the keyword business networks is 70.7% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total
0% keywordDensityChart 100% 0 keywordCountChart 1 2 wordsCountChart 15
20% 1 10
0% 0 6
0% 0 10
0% 0 9
100% 1 2
0% 0 5
66.7% 1 3
0% 0 6
25% 1 8
0% 0 15
25% 1 8
Avg. Competitor
54.2% 1 7

Meta description optimization rate is 67.9%  

Meta description optimization rate for the keyword network is 96.8% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total
0% keywordDensityChart 20% 0 keywordCountChart 3 0 wordsCountChart 33
9.5% 2 21
0% 0 0
0% 0 0
20% 1 5
3% 1 33
0% 0 0
6.7% 1 15
0% 0 3
3.6% 1 28
0% 0 0
13.6% 3 22
Avg. Competitor
9.4% 1.4 18

Meta description optimization rate for the keyword networks is 83.8% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total
0% keywordDensityChart 13.6% 0 keywordCountChart 3 0 wordsCountChart 37
9.5% 2 21
0% 0 0
0% 0 0
0% 0 0
0% 0 0
5.6% 1 18
0% 0 23
2.7% 1 37
4.8% 1 21
9.5% 2 21
13.6% 3 22
Avg. Competitor
7.2% 1.6 24

Meta description optimization rate for the keyword business networks is 23% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total
0% keywordDensityChart 19% 0 keywordCountChart 2 0 wordsCountChart 23
19% 2 21
0% 0 0
0% 0 14
0% 0 11
0% 0 0
0% 0 23
0% 0 0
0% 0 0
13.3% 1 15
0% 0 23
0% 0 0
Avg. Competitor
13.3% 1 17

Meta keywords tag optimization rate is 66.5%  

Meta keywords tag optimization rate for the keyword network is 86.5% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total
0% keywordDensityChart 15.4% 0 keywordCountChart 3 0 wordsCountChart 67
8.1% 3 37
0% 0 0
0% 0 0
0% 0 0
0% 0 11
0% 0 0
4.5% 3 67
0% 0 2
0% 0 5
0% 0 0
15.4% 2 13
Avg. Competitor
9.9% 2.5 20

Meta keywords tag optimization rate for the keyword networks is 50.3% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total
0% keywordDensityChart 15.4% 0 keywordCountChart 3 0 wordsCountChart 37
8.1% 3 37
0% 0 0
0% 0 0
0% 0 0
0% 0 0
9.1% 1 11
0% 0 0
9.1% 1 11
0% 0 0
9.1% 2 22
15.4% 2 13
Avg. Competitor
10.7% 1.5 14

Meta keywords tag optimization rate for the keyword business networks is 62.9% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total
0% keywordDensityChart 11.8% 0 keywordCountChart 1 0 wordsCountChart 130
5.4% 1 37
0% 0 0
0% 0 22
0% 0 10
0% 0 0
7.7% 1 26
0% 0 0
0% 0 5
11.8% 1 17
0% 0 130
0% 0 0
Avg. Competitor
9.7% 1 35

H1 headings optimization rate is 26.5%  

H1 headings optimization rate for the keyword network is 24.4% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total H1 headings Total
0% keywordDensityChart 100% 0 keywordCountChart 1 0 wordsCountChart 17 1 tagsCountChart 8
0% 0 3 1
50% 1 2 1
50% 1 2 1
0% 0 16 8
50% 1 2 1
50% 1 2 1
11.1% 1 9 1
0% 0 17 5
0% 0 0 1
10% 1 10 5
100% 1 1 1
Avg. Competitor
45.9% 1 7 3

H1 headings optimization rate for the keyword networks is 29.5% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total H1 headings Total
0% keywordDensityChart 100% 0 keywordCountChart 1 0 wordsCountChart 15 0 tagsCountChart 2
0% 0 3 1
50% 1 2 1
100% 1 1 1
50% 1 2 1
100% 1 1 1
6.7% 1 15 1
33.3% 1 3 2
50% 1 2 1
50% 1 2 1
0% 0 0 0
100% 1 1 1
Avg. Competitor
60% 1 3 1

H1 headings optimization rate for the keyword business networks is 25.5% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total H1 headings Total
0% keywordDensityChart 50% 0 keywordCountChart 1 0 wordsCountChart 17 0 tagsCountChart 2
0% 0 3 1
0% 0 2 1
0% 0 5 1
0% 0 17 2
0% 0 0 1
0% 0 5 1
0% 0 2 1
0% 0 0 0
50% 1 4 1
0% 0 3 1
0% 0 0 0
Avg. Competitor
50% 1 5 1

H2-H6 headings optimization rate is 15%  

H2-H6 headings optimization rate for the keyword network is 0% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total H2-H6 headings Total
0% keywordDensityChart 9.7% 0 keywordCountChart 14 5 wordsCountChart 1847 1 tagsCountChart 242
0% 0 5 1
9.7% 14 145 59
0% 0 53 26
0% 0 139 51
0% 0 122 69
6.9% 2 29 6
0% 0 13 8
0.1% 1 1847 242
3.2% 1 31 5
1% 1 101 23
5.6% 1 18 6
Avg. Competitor
4.4% 3.3 250 50

H2-H6 headings optimization rate for the keyword networks is 20.2% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total H2-H6 headings Total
0% keywordDensityChart 9.7% 0 keywordCountChart 14 0 wordsCountChart 145 0 tagsCountChart 59
0% 0 5 1
9.7% 14 145 59
0% 0 54 24
2.5% 3 121 48
6.9% 4 58 16
0% 0 30 13
0% 0 17 6
0% 0 0 0
0% 0 11 2
0% 0 46 30
5.6% 1 18 6
Avg. Competitor
6.1% 5.5 56 23

H2-H6 headings optimization rate for the keyword business networks is 24.8% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total H2-H6 headings Total
0% keywordDensityChart 20% 0 keywordCountChart 17 3 wordsCountChart 743 1 tagsCountChart 200
0% 0 5 1
0% 0 31 18
3.3% 4 241 69
0.5% 2 743 200
20% 1 10 5
8.7% 1 23 7
18.7% 17 182 24
0% 0 56 25
9.5% 1 21 11
0% 0 7 4
0% 0 3 1
Avg. Competitor
10.1% 4.3 132 36

Bold text optimization rate is 0%  

Bold text optimization rate for the keyword network is 0% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total Bold text Total
0% keywordDensityChart 25% 0 keywordCountChart 5 0 wordsCountChart 435 0 tagsCountChart 213
0% 0 0 0
10.3% 3 29 54
10.7% 3 28 28
25% 1 4 1
1% 1 100 50
10% 1 10 5
1.5% 1 66 8
0% 0 435 213
7.1% 1 14 8
0% 0 31 13
25% 5 20 18
Avg. Competitor
11.3% 2 74 40

Bold text optimization rate for the keyword networks is 0% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total Bold text Total
0% keywordDensityChart 50% 0 keywordCountChart 7 0 wordsCountChart 109 0 tagsCountChart 100
0% 0 0 0
10.3% 3 29 54
50% 2 4 4
13.2% 7 53 100
5.5% 6 109 18
0% 0 0 0
0% 0 0 0
0% 0 0 0
10.6% 5 47 29
0% 0 0 0
25% 5 20 18
Avg. Competitor
19.1% 4.7 44 37

Bold text optimization rate for the keyword business networks is 0% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total Bold text Total
0% keywordDensityChart 8.1% 0 keywordCountChart 4 0 wordsCountChart 529 0 tagsCountChart 134
0% 0 0 0
0% 0 16 4
0% 0 3 2
0% 0 0 0
0% 0 0 0
0% 0 8 5
0% 0 0 0
0% 0 529 134
8.1% 4 99 30
0% 0 24 6
0% 0 4 1
Avg. Competitor
8.1% 4 98 26

Italic text optimization rate is 0%  

Italic text optimization rate for the keyword network is 0% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total Italic text Total
0% keywordDensityChart 7.7% 0 keywordCountChart 18 0 wordsCountChart 249 0 tagsCountChart 95
0% 0 0 0
3.1% 4 131 47
7.2% 18 249 95
0% 0 6 2
0% 0 6 1
0% 0 0 0
0% 0 0 0
0% 0 0 0
0% 0 0 0
0% 0 0 0
7.7% 1 13 7
Avg. Competitor
6% 7.7 81 30

Italic text optimization rate for the keyword networks is 0% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total Italic text Total
0% keywordDensityChart 55.6% 0 keywordCountChart 25 0 wordsCountChart 389 0 tagsCountChart 99
0% 0 0 0
3.1% 4 131 47
55.6% 5 9 8
6.4% 25 389 99
25% 3 12 7
0% 0 0 0
0% 0 0 0
0% 0 0 0
50% 2 4 2
0% 0 0 0
7.7% 1 13 7
Avg. Competitor
24.6% 6.7 93 28

Italic text optimization rate for the keyword business networks is 0% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total Italic text Total
0% keywordDensityChart 20% 0 keywordCountChart 1 0 wordsCountChart 116 0 tagsCountChart 20
0% 0 0 0
0% 0 19 6
20% 1 10 3
0% 0 0 6
0% 0 0 1
0% 0 0 0
2.9% 1 68 20
0% 0 116 2
0% 0 0 4
0% 0 0 0
0% 0 6 1
Avg. Competitor
11.5% 1 44 5

Link anchor text optimization rate is 7.6%  

Link anchor text optimization rate for the keyword network is 0% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total Link anchor text Total
0% keywordDensityChart 14.9% 0 keywordCountChart 96 45 wordsCountChart 2883 21 tagsCountChart 1695
0% 0 45 34
3.3% 96 2883 1695
1.5% 15 1001 419
0% 0 563 297
1.2% 13 1087 507
14.9% 7 47 21
1.5% 11 747 291
0.1% 1 1905 276
2% 2 101 52
1.3% 7 531 196
10.3% 27 261 90
Avg. Competitor
4% 19.9 913 384

Link anchor text optimization rate for the keyword networks is 22.8% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total Link anchor text Total
0% keywordDensityChart 10.3% 0 keywordCountChart 96 40 wordsCountChart 2883 19 tagsCountChart 1695
0% 0 45 34
3.3% 96 2883 1695
9% 25 279 152
4.3% 65 1500 970
4.3% 10 230 81
1.7% 4 230 122
2.5% 1 40 19
0.4% 2 543 191
1.8% 14 786 244
4% 12 298 171
10.3% 27 261 90
Avg. Competitor
4.2% 25.6 705 374

Link anchor text optimization rate for the keyword business networks is 0% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total Link anchor text Total
0% keywordDensityChart 25.6% 0 keywordCountChart 15 45 wordsCountChart 647 18 tagsCountChart 296
0% 0 45 34
0% 0 279 129
0.7% 2 549 258
0% 0 133 175
3.9% 4 203 96
1.8% 1 112 41
25.6% 15 117 48
0% 0 135 53
1.5% 5 647 296
0% 0 95 25
0% 0 48 18
Avg. Competitor
6.7% 5.4 232 114

Image alt attributes optimization rate is 7.6%  

Image alt attributes optimization rate for the keyword network is 0% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total Image alt attributes Total
0% keywordDensityChart 18.2% 0 keywordCountChart 7 1 wordsCountChart 179 7 tagsCountChart 65
0% 0 1 8
0% 0 28 23
0% 0 6 7
0% 0 66 65
4% 7 174 63
18.2% 6 33 12
3.3% 1 30 10
2.2% 4 179 49
9.5% 2 21 12
2.2% 1 46 25
6.2% 1 16 10
Avg. Competitor
6.5% 3.1 60 28

Image alt attributes optimization rate for the keyword networks is 0% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total Image alt attributes Total
0% keywordDensityChart 8.8% 0 keywordCountChart 8 1 wordsCountChart 265 3 tagsCountChart 104
0% 0 1 8
0% 0 28 23
0% 0 7 5
0% 0 10 12
8% 2 25 11
0% 0 3 8
0% 0 2 3
0.4% 1 265 104
8.8% 8 91 16
5.1% 2 39 25
6.2% 1 16 10
Avg. Competitor
5.7% 2.8 49 22

Image alt attributes optimization rate for the keyword business networks is 22.7% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total Image alt attributes Total
0% keywordDensityChart 5.3% 0 keywordCountChart 1 1 wordsCountChart 161 1 tagsCountChart 81
0% 0 1 8
0% 0 7 5
3% 1 67 13
0% 0 1 1
5.3% 1 38 24
0% 0 38 23
0% 0 9 4
0% 0 148 77
0% 0 161 81
0% 0 3 5
0% 0 4 2
Avg. Competitor
4.1% 1 48 24

Body text optimization rate is 0%  

Body text optimization rate for the keyword network is 0% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total
0% keywordDensityChart 5.5% 0 keywordCountChart 349 102 wordsCountChart 10204
0% 0 102
3.4% 349 10204
0.9% 28 3196
0.1% 1 1920
0.6% 15 2462
4.3% 19 445
1.2% 13 1059
0.3% 9 3454
1.2% 7 570
1.2% 12 996
5.5% 37 678
Avg. Competitor
1.9% 49 2498

Body text optimization rate for the keyword networks is 0% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total
0% keywordDensityChart 6% 0 keywordCountChart 349 102 wordsCountChart 10204
0% 0 102
3.4% 349 10204
6% 29 483
3.4% 215 6254
3.4% 20 594
2% 11 540
3.6% 7 195
1.6% 6 370
1.8% 33 1789
3.3% 11 334
5.5% 37 678
Avg. Competitor
3.4% 71.8 2144

Body text optimization rate for the keyword business networks is 0% 

Page Keyword Density Keyword Count Words Total
0% keywordDensityChart 8.4% 0 keywordCountChart 19 102 wordsCountChart 2718
0% 0 102
1.6% 7 890
1.3% 6 898
0.3% 2 1166
3.6% 7 390
1.5% 4 530
8.4% 19 453
0% 0 2718
1.4% 16 2307
0% 0 314
2% 3 298
Avg. Competitor
2.5% 8 996

Title details

10 words in title

Business Junction / Book a Networking Event - Business Networks - Business Junction

Title of avg.competitor for the keyword network consists of 5 words.

Page Title
6 words in title
Computer network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
6 words in title
Network (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3 words in title
Network (1976) - IMDb
9 words in title
Network Rail - We own and operate Britain's rail infrastructure
1 words in title
4 words in title
What is Network? Webopedia
3 words in title
Welcome | Transition Network
2 words in title
Network Railcard
3 words in title
Policy Network - Home
12 words in title
The Network - One unique solution, dedicated to international recruitment in 130+ countries

Title of avg.competitor for the keyword networks consists of 6 words.

Page Title
6 words in title
Computer network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
5 words in title
Network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
6 words in title
Social network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
4 words in title
What is Network? Webopedia
5 words in title
Aruba Networks EMEA | Aruba Networks
7 words in title
Aruba Networks - Enterprise Mobility & Wireless LAN Solutions
4 words in title
Networks - Wiley Online Library
4 words in title
Computer Networks - Journal - Elsevier
10 words in title
Cartoon Network | Free Online Games, Downloads, Competitions & Videos for Kids
6 words in title
Network Security Solutions - Networking Performance Optimization

Title of avg.competitor for the keyword business networks consists of 7 words.

Page Title
15 words in title
The Oyster Club - Business networking events in London - Business and social networking in perfect synergy
6 words in title
London Chamber of Commerce and Industry
3 words in title
The Business Network
10 words in title - Business Networking Events, Business Workshops, Seminars and Business Shows
9 words in title
Free Business Networking Events Meetups near London, England - Meetup
6 words in title
Business networking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
5 words in title
Business Networking | Networking Events | BIPC
2 words in title
Business Network
8 words in title
Centre for Business Network Analysis | University of Greenwich
8 words in title
Women’s Business Networks Listings | Prowess Women in Business

Meta description details

21 words in meta description

Book an Event with Business Junction & Womens Junction, Londons fastest growing network of business networks for company marketing opportunities and referrals

Meta description tag of competitors for the keyword network consists of 18 words on average.

Page Meta description
No meta description
No meta description
33 words in meta description
Directed by Sidney Lumet. With Faye Dunaway, William Holden, Peter Finch, Robert Duvall. A television network cynically exploits a deranged former anchor's ravings and revelations about the news media for its own profit.
15 words in meta description
Network Rail - we own and operate Britain's rail infrastructure. Helping Britain Run Better.
5 words in meta description
All the news from Network
22 words in meta description
A network is a group of two or more computer systems linked together. Examples include local-area networks (LANs) and wide-area networks (WANs).
No meta description
0 words in meta description
3 words in meta description
Tagging to regions
28 words in meta description
The Network - Global Leader in Online Recruitment: your partner of choice for international recruitment: Offering a unique recruitment solution serving 130+ countries via 1 single point of contact.

Meta description tag of competitors for the keyword networks consists of 24 words on average.

Page Meta description
No meta description
No meta description
No meta description
22 words in meta description
A network is a group of two or more computer systems linked together. Examples include local-area networks (LANs) and wide-area networks (WANs).
23 words in meta description
Aruba designs and delivers Mobility-Defined NetworksTM that empower a new generation of tech-savvy users. Known as #GenMobile, they rely on mobile devices for
18 words in meta description
Aruba Networks is a leading provider of enterprise mobility including Enterprise Wireless LAN, Access Points, and BYOD solutions.
No meta description
21 words in meta description
Computer Networks is an international, archival journal providing a publication vehicle for complete coverage of all topics of interest to those...
37 words in meta description
Cartoon Network is the home of your favourite kids cartoons online - with great free videos, online games, pictures, activities and competitions from cartoon shows like Ben 10, The Powerpuff Girls, Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Chowder!
21 words in meta description
Juniper Networks offers high-performance network solutions that help service providers, enterprises, and public sector organizations create value and accelerate business success.

Meta description tag of competitors for the keyword business networks consists of 17 words on average.

Page Meta description
23 words in meta description
The Oyster Club - Networking business meetings, London - Peer to peer business connections, cultured dinners and social breakfasts adding value to your business life.
No meta description
0 words in meta description
14 words in meta description
Search for business networking events, business clubs and networking groups in your local area
11 words in meta description
Find Meetup Groups in London, England about Free Business Networking Events
No meta description
23 words in meta description
Expand your business at one of our many free business networking events and mingle with other entrepreneurs to help you grow your business.
No meta description
0 words in meta description
15 words in meta description
Check out our women's business network listings for local meetings and events across the UK.

Meta keywords tag details

37 words in meta keywords

network, networks, business networks, marketing, referral, networking events, networking events in London, business breakfasts, business lunches, business evening events, networking events for women, business networking breakfasts, business networking lunches, business networking evening events, seminars, training, business support,

Meta keywords tag of competitors for the keyword network consists of 20 words on average.

Page Meta keywords tag
No Meta keywords
No Meta keywords
11 words in meta keywords
Reviews, Showtimes, DVDs, Photos, Message Boards, User Ratings, Synopsis, Trailers, Credits
67 words in meta keywords
Network Rail;UK rail infrastructure;Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd;Rail Track;Railtrack;BritIsh Railways;British Rail;UK railway management;BR;Operates rail network;Rail information;My local station;Find Train operators;Rail safety;Rail improvements;Maintans the rail newtork;Rail -careers;UK rail timetables;Current rail timetables;Find rail timetables;Search UK Rail stations;Nearest Rail Station;Rail station journey planner;Rail regulatory documents;Property rail enquiri
No Meta keywords
13 words in meta keywords
network, networking, wired, wireless, LAN, WLAN, computer systems, network administrator, define glossary, dictionary
No Meta keywords
0 words in meta keywords
2 words in meta keywords
News, Events
5 words in meta keywords
recruitment solution, international hiring needs

Meta keywords tag of competitors for the keyword networks consists of 14 words on average.

Page Meta keywords tag
No Meta keywords
No Meta keywords
No Meta keywords
13 words in meta keywords
network, networking, wired, wireless, LAN, WLAN, computer systems, network administrator, define glossary, dictionary
No Meta keywords
11 words in meta keywords
Enterprise Mobility, BYOD, Wireless LAN, Access Points, Remote Networking, Aruba Networks
No Meta keywords
No Meta keywords
11 words in meta keywords
online videos, free online games, wallpapers, show pictures, download, cartoon network
22 words in meta keywords
networking, security, networking security, networking and security, juniper networks, Juniper Networks Inc., juniper, NetScreen, professional services, routing hardware, routing software, routers, switching

Meta keywords tag of competitors for the keyword business networks consists of 35 words on average.

Page Meta keywords tag
130 words in meta keywords
Networking, Cultured, Seed, Black, Meeting, Oyster Club, The Oyster Club, London networking, Business networking, Business connections, Social dinner, Social events, Peer to peer networking, Business breakfast, Breakfast meeting, Oyster bar, Seed Pearl, Black Pearl, Cultured Pearl, Tanya Rennick, Queen Pearl , Mother of Pearl , Pearly Queen , Queen Witch, The Seed Pearl Club, The Cultured Pearl Club, The Black Pearl Club, The Seed Pearl Breakfast, The Cultured Pearl Salon, The Black Pearl Dinner, Breakfast, Salon, Dinner, Business and Social Networking, Executive Networking, Connect, Connections , Mentor , Motivate, Motivation, Mind spa, Mini mind spa, Workshop , Mini Workshop , Utilise, Development, Grow, Growth, Collaborate , Collaboration, Peer to Peer, Refer, Referral , Recommend, Recommendation, Engage, Community , Forum , Party, Fun, Speak , Speakers, Guests, Special Guest , Special Guest Speaker, Discuss , Lecture, Open Conversation, Expert, Champagne, Entrepreneur , Entrepreneur's Club, Question, Professional
5 words in meta keywords
0 words in meta keywords
22 words in meta keywords
Networking Events,local networking events,business clubs,business events,networking groups,networking events for women,womens networking events,business networking events,netwalking
10 words in meta keywords
Free Business Networking Events,London,group,club,event,community,meetup
No Meta keywords
26 words in meta keywords
BIPC; British Library; Business and IP Centre; Business & IP Centre; Entrepreneur; Innovation; Intellectual property; Inventor; London; Small business; SME; Start up; Networking; network; online; social networking
No Meta keywords
No Meta keywords
17 words in meta keywords
business clubs,events,networking,women\'s business networks,starting and growing a business,support in your area

H1 headings details

3 words in 1 H1 headings

Book an event

H1 headings of competitors for the keyword network contain 7 words in 3 headings on average.

Page H1 headings
2 words in 1 H1 headings
Computer network
2 words in 1 H1 headings
Network (film)
2 words in 1 H1 headings
Network ( 1976)
9 words in 1 H1 headings
Network Rail - We own and operate Britain's rail infrastructure
16 words in 8 H1 headings
Heli | Ransom | Countess Dracula | Countess Dracula | Twins of Evil | The Last Chance | Royal Cavalcade | Coming soon
1 words in 1 H1 headings
10 words in 5 H1 headings
Welcome | This month's theme | Book Review | Opinion | Transition Network resource
2 words in 1 H1 headings
Network Railcard
17 words in 5 H1 headings
Owning the Future | A New Age of Technological Progress | Progressive Capitalism | Populism Observatory | Making Progressive Politics Work
0 words in 1 H1 headings

H1 headings of competitors for the keyword networks contain 3 words in 1 headings on average.

Page H1 headings
2 words in 1 H1 headings
Computer network
1 words in 1 H1 headings
2 words in 1 H1 headings
Social network
1 words in 1 H1 headings
3 words in 2 H1 headings
Aruba Networks EMEA
15 words in 1 H1 headings
Aruba designs and delivers Mobility-Defined Networks TM that empower a new generation of tech-savvy users.
1 words in 1 H1 headings
2 words in 1 H1 headings
Computer Networks
2 words in 1 H1 headings
Cartoon Network
No H1 headings

H1 headings of competitors for the keyword business networks contain 5 words in 1 headings on average.

Page H1 headings
3 words in 1 H1 headings
From the Blog
No H1 headings
2 words in 1 H1 headings
National Site
5 words in 1 H1 headings
Welcome to Find Networking Events
17 words in 2 H1 headings
Meetups are neighbors getting together to learn something, do something, share something… Sign me up!  | Sign up
2 words in 1 H1 headings
Business networking
5 words in 1 H1 headings
Events to promote business networking
0 words in 1 H1 headings
No H1 headings
4 words in 1 H1 headings
Women’s Business Networks Listings

H2-H6 headings details

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H2-H6 headings of competitors for the keyword network contain 250 words in 50 headings on average.

Page H2-H6 headings
145 words in 59 H2-H6 headings
Contents | History [ edit ] | Properties [ edit ] | Network packet [ edit ] | Network topology [ edit ] | Network links [ edit ] | Wired technologies [ edit ] | Wireless technologies [ edit ] | Exotic technologies [ edit ] | Network nodes [ edit ] | Network interfaces [ edit ] | Repeaters and hubs [ edit ] | Bridges [ edit ] | Switches [ edit ] | Routers [ edit ] | Modems [ edit ] | Firewalls [ edit ] | Network structure [ edit ] | Common layouts [ edit ] | Overlay network [ edit ] | Communications protocols [ edit ] | Ethernet [ edit ] | Internet Protocol Suite [ edit ] | SONET/SDH [ edit ] | Asynchronous Transfer Mode [ edit ] | Geographic scale [ edit ] | Organizational scope [ edit ] | Intranets [ edit ] | Extranet [ edit ] | Internetwork [ edit ] | Internet [ edit ] | Darknet [ edit ] | Routing [ edit ] | Network service [ edit ] | Network performance [ edit ] | Quality of service [ edit ] | Network congestion [ edit ] | Network resilience [ edit ] | Security [ edit ] | Network security [ edit ] | Network surveillance [ edit ] | End to end encryption [ edit ] | Views of networks [ edit ] | See also [ edit ] | References [ edit ] | Further reading [ edit ] | External links [ edit ] | Navigation menu | Personal tools | Namespaces | Variants | Views | More | Search | Navigation | Interaction | Tools | Print/export | Languages
53 words in 26 H2-H6 headings
Contents | Plot [ edit ] | Cast [ edit ] | Production [ edit ] | Release [ edit ] | Critical reception [ edit ] | Awards and honors [ edit ] | Academy Awards [ edit ] | Golden Globes [ edit ] | BAFTA Awards [ edit ] | American Film Institute [ edit ] | In popular culture [ edit ] | References [ edit ] | External links [ edit ] | Navigation menu | Personal tools | Namespaces | Variants | Views | More | Search | Navigation | Interaction | Tools | Print/export | Languages
122 words in 69 H2-H6 headings
MOVIES | CHARTS & TRENDS | TV & VIDEO | SPECIAL FEATURES | CELEBS | PHOTOS | EVENTS | LATEST HEADLINES | NEWS | COMMUNITY | YOUR WATCHLIST | GET INFORMED | GET CONNECTED | GET DISCOVERED | Director: | Writer: | Stars: | Error | Added to Your Check-Ins. | Share | Own it | Quick Links | Details | Storyline | Did You Know? | Photo & Video | Opinion | TV | Related Items | Professional Services | Related News | User Lists | Connect with IMDb | Share this Rating | Take The Quiz! | User Polls | Photos | People who liked this also liked...  | Cast | Storyline | Plot Keywords: | Taglines: | Genres: | Certificate: | Parents Guide: | Details | Country: | Language: | Release Date: | Also Known As: | Filming Locations: | Box Office | Budget: | Company Credits | Production Co: | Technical Specs | Runtime: | Sound Mix: | Color: | Aspect Ratio: | Did You Know? | Trivia | Goofs | Quotes | Connections | Frequently Asked Questions | User Reviews | Message Boards | Contribute to This Page
13 words in 8 H2-H6 headings
Stations | Improving the railway | Timetables | Careers | Corporate documents | Property | National helpline | Travel information
139 words in 51 H2-H6 headings
Baxter | Richard III | The Four Feathers | The Birthday Present | Supermarionation Weekender | Two Left Feet | The Kitchen | Ransom | Countess Dracula | Twins of Evil | The Last Chance | Royal Cavalcade | Make-Up | The Medusa Touch | The Shout | Dream Home | The Hypnotist | Lucky Feller: The Complete Series | Oh Boy | The Professionals: MkII | My Teenage Daughter | The Young and the Guilty | The Franchise Affair | Johnny, You’re Wanted | Timeslip | Lucky Girl | Your Witness | Animal Farm | Unearthly Stranger | The Lady Vanishes | The Man Who Knew Too Much | Please Teacher | Invasion | The Middle Watch | Dangeous Voyage | The Woman’s Angle | Father’s Doing Fine | The Key Man | The Last Seduction | Bad Timing | Freedom of the Seas | British Musicals of the 1930s: V... | A Nice Girl Like Me | A Man About the House | Fascination | You Can’t Escape | Young and Innocent | Our Man in Marrakesh | Bond Street | Into the Blue | Baby Love
18 words in 6 H2-H6 headings
Related Terms | Top 5 Network Questions | Related Webopedia Articles | Related Links | We Recommend | Datamation Hangouts with Tech Experts
101 words in 23 H2-H6 headings
This month's series: How we make space for nature | September's theme is 'Making Space for Nature' | What is Transition? | The Transition Interview: George Monbiot | Addressing drought by thinking like a forest | Latest Transition Culture blog post | The Second Life of Sally Mottram: a review | REconomy Project | Featured resource | Featured project | What can I do? | Find Transition Nearby | Sign up for newsletter | Transition Network is on the road | Transition Conversations - a series of Free Webinars | Watch the film: In Transition 2.0 | Looking for Transition Culture? | Read the newspaper: Transition Free Press | Top stories | Latest initiatives | Social Reporters latest | REconomy Latest | Follow Us
29 words in 6 H2-H6 headings
Save all year on train travel | How do I buy a Network Railcard? | What discounts do I get? | When can I use my Network Railcard? | Perfect for days out
1847 words in 242 H2-H6 headings
About us | Newsletter | Follow | Supporting companies in a scale-up revolution | Encouraging technical innovation and high-growth SMEs | Trading places: Preparing Britain for global opportunity | The Italian left a crossroads: Where now for the PD? | Publications | Owning the Future | Why Institutions Matter in the Eurozone | Mending the Fractured Economy | Making Progressive Politics Work | British Political Parties in Europe | The Unhappy State of the Union | Education, Pre-distribution and Social Justice | Competing in a Race to the Top | The Europe Dilemma | Governing Britain | Contracts not Hand-Outs | Britain’s Financial Services Industry in a Changing Europe | Labour’s Economic Path to Power | Making Markets Work | A New Promise for Europe | Progressive Politics after the Crash | Economic Governance in a Non-Federal EU | Politics in the Austerity State | Left without a Future? | Takeovers and the Public Interest | Network | In the media | Chuka Umunna: How Britain can win in the new global economy | Ed Miliband to change tone on big companies | Lord Adonis review backs devolution as key to 'balanced economic recovery' | The British centre-left must espouse a practical vision of a progressive capitalism | Labour offers olive branch to business by targeting tax and investment | Murnaghan 22.06.14 Interview with Lord Liddle | The new working class | Reformers should be given more time, says Dijsselbloem | Social democracy is on the ropes – it needs a new vision | Une Europe plus sociale passe par des engagements réciproques | Los nuevos inseguros en la sociedad 5-75-20 | Exclusive: Admit you’ll have to raise taxes if you win next election, Ed Miliband told | We need a radical reform of the tax system | Vänstern söker sin reformagenda | Labour bets on living standards being key issue as 2015 elections near | A spad's view: the good, the bad and the ugly of Whitehall policymaking | How the left can win in the 5-75-20 society | ‘The Europe Dilemma’, by Roger Liddle | Labour denies report of European socialist party walkout | Ed Miliband has closed a route to Britain’s EU exit | Britain should keep open possibility of joining euro, says Labour frontbencher | Angela Merkel ready to offer Britain limited EU opt-outs | Governing Britain: Power, Politics and the PM | Renzi, idee per fronteggiare Merkel | Labour needs to challenge the British tradition of government | Honesty is the best policy for political appointments | Nixon goes to China? | How Labour can counter the populist threat | George Osborne's Economic Recovery Like 'Groundhog Day', Warn Critics | Il ritorno del salario minimo | The two big lessons for the UK from Germany and the Nordics | Labour must wise up to what voters really want | London calling per il Pd (e il suo leader) | Book Review: Progressive Politics After the Crash | If Labour is to succeed, it must end its addiction to the state | Departmental determinism | Labour cannot just coast victory in 2015 | Autumn statement 2013: our writers' verdict | How Ed Miliband can continue to make the political weather | Labour's election success depends on its ability to prove its economic credibility | Labour is still weak on economic strategy, warns former Brown adviser | Zwarte Zondag in Europa | La crisi política europea castiga una socialdemocràcia que busca vots i discurs | Rød Agenda | A European shutdown? The 2014 European elections and the great recession | Not much left for Europe's left | David Cameron's speech at the Conservative conference | Grandi coalizioni, piccole sinistre | What Merkel's Win Means for Berlin's Allies | La sinistra e la sua camicia di forza | ’Venstrefløjen glemte at forny sin kritik af markedet’ | The new ‘progressive’ conservatism is a threat to the centre-left | Three ways for Britain's Labour party and Europe's left to find their voice | Ed Miliband needs to tell Britain what he’s really thinking | How to cure the malaise afflicting Europe’s left | Bad economic news for Europe is good news for Merkel and Cameron | David Miliband: The decade of disorder | Happy birthday, national minimum wage | Left Without a Future? by Anthony Painter: astute proposals, overly "pragmatic" | Mandelson to Carney: Pay attention to Europe | Ed Miliband’s wonkish pin-up | Lord Adonis launches review into UK growth plans | Meet Mr Predistribution: Jacob Hacker | Jacob Hacker on predistribution and Cameron PMQ jibe | Predistribution | Predistribution | How to reinvigorate the centre-left? Predistribution | How Labour can give real meaning to predistribution | Il battesimo triste dell’Alleanza dei progressisti | Thorning: Upopulær hjemme – populær ude | Is Labour ready to turn the state upside down in 2015? | François Hollande after One Year | Ed Miliband 'must do better in South to win general election' warns former Blair adviser | It's foolish for Labour to think that the voters have turned left | Hard lessons | Local elections: Ukip surge gives all parties cause for concern | Local elections: 10 things we've learned | Hollande gambling on election defeat for Merkel as French influence fades | Jo Johnson: a left-field choice to be David Cameron's policy chief | Dagli Usa alla sua Europa, le amicizie internazionali di Letta | Divided Kingdom | Das Dilemma der Europa-Linken | Gör sig redo att ta över | Stefan Löfven – en radikal och global politiker? | ’Lighed er en gammel socialdemokratisk værdi, som bør stå langt klarere’ | John Ivison: Is a ‘Tony Blair moment’ enough to save Thomas Mulcair’s NDP? | Conference gauges the progress of progressives | Europe's center left defends welfare amid austerity | Europe's center left defends welfare amid austerity | Conference gauges the progress of progressives | Etat-providence et austérité, défi de la gauche européenne | Tony Blair is right: the post-1945 social democratic model has to change | Blair and Miliband split over future of Labour | Martin O'Malley heads to Denmark for progressive governance conference | L’incontro annuale dei progressisti | Una sinistra che perde pezzi? | O'Malley headed to Copenhagen | Thomas Mulcair pushes back at Liberals at home and abroad | Mulcair asserts party’s progressive credentials at home, abroad | Versagt Die großen Parteien haben in Europa selbst die Flanke zum Populismus geöffnet | Spend and borrow will not save the left | We can’t limit free speech. Even for Di Canio | Spend and borrow will not save the left | Why Ukip, the Tea Party and Beppe Grillo pose a threat to the mainstream | The populist signal is getting louder - and mainstream politics is under threat | The EU must work for the people, not for the beauty of processes | Labour and public spending | Europas Initiativen gegen Gehaltsexzesse: Aufstand gegen die Abzocker | The Eastleigh byelection: the lessons for Labour | Eastleigh result raises doubts about Cameron's general election prospects | Herman Van Rompuy attacks Cameron's plans to claw back powers from Brussels | EU leader warns Britain over referendum plans | Gilmore says long period of UK uncertainty not in anyone's interest | You can quit EU but not 'for free' warns Herman Van Rompuy | 'Perhaps the EU can be tolerated after all': polls show in-out promise has boosted support for remaining | EU's Rehn urges euro debtors to keep mending finances | Cameron warned over EU campaign | EU leader warns Britain over referendum | Van Rompuy advierte a Reino Unido que dejar la UE "no sale gratis" | Van Rompuy advierte a Cameron de que salir de la Unión Europea no es gratis | Van Rompuy advierte a Cameron de que salir de la Unión Europea no es gratis | Van Rompuy advierte del peligro de nuevas "réplicas" en la crisis del euro | Van Rompuy alerta de que la crisis puede provocar nuevas "réplicas" | Van Rompuy: "Aan een Brits vertrek uit EU hangt een prijskaartje" | Van Rompuy: 'Aan een Brits vertrek uit EU hangt een prijskaartje' | Une sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union aurait «un prix» | Van Rompuy : une sortie du Royaume-Uni de l'UE aura "un prix" | Veiled Warning to Britain From a Bloc Leader | Une sortie du Royaume-Uni de l'UE aura "un prix" pour Londres | "Une sortie du Royaume-Uni de l'UE aura un prix pour Londres" | Une sortie du Royaume-Uni de l'UE aura "un prix" pour Londres | David Cameron's EU referendum bolsters support for membership | Britain must not 'undo' EU by leaving, says Olli Rehn | Rehn says EU's bank bonus cap in line with commitments | Rehn says EU's bank bonus cap in line with commitments | Rehn says EU's bank bonus cap in line with commitments | Van Rompuy tells Britain leaving EU "does not come for free" | Van Rompuy hits at Cameron on treaty change | EU council leader attacks UK plans to rewrite membership | Kto ma rządzić w Europie? | Rapport: Nordisk velfærdsmodel kan gøre Europa konkurrencedygtig | The bias towards traditional welfare threatens social justice | Les travaillistes britanniques mal à l'aise sur l'Europe | EU referendum talk weakens UK's hand | Our welfare state is being transformed under false pretences | Workers who claim benefits told to increase hours or lose universal credit | Operaisti o blairiani? Torna il dilemma della sinistra europea | La Ue vuole il veto sui nostri conti, Monti dice no e il Pd? | Innovation: let the good risk-takers get their reward | Lecciones de la campaña de Obama en un encuentro con Bill Clinton | Clinton, Blair come si vince l’antipolitica | Una nuova Terza Via e quei vecchi progressisti da non rottamare | For Miliband, isolation from Europe would be a grave error | Bill Clinton joins US chorus of concerns about independence | Britain awaits an inevitable referendum | Europrogressisti: tutti a Londra da Blair e Clinton | David Miliband: ecco il mio centrosinistra | Austerity is here to stay, and we'd better get used to it | Interview with David Miliband | Labour, the Left and Europe | Der Euroskeptizismus ist gewachsen | The EU budget's value, not size, is what's important | ¿Qué es exactamente la unión política? | Road to hell beckons as EU's dangerous drift continues | Left needs credible economics, Gilmore says | Left must show 'credibility' | I progressisti non sono più quelli di una volta | Financial crisis deepens British Euroscepticism | Financial crisis deepens British Euroscepticism | I progressisti non sono più quelli di una volta | L'intégration politique de l'UE est un moyen pas une fin | Predistribution 'creating fairer society' | Jacob Hacker Interview on Pre-distribution | Ed Miliband Speech: Panel Verdict | Joke was lost on me, says Miliband’s political guru | Goodbye Beveridge: Welfare's end nears | British Social Attitudes Survey | Britain risks a lost decade unless it changes course | Olanda, una scossa ai progressisti | The Dutch opt for centre-right reliability over populism | Predistribution: an unsnappy name for an inspiring idea | Andrew Marr shines a light on the key events around the world this week | La Terza via rialza la testa | Larry Summers warns of 1930s slump threat to UK economy | Ed Miliband unveils 'predistribution' plan to fix economy | Miliband Urges Move To High-Skill Economy | Labour must restore economic credibility | How would Labour get growth in the economy? | What would Labour do? | Co-ops are doing Britain proud, but is it mutual? | Le Royaume-Uni pourrait rejoindre une zone euro ayant retrouvé sa stabilité | How Miliband could help Hollande drive Europe forward | Cameron's promise of more austerity is an election trap for Labour | Banks must learn to reward the good risks | Review: After the third way | Britain and the EU | Help Britain do what it does best: make stuff | Hollande and Merkel Face Berlin Showdown | The new Paris-Berlin Axis will hinge on Monti | Hollande will go via Brussels to rescue France | Fear of disillusionment in the UK | Southern comfort? | An in-out referendum on EU membership? | Peter Mandelson calls for EU referendum | The travails of Europe's centre-left | Mayday for the European Left | After the Third Way | Is Europe's Left ready to govern? | What we are reading | Ideas and debate | State of the Left | Sign up to our newsletter
31 words in 5 H2-H6 headings
Recruit in 132 countries via one single point of contact... | Your company is based in: | Your local expert is: | Please get in touch with: | Discover The Network members around the globe

H2-H6 headings of competitors for the keyword networks contain 56 words in 23 headings on average.

Page H2-H6 headings
145 words in 59 H2-H6 headings
Contents | History [ edit ] | Properties [ edit ] | Network packet [ edit ] | Network topology [ edit ] | Network links [ edit ] | Wired technologies [ edit ] | Wireless technologies [ edit ] | Exotic technologies [ edit ] | Network nodes [ edit ] | Network interfaces [ edit ] | Repeaters and hubs [ edit ] | Bridges [ edit ] | Switches [ edit ] | Routers [ edit ] | Modems [ edit ] | Firewalls [ edit ] | Network structure [ edit ] | Common layouts [ edit ] | Overlay network [ edit ] | Communications protocols [ edit ] | Ethernet [ edit ] | Internet Protocol Suite [ edit ] | SONET/SDH [ edit ] | Asynchronous Transfer Mode [ edit ] | Geographic scale [ edit ] | Organizational scope [ edit ] | Intranets [ edit ] | Extranet [ edit ] | Internetwork [ edit ] | Internet [ edit ] | Darknet [ edit ] | Routing [ edit ] | Network service [ edit ] | Network performance [ edit ] | Quality of service [ edit ] | Network congestion [ edit ] | Network resilience [ edit ] | Security [ edit ] | Network security [ edit ] | Network surveillance [ edit ] | End to end encryption [ edit ] | Views of networks [ edit ] | See also [ edit ] | References [ edit ] | Further reading [ edit ] | External links [ edit ] | Navigation menu | Personal tools | Namespaces | Variants | Views | More | Search | Navigation | Interaction | Tools | Print/export | Languages
54 words in 24 H2-H6 headings
Contents | Biological, biosocial, electric, and electronic [ edit ] | Mathematics [ edit ] | Proper nouns (names) [ edit ] | Art, entertainment, and media [ edit ] | In film [ edit ] | In gaming [ edit ] | In music [ edit ] | In print [ edit ] | In television [ edit ] | In organizations [ edit ] | See also [ edit ] | Navigation menu | Personal tools | Namespaces | Variants | Views | More | Search | Navigation | Interaction | Tools | Print/export | Languages
121 words in 48 H2-H6 headings
Contents | Overview [ edit ] | History [ edit ] | Levels of analysis [ edit ] | Micro level [ edit ] | Meso level [ edit ] | Macro level [ edit ] | Theoretical links [ edit ] | Imported theories [ edit ] | Indigenous theories [ edit ] | Structural holes [ edit ] | Information benefits [ edit ] | Social capital mobility benefits [ edit ] | Research clusters [ edit ] | Communications [ edit ] | Community [ edit ] | Complex networks [ edit ] | Criminal networks [ edit ] | Diffusion of innovations [ edit ] | Demography [ edit ] | Economic sociology [ edit ] | Health care [ edit ] | Human ecology [ edit ] | Language and linguistics [ edit ] | Literary networks [ edit ] | Organizational studies [ edit ] | Social capital [ edit ] | Social media [ edit ] | See also [ edit ] | References [ edit ] | Further reading [ edit ] | External links [ edit ] | Organizations [ edit ] | Peer-reviewed journals [ edit ] | Textbooks and educational resources [ edit ] | Data sets [ edit ] | Navigation menu | Personal tools | Namespaces | Variants | Views | More | Search | Navigation | Interaction | Tools | Print/export | Languages
18 words in 6 H2-H6 headings
Related Terms | Top 5 Network Questions | Related Webopedia Articles | Related Links | We Recommend | Datamation Hangouts with Tech Experts
17 words in 6 H2-H6 headings
Stabilize The Air | Secure The Air | Simplify The Air | Smarten-Up The Air | Customer Success Stories | Learn More
30 words in 13 H2-H6 headings
Secure Mobility Redefined | LAUSD Moves to 1:1 Computing | ClearPass - A Security Leader | Airheads Local 2014 | Verticals | Gartner Magic Quadrant | Aruba is a leader | News | Communities | Products | Solutions | Support | Communities
58 words in 16 H2-H6 headings
JOURNAL TOOLS | JOURNAL MENU | FIND ISSUES | FIND ARTICLES | GET ACCESS | FOR CONTRIBUTORS | ABOUT THIS JOURNAL | SPECIAL FEATURES | Recently Published Issues | INOC 2015 - 7th International Network Optimization Conference | Glover-Klingman Prize Winners: | Enjoy the latest papers publishing in Networks: | Mathematicians - we want to hear from you! | Networks Call for Papers: Special Issue Metaheuristics in Network Optimization | SEARCH | SEARCH BY CITATION
11 words in 2 H2-H6 headings
The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking | Email a Friend
No H2-H6 headings
46 words in 30 H2-H6 headings
Choose Country | North America | Latin America | Europe | Asia Pacific | Enterprise | Service Provider | Public Sector | Business Needs  | Locations / Architectures  | Industries  | Juniper Insights  | Business Needs  | Locations / Architectures  | Segments  | Business Needs  | Locations / Architectures  | Verticals  | Products by Category | Services | All Products & Services | About Juniper | News And Information | The Juniper Difference

H2-H6 headings of competitors for the keyword business networks contain 132 words in 36 headings on average.

Page H2-H6 headings
7 words in 4 H2-H6 headings
Buffet | Ponydog | Upcoming events | Our latest Tweet
56 words in 25 H2-H6 headings
182 words in 24 H2-H6 headings
Visit one of our networks | Over 21 Years Of Providing Professional Networking Events For Senior Decision Makers | There is a very good reason why The Business Network is still so popular over 21 years on from its launch in the UK - it works! Attracting senior decision-makers to the monthly, lunchtime events, the unique, professional and business focused format offers an effective environment for building close working links and establishing that invaluable 'support network' of business contacts. | But we shouldn't be telling you how great we are - come to one of our events and hear it from our members; they will give you a clearer picture as to how they have benefited from being involved. | The Business Network Liverpool Launching 16th October | News | What our members say... | Next Events | Bolton and Bury Business Network | Chester Business Network | Derby Business Network | Hull Business Network | Lancaster Business Network | Lincoln Business Network | Liverpool Business Network | London Central Business Network | Manchester Business Network | Nottingham Business Network | Central and East Lancashire Business Network | South Herts Business Network | South Manchester Business Network | South Humberside Business Network | Warrington Business Network
241 words in 69 H2-H6 headings
England | Scotland | Wales | Northern Ireland | TOWNS/CITIES A-G: | TOWNS/CITIES H-N: | TOWNS/CITIES O-U: | TOWNS/CITIES V-Z: | England | Scotland | Wales | Northern Ireland | England | Scotland | Wales | Northern Ireland | England | Scotland | Wales | Northern Ireland | Upcoming Events | Tue | Sep | 02 | 1200hrs - 1415hrs | Women in Business Network (Wells) | Wells Golf Club, Wells | Women in Business Network | Tue | Sep | 02 | 7.30am - 9.30am | Vibrant Network - Ombersley | Ombersley Golf Club, Droitwich | Vibrant Network | Tue | Sep | 02 | 12pm - 2pm | Athena Hampstead meeting | The Spaniards Inn Pub, London | Events for Dynamic Women | Latest Blog Posts | Video - King of Bathrooms: how one man challenged an entire industry | By Stuart Russell | 19 Aug 2014 | Networking Group Profile: The Business Golf Network | By Stuart Russell | 25 Jun 2014 | Hate networking? Why you’re much better at it than you think! | By Hannah Martin | 25 Jun 2014 | Networking News | PCG evolves to become IPSE, the UK's new association for the self-employed | By George Evans | 01 Sep 2014 | The Business Network - 21 Years Old | By Helen Bennett | 21 Aug 2014 | Athena Inspire Conference 2014 | By Angela Spiteri | 13 Aug 2014 | Networking Tips | Fancy setting up and running your own networking event? | 7 Steps to Creating and Maintaining a Positive Impression | Nervous about Networking? 3 top tips to get you out there | Networking Guide | A Quick Guide to Business Networking | Subscribe | Register | Ads | Premium Profile | Event Organisers - Upgrade to Premium Profile for less than £3.50/month! | Find out more... | Twitter | Follow us on Twitter | More about
743 words in 200 H2-H6 headings
Iranian & non-Iranian Business Networking London UK | 95 Business | Aim & Aspire Women's Business Club | 198 Entrepreneurs | #1 Business Boosting Speed Networking Club | 375 Club Members | Entrepreneurial Women’s Network | 2,433 Entrepreneurial Women | Career and Business Lounge | 172 Londoners | Business Mentoring | 1,285 Businesses | African Business Entrepreneur Networking | 190 Members | Networking London | 54 Londoner | Business Biscotti H/H - Informal Business Networking | 16 BB Networkers! | Richmond & Twickenham Business Networking Meeting | 34 People in business | Small Business Network | 213 Members | Branding Network | 367 Members | EBANG: Essex Business Advisers Networking Group | 17 EBANGERS | South London Child Friendly Networking Group | 9 Ambitious Parents | Business Brand Accelerator | 27 Entrepreneurs | Drinks & Links - London | 4,145 Great People | Entrepreneurs Networking Group | 132 Members | The Business Growth Blueprint: Learn to Grow Your Business | 111 The Elite Entrepreneurs | Kickass Entrepreneur Networking Event | 52 North London Entrepreneurs | Free Networking 1.30pm 18/12 @ Yager Bar EC4M8EN 07828664917 | 14 Business Networkers | Internet Marketing Help & Business Networking - Herts/Essex | 17 Seekers of Sales | International business network | 19 Members | London Achiever's Entrepreneur/ Property investors | 55 London Achiever's Entrepreneurs | Banking and Finance Professionals London (BFP London) | 1,528 Professionals | LIFE CHANGING EVENTS & SEMINARS in London for FREE | 203 Members | Tech Start-up Networking London | 171 Techies | exclusive Members Club | 99 Members of the Club | London Social Society | 787 London Socialites | The London Traders Network | 1,332 Traders | Freelancers and freespirits | 427 Kindred spirits | Business Workshops, Training and Networking | 49 Members | social networking for musicians,actors &creatives in general | 290 creatives | London Property Investors Network (pin) | 227 CWpin Members | Premier Property Networking Club - London Canary Wharf | 97 Premier Club Gold Members | Freedom Works UK - Community Works | 32 Members | Islington Property Networking | 210 Islington Property Networkers | Likacoaching | 161 Professionals from Europe | Career Circus Young Professionals Network, London | 72 Young Professionals | London Business Angels & Entrepreneurs | 1,154 Entrepreneurs | The London Pro-Bono Accountants | 51 Entrepreneurs | The London Property Investors Meet | 722 London Property Professionals | International London Socialites- Professionals & Networkers | 556 I L Socialites | Accelerace | 115 Entrepreneurs | School for Startups Home Business Meetup | 223 Members | London Luxury: The Business of Luxury Goods and HNW services | 120 Luxury & wealth management folk | Freelance Brains | 221 freelancebrains | Six O'Clock Club London | 278 Six O'Clock Clubbers | The Communication Development Group | 111 Communication Team Members | Pollen London: the marketing networking night | 165 Networkers | Kent Success Group | 11 Kent Success Group | LinkedUp - Professional & Entrepreneur Networking | 33 Connected Londoners | Business and Social Networking Group | 132 Networkers | Grow your Business, keep the equity. | 180 Grant Maximisers | Shake On It (Business and social networking) | 45 Shakers | Business Skills Exchange | 23 Financial Freedom Seekers | Free Entrepreneurial Training Workshops | 116 The ambitious | London Banquet Plus | 114 Members | Using Social Experiences To Kick-Ass & Start A Movement | 20 Members | Interesting Talks London | 8,928 Interested Listeners | Silicon Roundabout | 5,733 Inner Circle | MiniBar | 7,233 Internet Professionals | AppsJunction-Developers, Startups, Investors, Speakers | 2,922 Apps Enthusiasts | The Twickenham Social Meetup | 1,109 Twickers Locals | London Behavioural Economics Network, monthly drinks | 697 members | Forward Partners Live - Tech Startup Speakers Events | 121 Members | Film Professionals Connection | 391 Filmmakers | Beermat Monday - London | 694 Members | Donatello Club London | 360 Friends | Startups @ London | 1,150 Entrepreneurs and Co-founders | CoFoundersLab Matchup London | 366 Entrepreneurs | The City of London Gay Meetup Group | 577 Members | LGBT Professionals | 335 LGBT Professionals | Spanish Conversation with Spanish Tutor in London | 632 Members | Broadgate Toastmasters - improve your public speaking skills | 619 Public Speakers | Peer2peer Legal Advice for Startups | 853 Members | Graduate Data Science Initiative | 382 Data Scientists | lesbian of colour socials - LOCS | 109 Members | Say YES! to your Life - UK Meetup Group! | 234 Transformational Members | London Giggle | 26 Girls | SATURDAY LIFE DRAWING AND COMEDY CLUB | 113 Saturday Artists | Chelsea Women’s Socialising and Networking Group (London) | 60 Ladies | #WomenRock | 15 Members | Female Formula | 192 Naturals | Asian Dinner Club | 461 Asian Singleton | Love Property in N1 Meetup Group | 261 Members | Innate Thought - A New Beginning | 53 Members | Lesbian & Gay Professionals | 44 L & G Professionals | London : Girl Gone International | 928 girls gone international | Online Mastery - Live Events and Meetups | 27 Outstanding Action Takers | Finance Your BitCoin Business & Meet BitCoin Investors | 155 UK BitCoiners | Union Black | 89 Members | Established Young Entrepreneurs Meetup | 124 Young Entrepreneurs | Peak Performers in London - Leadership Development Community | 79 Peak Performers | Taking Action, Making it Happen - Central London | 50 Members | London Osho Active Meditations Group | 1,355 Active Meditators | The Adobe & Web Open Source London Meetup Group | 115 Dreamweavers & Web Open Sources | AppFusion London | 821 mobile app folks | Zappers - Software Testing Community | 892 Zappers | Open Blend | 52 Members | MarketingTank | 125 Members
31 words in 18 H2-H6 headings
Contents | General business networking [ edit ] | Networked business [ edit ] | See also [ edit ] | References [ edit ] | External links [ edit ] | Navigation menu | Personal tools | Namespaces | Variants | Views | More | Search | Navigation | Interaction | Tools | Print/export | Languages
23 words in 7 H2-H6 headings
Network in the Centre | Network with us online | Helping you find other small business networks | Join us online | Success stories | e-newsletter | Contact us
10 words in 5 H2-H6 headings
WELCOME TO BUSINESS NETWORK | PR Services | Future Events | Flickr | Twitter
3 words in 1 H2-H6 headings
News and events
21 words in 11 H2-H6 headings
Base | Navigation | Categories | UK Women’s Business Networks | Related Posts | Profile cancel | Contributors | Get involved | Keep in touch | Popular topics | Blog Awards

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Bold texts of competitors for the keyword network contain 74 words in 40 text elements on average.

Page Bold text
29 words in 54 bold text elements
Informational (computing) | computer network | data network | RFC 1149 | a | b | a | b | 2009 | 16 | 3285 | a | b | a | b | Computer | Telecommunications | Telecommunication · | Computer network | Book | Category | Commons | Portal | Wikiquotes
28 words in 28 bold text elements
Network | needs additional citations for verification | Network (film) | Academy Award winner for Best Actor and Best Actress | Academy Award winner for | Best Actress and | Best Supporting Actress | Network
100 words in 50 bold text elements
Go to IMDbPro » | 8.2 | Hay que ver | Films I want to see. | 31 Days of Drama | Funniest combo of 2 classic AFI's Quotes ... | top 30 MOVIES YOU MUST SEE!!!!! | Network | Top 250 #175 | Won 4 Oscars. | Dog Day Afternoon | Director: | Stars: | Chinatown | Director: | Stars: | Cool Hand Luke | Director: | Stars: | The Night of the Hunter | Directors: | Stars: | The Grapes of Wrath | Director: | Stars: | The Sting | Director: | Stars: | The Apartment | Director: | Stars: | In the Name of the Father | Director: | Stars: | Touch of Evil | Director: | Stars: | Judgement at Nuremberg | Director: | Stars: | 8½ | Director: | Stars: | The Hustler | Director: | Stars: | Q: | Q: | Q: | Prescient...
66 words in 8 bold text elements
Cookies and | Network Rail reclassified from the private to the public sector | A reminder to farmers to use level crossings safely this harvest | Cambrian Coast railway re-open | Framework contracts awarded for building and civils work | New and updated information published on our transparency portal | Apprentices recruited to work on the Thameslink Programme | Talking statues of The Unknown Soldier and Isambard Kingdom Brunel at Paddington station
4 words in 1 bold text elements
© 2014 Network Distributing Ltd
20 words in 18 bold text elements
(n.) | local-area networks (LANs) | wide-area networks (WANs) | campus-area networks (CANs) | metropolitan-area networks MANs) | home-area networks (HANs) | topology | protocol | architecture | (v.)
31 words in 13 bold text elements
Read more here.  | Read more here. | Read more here. | Download this resource from the NEF site. | 'The Sensible Garden' | Read more about the garden here.  | St Andrews | Penwith | Bristol  | Berkhamsted  |
10 words in 5 bold text elements
Network Railcard | Save all year on train travel | £30 | ALL
435 words in 213 bold text elements
How Britain can Make it in a Fast Changing World | Understanding the Populist Signal | A Handbook Of Ideas | Evening Standard | The Financial Times | The Guardian | The Independent | The Guardian | Sky News | The Economist | EurActiv | The Guardian | La Tribune | El Dario | The Independent | The Independent | Dagens Arena | The Guardian | The Guardian | New Statesman | The Financial Times | EurActiv | The Financial Times | The Guardian | The Guardian | Progress | Il Foglio | The New Statesman | The Financial Times | The Economist | The New Statesman | Huffington Post | Europa | The New Statesman | The Guardian | Europa | LSE Review of Books | The New Statesman | The Economist | The Independent | The Guardian | The Guardian | The Guardian | The Guardian | MO* | ARA | Dagens Næringsliv | The Washington Post | Reuters | The Guardian | Il Foglio | Der Spiegel | Il Foglio | Dagbladet Information | The New Statesman | The Guardian | Prospect Magazine | The Financial Times | The Guardian | The New Statesman | Financial Times | The New Statesman | Financial Times | The New Statesman | The Guardian | The New Statesman | BBC News | BBC Daily Politics | Analysis - BBC Radio 4 | The Guardian | The New Statesman | Europa | Jyllands-Posten | The Guardian | BBC World News | The Independent | The Independent | The Economist | The Observer | The Guardian | The Guardian | The Guardian | Europa | The Economist | Die Zeit | Aftonbladet | Dagens Arena | Dagbladet Information | National Post | The Copenhagen Post | Reuters | Chicago Tribune | Jyllands-Posten | Reuters (France) | The Guardian | The Guardian | ABC News | Europa | Europa | Baltimore Sun | Metro News | The Canadian Press (CP) | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung | The Financial Times | The Times | Financial Times | The Guardian | New Statesman | EurActiv | BBC Westminster Hour | Spiegel Online | The Guardian | The Guardian | The Telegraph | Daily Nation | Irish Times | Express | The Independent | Reuters | ITV News | SKY News | Reuters (Latin America) | Que! | dario La Rioja | Expansión | El Diario Vasco | De Morgen | Volkskrant | Le Soir | Le Vif | New York Times | RTBF | 7Sur7 | RTL | Independent | The Telegraph | | Reuters | Reuters | Reuters | Financial Times | The Guardian | Gazeta Wyborcza | Dagbladet Information | New Statesman | | The Guardian | The Guardian | The Guardian | Europa | Linkiesta | The Guardian | EuropaPress | La Stampa | Europa | The Guardian | The Times | Financial Times | Europa | Europa | The Guardian | Europa | Analysis: BBC Radio 4 | | The Guardian | El Pais | Irish Times | Irish Times | Irish Times | Europa | Irish Times | The Irish Times | Europa | Le Monde | BBC News | BBC World at One | The Guardian | The Times | Financial Times | BBC Daily Politics | Financial Times | Europa | New Statesman | The Guardian | BBC The Andrew Marr Show | Europa | Telegraph | BBC News | Sky News | The Financial Times | BBC The Westminster Hour | BBC News | The Guardian | Les Echos | The Guardian | New Statesman | The Guardian | De Volkskrant | The Economist | The Guardian | Voice of America | Europa | Independent on Sunday | Libération | BBC Newsnight | The Economist | The Guardian | The Financial Times | The NewStatesman | El Pais | The Guardian
14 words in 8 bold text elements
you | wherever | whenever | one local expert | unrivalled coverage | The Network | Belgium | Louise Claeys Bouuaert

Bold texts of competitors for the keyword networks contain 44 words in 37 text elements on average.

Page Bold text
29 words in 54 bold text elements
Informational (computing) | computer network | data network | RFC 1149 | a | b | a | b | 2009 | 16 | 3285 | a | b | a | b | Computer | Telecommunications | Telecommunication · | Computer network | Book | Category | Commons | Portal | Wikiquotes
4 words in 4 bold text elements
network | networking | Network | networking
53 words in 100 bold text elements
Social | social network | Dyadic level | Triadic level | Actor level | Subset level | Organizations | Randomly distributed networks | Scale-free networks | Large-scale networks | Complex networks | a | b | 323 | a | b | c | 7 | a | b | 81 | a | b | a | b | 73 | 410 | 78 | a | b | c | a | b | c | d | 115 | 14 | 53 | 3 | Social networks | Social networks
20 words in 18 bold text elements
(n.) | local-area networks (LANs) | wide-area networks (WANs) | campus-area networks (CANs) | metropolitan-area networks MANs) | home-area networks (HANs) | topology | protocol | architecture | (v.)
No bold text
No bold text
109 words in 18 bold text elements
INOC 2015 | European Network Optimization Group (ENOG) | EURO | INOC 2015 - Call For Papers! | Networks | For full details of the INOC Call For Papers - Click Here | We are pleased to announce the winner of 2012 Glover-Klingman Prize: Bidirectional A* search on time-dependent road networks | View all the Glover-Klingman Award Winning Papers here | Virtual Issue on Network Interdiction Applications and Extensions. | Read all articles contained in this virtual issue! | Mathematicians - take our survey! | short mathematics survey. | Click here to start the survey now! | New Call For Papers! Special Issue: Metaheuristics in Network Optimization | 1st August 2014 | Click here to read the full details on the Special Issue: Metaheuristics in Network Optimization
47 words in 29 bold text elements
Journals | Books | Book types | Related topics | Authors | Editors | Reviewers | Early career researchers | Company info | Press | Elsevier Connect | Products | Subjects | Industries | Special offers | computer communications networking | Communication Network Architectures | Communication Network Protocols | Network Services | Applications | Network Security | Privacy | Network Operation | Management | Discrete Algorithms | Discrete Modeling | computer communications networking
No bold text
No bold text

Bold texts of competitors for the keyword business networks contain 98 words in 26 text elements on average.

Page Bold text
24 words in 6 bold text elements
read full post | read full post | Black Pearl Dinner | The Seed Pearl Breakfast | The Oyster Club Monthly Meeting | The Oyster Club All Pearls Lunch
529 words in 134 bold text elements
Username | Password | LOGIN | Login help | Password reminder | FREE LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUSINESS NETWORKING EVENTS | By Invitation Only | Cereal Networking | Changing Places @ Lunchtime | Changing Places | Retail Evenings | International Trade events | Policy events | Local Chamber events | events' calendar | At: | Time: | Nearest Station: | Patron, Premier Plus, Local Members and their guests: | Non-members who have already attended Time To Talk Business twice or more: | At | Time | If you are interested in meeting with them and viewing their profiles | E: | | T: +44 (0)20 7203 1822 | At | Time | For more information contact | E: | | T: +44 (0)20 7203 1700. | On | At | For more information contact | E: | | T: +44 (0)20 7203 1822 | Host Venue | At | Time | Sponsored by   | For more information contact | E: | T: +44 (0)20 7203 1700 | Patron Member | Premier Plus Member | Local Member | Members' Guest | A maximum of two places per company are available.  To secure your place/s, please click on the below link and complete the online booking form.  Telephone and email bookings will not be accepted. | When you are booking place/s on this event, you will be asked the following question: If you do NOT put a TICK in the box(es) provided your name, job title, company and business activity will be displayed on the printed guest list. | At | Time | Sponsored by   | For more information contact | E: | | T: +44 (0)20 7203 | Patron Member, Premier Plus Member and Members' Guest  FREE | Restricted to TWO attendees per Patron Member and Premier Plus Member company.  Telephone and email bookings will not be accepted. | At | Time | For more information contact | E: | | T:+44 (0)20 7556 2393 | Patron, Premier Plus, Local Member, Members' Guest: | Please note: Members' guests are only eligible to attend one Grapevine Network event before we invite them to join membership. To secure your place/s please click on the link below. Telephone and email bookings will not be accepted. | On | At | For more information contact | E: | | T: +44 (0)20 7203 1822 | At: | Time: | For more information contact | E: |  | T: +44 (0)20 7556 2393 | Our Host Venue | At | Time | Sponsored by   | For more information contact | E: | | T: +44 (0)20 7203 | 1700 | Patron Member, Premier Plus Member and Member's Guest | A maximum of two places per Member company is available.  To secure your place/s, please click on the below link and complete the online booking form.  Telephone and email bookings will not be accepted.  | At | Time | Nearest Station | Patron, Premier Plus, Local Members and their guests | Non-members who have already attended Time To Talk Business twice or more | A maximum of two places per company are available. | At | Time | For more information contact | E: | | T: +44 (0)20 7203 1876 | Supported by | Member and Non-member | At | Time |    Sponsored by   | Events Team, E: | | T: +44 (0)20 7203 1700.   | Patron Member, Premier Plus Member and Members' Guest  FREE | Restricted to TWO attendees per Patron Member and Premier Plus Member company.  Telephone and email bookings will not be accepted. | T: | 44 (0)20 7203 1881 | E: | | here | online application form
No bold text
3 words in 2 bold text elements
Featured Events | highlighting
No bold text
16 words in 4 bold text elements
does not cite any references or sources | may be confusing or unclear to readers | Business networking
8 words in 5 bold text elements
BIPC | Knowledge Peers | Startups | Striding Out | Women Unlimited
No bold text
4 words in 1 bold text elements
Five PhD Scholarships available
99 words in 30 bold text elements
Association of Scottish Businesswomen | Business Women’s Link | Cambridge Businesswomen’s Network | East London Creative Women Business Network | Fabulous Women | Flying Start | Forward Ladies | Highflying Divas | Networking Women | Norwich Business Women’s Network | Rural Women’s Network | Sussex Women In Business | The Athena Network | The Women in Business Network | 1230 The Women’s Company | Vale  Women’s Business Network | WiRE | Women in Business Hull  | Women in Business NI | Women in Business (NW) | Women in Management | Women Mean Biz | WIN | Women Outside The Box | Women Unlimited | Canada | Canada and Ireland | Sign-up for the Newsletter! | You've been here for 3 minutes... why not sign-up for our newsletter?

Italic text details

No italicised text

Italicised texts of competitors for the keyword network contain 81 words in 30 elements on average.

Page Italic text
131 words in 47 italicised text elements
Features | Types | packets | family | Twisted pair wire | Coaxial cable | optical fiber | Terrestrial microwave | Communications satellites | Cellular and PCS systems | Radio and spread spectrum technologies | Free-space optical communication | switch | citation needed | Layer 3 switches | Prefix-Length | Metric | Administrative distance | congestive collapse | Hepting v. AT&T | Computer network definition | UCLA | a | b | Ethernet The Definitive Guide | Interplanetary Internet | a | b | Resilient Overlay Networks | project web site | IEEE Network | Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach | New global standard for fully networked home | IEEE P802.3ba 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s Ethernet Task Force | Computer Fraud & Security | Richmond Journal of Law and Technology | Domain names - Implementation and Specification | Teletraffic Engineering Handbook | Lecture Notes in Computer Science | a | b | American Civil Liberties Union | American Civil Liberties Union | a | b | Computer Networking with Internet Protocols and Technology | The Telephone Cases
249 words in 95 italicised text elements
Network | Network | UBS Evening News | Mao Tse-Tung Hour | The Howard Beale Show | en masse | his | plus | The Howard Beale Show | The Mao Tse-Tung Hour | (January 2013) | The Hospital | Network | The New York Times | Network | Network | Empire | The New Yorker | Time Out | Network | Network | The Bad and the Beautiful | Mad As Hell | Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip | The Social Network | NETWORK | United Artists | Journalism in the Movies | | Little Steven's Underground Garage | Empire | Network | The New York Times | Rotten Tomatoes | Network | Network | Empire | The New Yorker | Halliwell's Film Guide, 6th edition | Time Out Film Guide, The (3rd Edition) | The New York Times | Network (film) | Network | Network | Network | Network | One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest | Coming Home | Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? | Moonstruck | 12 Angry Men | Stage Struck | That Kind of Woman | The Fugitive Kind | A View from the Bridge | Long Day's Journey Into Night | The Pawnbroker | Fail-Safe | The Hill | The Group | The Deadly Affair | Bye Bye Braverman | The Sea Gull | The Appointment | King: A Filmed Record... Montgomery to Memphis | Last of the Mobile Hot Shots | The Anderson Tapes | Child's Play | The Offence | Serpico | Lovin' Molly | Murder on the Orient Express | Dog Day Afternoon | Network | Equus | The Wiz | Just Tell Me What You Want | Prince of the City | Deathtrap | The Verdict | Daniel | Garbo Talks | Power | The Morning After | Running on Empty | Family Business | Q & A | A Stranger Among Us | Guilty as Sin | Night Falls on Manhattan | Critical Care | Gloria | Strip Search | Find Me Guilty | Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
6 words in 1 italicised text elements
Written by Bruce Janson>
No italicised text
6 words in 2 italicised text elements
8 hours ago | 8 hours ago
13 words in 7 italicised text elements
By Vangie Beal | Ethernet | IBM token-ring network | peer-to-peer | client/server architecture | nodes | servers
No italicised text
No italicised text
No italicised text
No italicised text

Italicised texts of competitors for the keyword networks contain 93 words in 28 elements on average.

Page Italic text
131 words in 47 italicised text elements
Features | Types | packets | family | Twisted pair wire | Coaxial cable | optical fiber | Terrestrial microwave | Communications satellites | Cellular and PCS systems | Radio and spread spectrum technologies | Free-space optical communication | switch | citation needed | Layer 3 switches | Prefix-Length | Metric | Administrative distance | congestive collapse | Hepting v. AT&T | Computer network definition | UCLA | a | b | Ethernet The Definitive Guide | Interplanetary Internet | a | b | Resilient Overlay Networks | project web site | IEEE Network | Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach | New global standard for fully networked home | IEEE P802.3ba 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s Ethernet Task Force | Computer Fraud & Security | Richmond Journal of Law and Technology | Domain names - Implementation and Specification | Teletraffic Engineering Handbook | Lecture Notes in Computer Science | a | b | American Civil Liberties Union | American Civil Liberties Union | a | b | Computer Networking with Internet Protocols and Technology | The Telephone Cases
9 words in 8 italicised text elements
network | networking | Network | Network | Network | Thomas | net_work | Network
389 words in 99 italicised text elements
Outline | History | Features | Types | Gemeinschaft | Gesellschaft | a | b | Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications | Organizations and Organizing | The Development of Social Network Analysis: A Study in the Sociology of Science | Science | Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World | a | b | c | Social Network Analysis: A Handbook | Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft | Community and Society | De la division du travail social: étude sur l'organisation des sociétés supérieures | The Division of Labor in Society, | Soziologie | The Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis | Social Network Analysis: A Handbook | The Family Among the Australian Aborigines: A Sociological Study | The social organization of Australian tribes | Oceania | Les structures élémentaires de la parenté | The Elementary Structures of Kinship | Human Relations | Connections | The Sociological Review | The Structure of Social Action: A Study in Social Theory with Special Reference to a Group of European Writers | The Social System | Bureaucracy in Modern Society | The American Journal of Sociology | Exchange and Power in Social Life | Sociologica | Social Structures: A Network Approach | Nature Physics | Contemporary Sociology | Social network analysis : methods and applications | a | b | American Journal of Sociology | a | b | Journal of Organizational Behavior | "Graph Theoretical Approaches to Social Network Analysis." in Computational Complexity: Theory, Techniques, and Applications (Robert A. Meyers, ed.) | American Journal of Sociology | a | b | Political Analysis | Physical Review E | Nature | Social networks and organisations | American Journal of Sociology | a | b | c | American Journal of Sociology | a | b | c | d | Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition | Principles of Political Economy | Harvard Business School Review | Administrative Science Quarterly | American Journal of Sociology | The Journal of Economic Perspectives | Social Networks and Health | Ecology and Society | Resilience Science | Journal of Applied Psychology | Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication | American Behavioral Scientist | Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication | Social Structures: A Network Approach | Social Network Analysis: a handbook | Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications | Linked: How everything is connected to everything else and what it means for business, science, and everyday life | The Development of Social Network Analysis: A Study in the Sociology of Science | Encyclopedia of Social Networks | Understanding Social Networks: Theories, Concepts, and Findings | Networked: The New Social Operating System. | The Structure of Complex Networks: Theory and Applications | Ad-hoc-Social-Network-A-Comprehensive-Survey | Social Networks | Network Science | Journal of Social Structure | Journal of Mathematical Sociology | Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM) | Connections | Networks, Crowds, and Markets | Introduction to Social Networks Methods | Social networks | list | Geisteswissenschaft
13 words in 7 italicised text elements
By Vangie Beal | Ethernet | IBM token-ring network | peer-to-peer | client/server architecture | nodes | servers
No italicised text
No italicised text
12 words in 7 italicised text elements
Networks | A* | Giacomo Nannicini, Daniel Delling, Dominik Schultes, Leo Liberti | Networks | Networks
4 words in 2 italicised text elements
Computer Networks | Computer Networks
No italicised text
No italicised text

Italicised texts of competitors for the keyword business networks contain 44 words in 5 elements on average.

Page Italic text
No italicised text
116 words in 2 italicised text elements
When we were first approached to join we were a little skeptical as to how useful the networking would actually be.  However we have found all the sessions really well organised and a genuine opportunity for us to develop contacts and practice our skills.  It is particularly beneficial that the membership is for the whole company not just an individual, as this has allowed all of our management team to attend sessions of particular relevance/interest for them. - Liz Live Z-Card Ltd | A maximum of two places per company are available.  To secure your place/s, please click on the below link and complete the online booking form.  Telephone and email bookings will not be accepted.
68 words in 20 italicised text elements
Affiliate | The Business Network Liverpool Launching 16th October | Read More... | Click here to learn more | TMS12 Ltd | Red Hall | The Chester Grosvenor | The Gateway Suite - Derbyshire County Cricket Club | The Hallmark Hotel, North Ferriby | Lancaster House Hotel | Jacosta's | Thistle Liverpool City Centre - Atlantic Tower | Hotel Russell | Macdonald Manchester Hotel | Trent Bridge - Nottingham | Stanley House | Aldwickbury Park Golf Club | Pinewood on Wilmslow | Abbys Upstairs, Grimsby | The Mere Resort & Hotel
10 words in 3 italicised text elements
Women in Business Network | Vibrant Network | Events for Dynamic Women
0 words in 6 italicised text elements
19 words in 6 italicised text elements
(June 2014) | Networking' | (June 2014) | citation needed | The Display Hub by Display Wizard | Business networking: shaping collaboration between enterprises
No italicised text
0 words in 1 italicised text elements
6 words in 1 italicised text elements
Summer School in Social Network Analysis
0 words in 4 italicised text elements

Link anchor text details

45 words in 34 anchor texts

become a member now | member login | Forgot your password? | First Class Networking | No events in your basket | Home | Join | Book an event | Members directory | Venues | About | FAQs | Testimonials | Contact | Advertisement | All | Champagne Breakfast | Lunch | Evening | Built Environment Breakfast | Back to top | X | Advertise | Legal | webstars*

Anchor texts of competitors for the keyword network contain 913 words in 384 anchors on average.

Page Link anchor text
2883 words in 1695 anchor texts
navigation | search | Network science | Internet map 1024.jpg | Theory | Graph | Complex network | Contagion | Small-world | Scale-free | Community structure | Percolation | Evolution | Controllability | Graph drawing | Social capital | Link analysis | Optimization | Reciprocity | Closure | Homophily | Transitivity | Preferential attachment | Balance theory | Network effect | Social influence | Telecommunication | Social | Biological | Artificial neural | Interdependent | Semantic | Random graph | Spatial | Dependency | Flow | Graphs | Clique | Component | Cut | Cycle | Data structure | Edge | Loop | Neighborhood | Path | Vertex | Adjacency list | matrix | Incidence list | matrix | Bipartite | Complete | Directed | Hyper | Multi | Random | Weighted | Metrics | Algorithms | Centrality | Degree | Betweenness | Closeness | PageRank | Motif | Clustering | Degree distribution | Assortativity | Distance | Modularity | Random graph | Erdős–Rényi | Barabási–Albert | Watts–Strogatz | Exponential random (ERGM) | Epidemic | Hierarchical | Topics | Software | Network scientists | Graph theory | Network theory | v | t | e | telecommunications network | computers | data | network links | cable media | wireless media | Internet | network nodes | [1 ] | hosts | personal computers | phones | servers | networking hardware | applications | World Wide Web | application and storage servers | printers | email | instant messaging | physical media | communications protocols | topology | 1 History | 2 Properties | 3 Network packet | 4 Network topology | 4.1 Network links | 4.1.1 Wired technologies | 4.1.2 Wireless technologies | 4.1.3 Exotic technologies | 4.2 Network nodes | 4.2.1 Network interfaces | 4.2.2 Repeaters and hubs | 4.2.3 Bridges | 4.2.4 Switches | 4.2.5 Routers | 4.2.6 Modems | 4.2.7 Firewalls | 4.3 Network structure | 4.3.1 Common layouts | 4.3.2 Overlay network | 5 Communications protocols | 5.1 Ethernet | 5.2 Internet Protocol Suite | 5.3 SONET/SDH | 5.4 Asynchronous Transfer Mode | 6 Geographic scale | 7 Organizational scope | 7.1 Intranets | 7.2 Extranet | 7.3 Internetwork | 7.4 Internet | 7.5 Darknet | 8 Routing | 9 Network service | 10 Network performance | 10.1 Quality of service | 10.2 Network congestion | 10.3 Network resilience | 11 Security | 11.1 Network security | 11.2 Network surveillance | 11.3 End to end encryption | 12 Views of networks | 13 See also | 14 References | 15 Further reading | 16 External links | edit | History of the Internet | public switched telephone network | Semi-Automatic Ground Environment | semi-automatic business research environment | J.C.R. Licklider | Intergalactic Computer Network | ARPANET | Advanced Research Projects Agency | Dartmouth Time Sharing System | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | General Electric | Bell Labs | Leonard Kleinrock | Paul Baran | Donald Davies | packets | Lawrence G. Roberts | wide area network | ARPANET | telephone switch | Western Electric | University of California at Los Angeles | Stanford Research Institute | University of California at Santa Barbara | University of Utah | ARPANET | [2 ] | X.25 | TCP/IP | Robert Metcalfe | Xerox PARC | Ethernet | Aloha network | Norman Abramson | University of Hawaii | Robert Metcalfe | David Boggs | [3 ] | [4 ] | Datapoint Corporation | ARCNET | [4 ] | edit | electrical engineering | telecommunications | computer science | information technology | computer engineering | Distributed computing | computer Crackers | computer viruses | computer worms | denial of service | edit | Network packet | data | packet-switched network | point-to-point telecommunications links | bit stream | bandwidth | circuit switched | payload | network addresses | error detection | headers | trailers | edit | Network topology | edit | electrical cable | HomePNA | power line communication | | optical fiber | fiber-optic communication | radio waves | wireless networking | OSI model | LAN | Ethernet | IEEE 802.3 | IEEE 802.11 | radio waves | infrared | Power line communication | edit | Fiber optic cables | Twisted pair | Ethernet | IEEE 802.3 | crosstalk | electromagnetic induction | Coaxial cable | ITU-T | | home wiring | coaxial cable | power lines | optical fiber | undersea cables | [5 ] | edit | Wireless network | microwave | satellites | Cellular | spread spectrum | IEEE 802.11 | Wifi | Free-space optical communication | line-of-sight propagation | edit | IP over Avian Carriers | Request for Comments | RFC 1149 | [6 ] | [7 ] | round-trip delay time | edit | Node (networking) | system | network interface controller | repeaters | hubs | bridges | switches | routers | modems | firewalls | edit | ATM | network interface controller | computer hardware | network address | Ethernet | Media Access Control | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | octets | edit | repeater | electronic | signal | retransmitted | hub | propagation delay | 5-4-3 rule | edit | network bridge | network segments | data link layer | OSI model | edit | network switch | OSI layer 2 | datagrams | ports | [8 ] | [9 ] | Multi-layer switches | URL | edit | ADSL | Ethernet | router | packets | edit | Modems | Digital Subscriber Line | edit | firewall | cyber attacks | edit | Network topology | edit | bus network | Ethernet | 10BASE5 | 10BASE2 | star network | Wireless LAN | Wireless access point | ring network | Fiber Distributed Data Interface | mesh network | fully connected network | tree network | FDDI | edit | overlay network | peer-to-peer | [10 ] | modems | telephone network | [10 ] | Address resolution | routing | distributed hash table | map | quality of service | streaming media | IntServ | DiffServ | IP Multicast | routers | citation needed | Internet service providers | Akamai Technologies | multicast | [11 ] | edit | Protocols in relation to the Internet layering scheme. | communications protocol | protocol stack | OSI model | HTTP | TCP | IP | IEEE 802.11 | Internet Protocol Suite | Ethernet | wireless router | [12 ] | [13 ] | TCP | IPv4 header | network layer | transport layer | connection-oriented | connectionless | circuit mode | packet switching | edit | Ethernet | IEEE 802 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | OSI model | IEEE 802.11 | Wireless LAN | IEEE 802 | MAC | bridging | IEEE 802.1D | Spanning Tree Protocol | IEEE 802.1Q | VLANs | IEEE 802.1X | Network Access Control | edit | Internet Protocol Suite | Internet protocol | Internet Protocol Version 4 | edit | Synchronous optical networking | multiplexing | circuit-switched | PCM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode | edit | Asynchronous Transfer Mode | time-division multiplexing | cells | Internet Protocol Suite | Ethernet | frames | circuit | packet | low-latency | connection-oriented | virtual circuit | next-generation networks | last mile | Internet service provider | [14 ] | edit | personal area network | [15 ] | local area network | node | Ethernet | ITU-T | | [16 ] | network layer | subnets | router | Internet Protocol | Internet | wide area network | data transfer rates | leased lines | IEEE 802.3 | IEEE | [17 ] | router | home area network | digital subscriber line | storage area network | campus area network | Cat5 | backbone network | network performance | network congestion | Internet backbone | wide area networks | core routers | Internet | Metropolitan area network | wide area network | OSI reference model | physical layer | data link layer | network layer | enterprise private network | virtual private network | global area network | wireless LANs | [18 ] | edit | Internet | edit | intranet | IP | edit | extranet | edit | internetwork | edit | | IP addresses | Class C | Internet | Internet Protocol Suite | Advanced Research Projects Agency Network | DARPA | United States Department of Defense | World Wide Web | IP addresses | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority | address registries | reachability | Border Gateway Protocol | edit | Darknet | F2F | [19 ] | protocols | ports | peer-to-peer | sharing | IP addresses | [20 ] | edit | Routing | circuit switching | packet switched networks | packet forwarding | network packets | nodes | routers | bridges | gateways | firewalls | switches | computers | routing tables | memory | Multipath routing | Administrative distance | bridging | network addresses | edit | Network services | servers | provide some functionality | World Wide Web | E-mail | [21 ] | printing | network file sharing | Domain Name System | IP | MAC addresses | [22 ] | DHCP | [23 ] | service protocol | edit | edit | network performance | quality of service | throughput | jitter | bit error rate | latency | packet-switched network | circuit switched | grade of service | [24 ] | Asynchronous Transfer Mode | quality of service | [25 ] | [26 ] | edit | Network congestion | quality of service | queueing delay | packet loss | blocking | offered load | throughput | Network protocols | retransmissions | congestion control | congestion avoidance | exponential backoff | 802.11 | CSMA/CA | Ethernet | window | TCP | fair queueing | routers | 802.1p | ITU-T | | Local area networking | RFC 2914 | edit | Network resilience | service | faults | [27 ] | edit | edit | Network security | policies | network administrator | unauthorized | [28 ] | edit | Network surveillance | Internet | social control | criminal | Total Information Awareness | high speed surveillance computers | biometrics | Communications Assistance For Law Enforcement Act | [29 ] | civil rights | privacy | Reporters Without Borders | Electronic Frontier Foundation | American Civil Liberties Union | mass surveillance | Hepting v. AT&T | [29 ] | [30 ] | hacktivist | Anonymous | [31 ] | [32 ] | edit | End-to-end encryption | digital communications | encrypting | Internet providers | application service providers | confidentiality | integrity | PGP | email | OTR | instant messaging | ZRTP | telephony | TETRA | server | clients | servers | Google Talk | Yahoo Messenger | Facebook | Dropbox | back door | encryption key | Skype | technical exploitation | clients | random number generators | key escrow | traffic analysis | edit | community of interest | peer-to-peer | routers | bridges | application layer gateways | subnets | virtual LAN (VLAN) | intranet | [33 ] | extranet | [33 ] | Internet Service Providers | Internet | IP address | Border Gateway Protocol | human-readable | Domain Name System | business-to-business (B2B) | business-to-consumer (B2C) | consumer-to-consumer (C2C) | communications security | Virtual Private Network | edit | Comparison of network diagram software | Cyberspace | History of the Internet | Network simulation | Virtual reality | Virtual world | edit | Computer network definition | "Internet Began 35 Years Ago at UCLA with First Message Ever Sent Between Two Computers" | UCLA | the original | Ethernet: Distributed Packet Switching for Local Computer Networks | a | b | ISBN | 1-56592-660-9 | [1] | "Bergen Linux User Group's CPIP Implementation" | Interplanetary Internet | "Define switch." | | a | b | R. Morris | Resilient Overlay Networks | Association for Computing Machinery | "End System Multicast" | "Design Principles for DSL-Based Access Solutions" | "personal area network (PAN)" | New global standard for fully networked home | IEEE P802.3ba 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s Ethernet Task Force | "Mobile Broadband Wireless connections (MBWA)" | doi | 10.1016/S1361-3723(09)70150-2 | "The Darknet: A Digital Copyright Revolution" | RFC 1035 | Computer Networks: A Systems Approach | Teletraffic Engineering Handbook | the original | Telecommunications Magazine Online | "State Transition Diagrams" | "Definitions: Resilience" | doi | 10.1007/978-3-540-30176-9_41 | ISBN | 978-3-540-23659-7 | help | a | b | "Is the U.S. Turning Into a Surveillance Society?" | "Bigger Monster, Weaker Chains: The Growth of an American Surveillance Society" | "Anonymous hacks UK government sites over 'draconian surveillance' " | Hacktivists in the frontline battle for the internet | a | b | RFC 2547 | public domain material | General Services Administration | "Federal Standard 1037C" | edit | William Stallings | Important publications in computer networks | edit | Networking | DMOZ | IEEE Ethernet manufacturer information | v | t | e | Telecommunications | History | Beacon | Broadcasting | Communications satellite | Computer network | Drums | Electrical telegraph | Fax | Heliographs | Hydraulic telegraph | Internet | Mass media | Mobile phone | Optical telecommunication | Optical telegraphy | Photophone | Prepaid mobile phone | Radio | Radiotelephone | Satellite communications | Smoke signals | Telecommunications history | Telegraphy | Telephone | The Telephone Cases | Television | Timeline of communication technology | Undersea telegraph line | Videoconferencing | Videophone | Videotelephony | Telecommunications symbol | Edwin Howard Armstrong | John Logie Baird | Alexander Graham Bell | Tim Berners-Lee | Jagadish Chandra Bose | Vint Cerf | Claude Chappe | Lee de Forest | Philo Farnsworth | Reginald Fessenden | Elisha Gray | Guglielmo Marconi | Alexander Stepanovich Popov | Johann Philipp Reis | Nikola Tesla | Camille Papin Tissot | Alfred Vail | Charles Wheatstone | Vladimir K. Zworykin | Transmission media | Coaxial cable | Free-space optical | Optical fiber | Radio waves | Telephone lines | Terrestrial microwave | Network topology | Links | Nodes | Terminal node | Network switching | circuit | packet | Telephone exchange | Multiplexing | Space-division | Frequency-division | Time-division | Polarization-division | Orbital angular-momentum | Code-division | Networks | ARPANET | BITNET | Ethernet | FidoNet | Internet | ISDN | LAN | Mobile | NGN | Public Switched Telephone | Radio | Telecommunications equipment | Television | Telex | WAN | Wireless | World Wide Web | v | t | e | Sovereign states | Algeria | Angola | Benin | Botswana | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cameroon | Cape Verde | Central African Republic | Chad | Comoros | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Republic of the Congo | Djibouti | Egypt | Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea | Ethiopia | Gabon | The Gambia | Ghana | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) | Kenya | Lesotho | Liberia | Libya | 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1001 words in 419 anchor texts
navigation | search | Networkmovie.jpg | Sidney Lumet | Fred C. Caruso | Paddy Chayefsky | Faye Dunaway | William Holden | Peter Finch | Robert Duvall | Lee Richardson | Elliot Lawrence | Owen Roizman | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer | United Artists | United Artists | [1 ] | [2 ] | satirical | Paddy Chayefsky | Sidney Lumet | television network | ratings | Faye Dunaway | William Holden | Peter Finch | Robert Duvall | Wesley Addy | Ned Beatty | Beatrice Straight | Academy Awards | Best Actor | Best Actress | Best Supporting Actress | Best Original Screenplay | preservation | National Film Registry | Library of Congress | 2002 | Producers Guild of America | [3 ] | screenplays | Writers Guild of America, East | 100 greatest American films | American Film Institute | ten years earlier | 1 Plot | 2 Cast | 3 Production | 4 Release | 4.1 Critical reception | 5 Awards and honors | 5.1 Academy Awards | 5.2 Golden Globes | 5.3 BAFTA Awards | 5.4 American Film Institute | 6 In popular culture | 7 References | 8 External links | edit | Howard Beale | anchor | Union Broadcasting System | [4 ] | radical terrorists | Symbionese Liberation Army | Mao Tse-Tung | Saudi Arabian | conglomerate | the White House | cosmology | populist | edit | Faye Dunaway | William Holden | Peter Finch | Howard Beale | Robert Duvall | Wesley Addy | Ned Beatty | Beatrice Straight | Jordan Charney | William Prince | Lane Smith | Marlene Warfield | Conchata Ferrell | Arthur Burghardt | Darryl Hickman | Lee Richardson | Kathy Cronkite | Walter Cronkite | Lance Henriksen | Ken Kercheval | Tim Robbins | [5 ] | [6 ] | edit | verification | improve this article | adding citations to reliable sources | Christine Chubbuck | [7 ] | NBC | Lin Bolen | [8 ] | [9 ] | United Artists | The Hospital | ABC | MGM | edit | New York City | wide release | edit | Vincent Canby | The New York Times | [10 ] | Rotten Tomatoes | [11 ] | Roger Ebert | [12 ] | Jerry Springer | Howard Stern | World Wrestling Federation | [13 ] | Empire | [14 ] | Pauline Kael | The New Yorker | [15 ] | Michael Billington | [16 ] | Chris Petit | Time Out | [17 ] | edit | edit | Best Actor | Peter Finch | Best Actress | Faye Dunaway | Best Supporting Actress | Beatrice Straight | Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen | Paddy Chayefsky | Heath Ledger | Best Supporting Actor | Gloria Grahame | The Bad and the Beautiful | [18 ] | Best Actor | William Holden | Best Supporting Actor | Ned Beatty | Best Cinematography | Owen Roizman | Best Film Editing | Alan Heim | Best Director | Sidney Lumet | Best Picture | edit | Best Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama | Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama | Best Director | Best Screenplay | Best Motion Picture – Drama | edit | Best Actor | Best Film | Best Direction | Best Actor | Best Actress | Best Supporting Actor | Robert Duvall | Best Screenplay | Best Editing | Best Sound | Dick Vorisek | edit | AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies | AFI's 100 Years...100 Laughs | AFI's 100 Years...100 Heroes & Villains | AFI's 100 Years...100 Movie Quotes | AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies (10th Anniversary Edition) | edit | Mad As Hell | Shaun Micallef | [19 ] | Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip | Aaron Sorkin | Academy Award | The Social Network | [20 ] | edit | " NETWORK (AA)" | United Artists | British Board of Film Classification | "Network, Box Office Information" | Box Office Mojo | Producers Guild Hall of Fame - Past Inductees | Original site | Christine Chubbuck | ISBN 0252029348 | "Network (1976)" | "Video of the 500th Show Celebration - Replay" | Empire: "Television will eat itself in Sidney Lumet's searing satire", October 1, 2008; via | Google Books: "Looking for Gatsby" By Faye Dunaway and Betsy Sharkey, p.304. | UPI, via Milwaukee Sentinel and Google News, "Producer Lin Bolen Denies She's 'Network' Character", July 31, 1978. | Review of Network | The New York Times | "Network" | Rotten Tomatoes | Flixster | Review of Network | Roger Ebert | Review of Network | "The 500 Greatest Movies Of All Time" | Archived | ISBN | 0-684-19051-6 | ISBN | 0-14-017513-X | "Oscar by the Numbers" | "Airdate: Shaun Micallef’s Mad as Hell" | "Screenplay by Aaron Sorkin Academy Awards Acceptance Speech" | Itzkoff, David | "Notes of a Screenwriter, Mad as Hell" | edit | Network (film) | Network | Internet Movie Database | Network | TCM Movie Database | Network | Box Office Mojo | Network | Rotten Tomatoes | One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest | Best Actor | Best Actress | Coming Home | Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? | Best Actress | Best Supporting Actress | Moonstruck | v | t | e | Sidney Lumet | 12 Angry Men | Stage Struck | That Kind of Woman | The Fugitive Kind | A View from the Bridge | Long Day's Journey Into Night | The Pawnbroker | Fail-Safe | The Hill | The Group | The Deadly Affair | Bye Bye Braverman | The Sea Gull | The Appointment | King: A Filmed Record... Montgomery to Memphis | Last of the Mobile Hot Shots | The Anderson Tapes | Child's Play | The Offence | Serpico | Lovin' Molly | Murder on the Orient Express | Dog Day Afternoon | Equus | The Wiz | Just Tell Me What You Want | Prince of the City | Deathtrap | The Verdict | Daniel | Garbo Talks | Power | The Morning After | Running on Empty | Family Business | Q & A | A Stranger Among Us | Guilty as Sin | Night Falls on Manhattan | Critical Care | Gloria | Strip Search | Find Me Guilty | Before the Devil Knows You're Dead | 616570533 | Categories | 1976 films | English-language films | 1970s comedy-drama films | American comedy-drama films | American satirical films | Films directed by Sidney Lumet | Screenplays by Paddy Chayefsky | Films about television | Films featuring a Best Actor Academy Award winning performance | Films featuring a Best Actress Academy Award winning performance | Films featuring a Best Drama Actor Golden Globe winning performance | Films featuring a Best Drama Actress Golden Globe winning performance | Films featuring a Best Supporting Actress Academy Award winning performance | Films set in New York City | Films whose director won the Best Director Golden Globe | Films whose writer won the Best Original Screenplay Academy Award | United States National Film Registry films | United Artists films | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer films | Use mdy dates from April 2012 | All film articles using the film date template | Articles needing additional references from January 2013 | All articles needing additional references | Create account | Log in | Article | Talk | Read | Edit | View history | Main page | Contents | Featured content | Current events | Random article | Donate to Wikipedia | Wikimedia Shop | Help | About Wikipedia | Community portal | Recent changes | Contact page | What links here | Related changes | Upload file | Special pages | Permanent link | Page information | Wikidata item | Cite this page | Create a book | Download as PDF | Printable version | العربية | Български | Català | Cymraeg | Deutsch | Ελληνικά | Español | Esperanto | فارسی | Français | Hrvatski | Italiano | עברית | ქართული | Magyar | Македонски | Bahasa Melayu | Nederlands | 日本語 | Norsk bokmål | Polski | Português | Русский | Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски | Suomi | Svenska | Türkçe | Українська | 中文 | Edit links | Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. | Privacy policy | About Wikipedia | Disclaimers | Contact Wikipedia | Developers | Mobile view | Wikimedia Foundation | Powered by MediaWiki
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The 2014 European elections and the great recession | Not much left for Europe's left | David Cameron's speech at the Conservative conference | Grandi coalizioni, piccole sinistre | What Merkel's Win Means for Berlin's Allies | La sinistra e la sua camicia di forza | ’Venstrefløjen glemte at forny sin kritik af markedet’ | The new ‘progressive’ conservatism is a threat to the centre-left | Three ways for Britain's Labour party and Europe's left to find their voice | Ed Miliband needs to tell Britain what he’s really thinking | How to cure the malaise afflicting Europe’s left | Bad economic news for Europe is good news for Merkel and Cameron | David Miliband: The decade of disorder | Happy birthday, national minimum wage | Left Without a Future? by Anthony Painter: astute proposals, overly "pragmatic" | Mandelson to Carney: Pay attention to Europe | Ed Miliband’s wonkish pin-up | Lord Adonis launches review into UK growth plans | Meet Mr Predistribution: Jacob Hacker | Jacob Hacker on predistribution and Cameron PMQ jibe | Predistribution | Predistribution | How to reinvigorate the centre-left? Predistribution | How Labour can give real meaning to predistribution | Il battesimo triste dell’Alleanza dei progressisti | Thorning: Upopulær hjemme – populær ude | Is Labour ready to turn the state upside down in 2015? | François Hollande after One Year | Ed Miliband 'must do better in South to win general election' warns former Blair adviser | It's foolish for Labour to think that the voters have turned left | Hard lessons | Local elections: Ukip surge gives all parties cause for concern | Local elections: 10 things we've learned | Hollande gambling on election defeat for Merkel as French influence fades | Jo Johnson: a left-field choice to be David Cameron's policy chief | Dagli Usa alla sua Europa, le amicizie internazionali di Letta | Divided Kingdom | Das Dilemma der Europa-Linken | Gör sig redo att ta över | Stefan Löfven – en radikal och global politiker? | ’Lighed er en gammel socialdemokratisk værdi, som bør stå langt klarere’ | John Ivison: Is a ‘Tony Blair moment’ enough to save Thomas Mulcair’s NDP? | Conference gauges the progress of progressives | Europe's center left defends welfare amid austerity | Europe's center left defends welfare amid austerity | Conference gauges the progress of progressives | Etat-providence et austérité, défi de la gauche européenne | Tony Blair is right: the post-1945 social democratic model has to change | Blair and Miliband split over future of Labour | Martin O'Malley heads to Denmark for progressive governance conference | L’incontro annuale dei progressisti | Una sinistra che perde pezzi? | O'Malley headed to Copenhagen | Thomas Mulcair pushes back at Liberals at home and abroad | Mulcair asserts party’s progressive credentials at home, abroad | Versagt Die großen Parteien haben in Europa selbst die Flanke zum Populismus geöffnet | Spend and borrow will not save the left | We can’t limit free speech. Even for Di Canio | Spend and borrow will not save the left | Why Ukip, the Tea Party and Beppe Grillo pose a threat to the mainstream | The populist signal is getting louder - and mainstream politics is under threat | The EU must work for the people, not for the beauty of processes | Labour and public spending | Europas Initiativen gegen Gehaltsexzesse: Aufstand gegen die Abzocker | The Eastleigh byelection: the lessons for Labour | Eastleigh result raises doubts about Cameron's general election prospects | Herman Van Rompuy attacks Cameron's plans to claw back powers from Brussels | EU leader warns Britain over referendum plans | Gilmore says long period of UK uncertainty not in anyone's interest | You can quit EU but not 'for free' warns Herman Van Rompuy | 'Perhaps the EU can be tolerated after all': polls show in-out promise has boosted support for remaining | EU's Rehn urges euro debtors to keep mending finances | Cameron warned over EU campaign | EU leader warns Britain over referendum | Van Rompuy advierte a Reino Unido que dejar la UE "no sale gratis" | Van Rompuy advierte a Cameron de que salir de la Unión Europea no es gratis | Van Rompuy advierte a Cameron de que salir de la Unión Europea no es gratis | Van Rompuy advierte del peligro de nuevas "réplicas" en la crisis del euro | Van Rompuy alerta de que la crisis puede provocar nuevas "réplicas" | Van Rompuy: "Aan een Brits vertrek uit EU hangt een prijskaartje" | Van Rompuy: 'Aan een Brits vertrek uit EU hangt een prijskaartje' | Une sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union aurait «un prix» | Van Rompuy : une sortie du Royaume-Uni de l'UE aura "un prix" | Veiled Warning to Britain From a Bloc Leader | Une sortie du Royaume-Uni de l'UE aura "un prix" pour Londres | "Une sortie du Royaume-Uni de l'UE aura un prix pour Londres" | Une sortie du Royaume-Uni de l'UE aura "un prix" pour Londres | David Cameron's EU referendum bolsters support for membership | Britain must not 'undo' EU by leaving, says Olli Rehn | Rehn says EU's bank bonus cap in line with commitments | Rehn says EU's bank bonus cap in line with commitments | Rehn says EU's bank bonus cap in line with commitments | Van Rompuy tells Britain leaving EU "does not come for free" | Van Rompuy hits at Cameron on treaty change | EU council leader attacks UK plans to rewrite membership | Kto ma rządzić w Europie? | Rapport: Nordisk velfærdsmodel kan gøre Europa konkurrencedygtig | The bias towards traditional welfare threatens social justice | Les travaillistes britanniques mal à l'aise sur l'Europe | EU referendum talk weakens UK's hand | Our welfare state is being transformed under false pretences | Workers who claim benefits told to increase hours or lose universal credit | Operaisti o blairiani? Torna il dilemma della sinistra europea | La Ue vuole il veto sui nostri conti, Monti dice no e il Pd? | Innovation: let the good risk-takers get their reward | Lecciones de la campaña de Obama en un encuentro con Bill Clinton | Clinton, Blair come si vince l’antipolitica | Una nuova Terza Via e quei vecchi progressisti da non rottamare | For Miliband, isolation from Europe would be a grave error | Bill Clinton joins US chorus of concerns about independence | Britain awaits an inevitable referendum | Europrogressisti: tutti a Londra da Blair e Clinton | David Miliband: ecco il mio centrosinistra | Austerity is here to stay, and we'd better get used to it | Interview with David Miliband | Labour, the Left and Europe | Der Euroskeptizismus ist gewachsen | The EU budget's value, not size, is what's important | ¿Qué es exactamente la unión política? | Road to hell beckons as EU's dangerous drift continues | Left needs credible economics, Gilmore says | Left must show 'credibility' | I progressisti non sono più quelli di una volta | Financial crisis deepens British Euroscepticism | Financial crisis deepens British Euroscepticism | I progressisti non sono più quelli di una volta | L'intégration politique de l'UE est un moyen pas une fin | Predistribution 'creating fairer society' | Jacob Hacker Interview on Pre-distribution | Ed Miliband Speech: Panel Verdict | Joke was lost on me, says Miliband’s political guru | Goodbye Beveridge: Welfare's end nears | British Social Attitudes Survey | Britain risks a lost decade unless it changes course | Olanda, una scossa ai progressisti | The Dutch opt for centre-right reliability over populism | Predistribution: an unsnappy name for an inspiring idea | Andrew Marr shines a light on the key events around the world this week | La Terza via rialza la testa | Larry Summers warns of 1930s slump threat to UK economy | Ed Miliband unveils 'predistribution' plan to fix economy | Miliband Urges Move To High-Skill Economy | Labour must restore economic credibility | How would Labour get growth in the economy? | What would Labour do? | Co-ops are doing Britain proud, but is it mutual? | Le Royaume-Uni pourrait rejoindre une zone euro ayant retrouvé sa stabilité | How Miliband could help Hollande drive Europe forward | Cameron's promise of more austerity is an election trap for Labour | Banks must learn to reward the good risks | Review: After the third way | Britain and the EU | Help Britain do what it does best: make stuff | Hollande and Merkel Face Berlin Showdown | The new Paris-Berlin Axis will hinge on Monti | Hollande will go via Brussels to rescue France | Fear of disillusionment in the UK | Southern comfort? | An in-out referendum on EU membership? | Peter Mandelson calls for EU referendum | The travails of Europe's centre-left | Mayday for the European Left | After the Third Way | Is Europe's Left ready to govern? | What we are reading | Ideas and debate | State of the Left | RSS | Facebook | Twitter | Flickr | Youtube | SoundCloud
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2883 words in 1695 anchor texts
navigation | search | Network science | Internet map 1024.jpg | Theory | Graph | Complex network | Contagion | Small-world | Scale-free | Community structure | Percolation | Evolution | Controllability | Graph drawing | Social capital | Link analysis | Optimization | Reciprocity | Closure | Homophily | Transitivity | Preferential attachment | Balance theory | Network effect | Social influence | Telecommunication | Social | Biological | Artificial neural | Interdependent | Semantic | Random graph | Spatial | Dependency | Flow | Graphs | Clique | Component | Cut | Cycle | Data structure | Edge | Loop | Neighborhood | Path | Vertex | Adjacency list | matrix | Incidence list | matrix | Bipartite | Complete | Directed | Hyper | Multi | Random | Weighted | Metrics | Algorithms | Centrality | Degree | Betweenness | Closeness | PageRank | Motif | Clustering | Degree distribution | Assortativity | Distance | Modularity | Random graph | Erdős–Rényi | Barabási–Albert | Watts–Strogatz | Exponential random (ERGM) | Epidemic | Hierarchical | Topics | Software | Network scientists | Graph theory | Network theory | v | t | e | telecommunications network | computers | data | network links | cable media | wireless media | Internet | network nodes | [1 ] | hosts | personal computers | phones | servers | networking hardware | applications | World Wide Web | application and storage servers | printers | email | instant messaging | physical media | communications protocols | topology | 1 History | 2 Properties | 3 Network packet | 4 Network topology | 4.1 Network links | 4.1.1 Wired technologies | 4.1.2 Wireless technologies | 4.1.3 Exotic technologies | 4.2 Network nodes | 4.2.1 Network interfaces | 4.2.2 Repeaters and hubs | 4.2.3 Bridges | 4.2.4 Switches | 4.2.5 Routers | 4.2.6 Modems | 4.2.7 Firewalls | 4.3 Network structure | 4.3.1 Common layouts | 4.3.2 Overlay network | 5 Communications protocols | 5.1 Ethernet | 5.2 Internet Protocol Suite | 5.3 SONET/SDH | 5.4 Asynchronous Transfer Mode | 6 Geographic scale | 7 Organizational scope | 7.1 Intranets | 7.2 Extranet | 7.3 Internetwork | 7.4 Internet | 7.5 Darknet | 8 Routing | 9 Network service | 10 Network performance | 10.1 Quality of service | 10.2 Network congestion | 10.3 Network resilience | 11 Security | 11.1 Network security | 11.2 Network surveillance | 11.3 End to end encryption | 12 Views of networks | 13 See also | 14 References | 15 Further reading | 16 External links | edit | History of the Internet | public switched telephone network | Semi-Automatic Ground Environment | semi-automatic business research environment | J.C.R. Licklider | Intergalactic Computer Network | ARPANET | Advanced Research Projects Agency | Dartmouth Time Sharing System | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | General Electric | Bell Labs | Leonard Kleinrock | Paul Baran | Donald Davies | packets | Lawrence G. Roberts | wide area network | ARPANET | telephone switch | Western Electric | University of California at Los Angeles | Stanford Research Institute | University of California at Santa Barbara | University of Utah | ARPANET | [2 ] | X.25 | TCP/IP | Robert Metcalfe | Xerox PARC | Ethernet | Aloha network | Norman Abramson | University of Hawaii | Robert Metcalfe | David Boggs | [3 ] | [4 ] | Datapoint Corporation | ARCNET | [4 ] | edit | electrical engineering | telecommunications | computer science | information technology | computer engineering | Distributed computing | computer Crackers | computer viruses | computer worms | denial of service | edit | Network packet | data | packet-switched network | point-to-point telecommunications links | bit stream | bandwidth | circuit switched | payload | network addresses | error detection | headers | trailers | edit | Network topology | edit | electrical cable | HomePNA | power line communication | | optical fiber | fiber-optic communication | radio waves | wireless networking | OSI model | LAN | Ethernet | IEEE 802.3 | IEEE 802.11 | radio waves | infrared | Power line communication | edit | Fiber optic cables | Twisted pair | Ethernet | IEEE 802.3 | crosstalk | electromagnetic induction | Coaxial cable | ITU-T | | home wiring | coaxial cable | power lines | optical fiber | undersea cables | [5 ] | edit | Wireless network | microwave | satellites | Cellular | spread spectrum | IEEE 802.11 | Wifi | Free-space optical communication | line-of-sight propagation | edit | IP over Avian Carriers | Request for Comments | RFC 1149 | [6 ] | [7 ] | round-trip delay time | edit | Node (networking) | system | network interface controller | repeaters | hubs | bridges | switches | routers | modems | firewalls | edit | ATM | network interface controller | computer hardware | network address | Ethernet | Media Access Control | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | octets | edit | repeater | electronic | signal | retransmitted | hub | propagation delay | 5-4-3 rule | edit | network bridge | network segments | data link layer | OSI model | edit | network switch | OSI layer 2 | datagrams | ports | [8 ] | [9 ] | Multi-layer switches | URL | edit | ADSL | Ethernet | router | packets | edit | Modems | Digital Subscriber Line | edit | firewall | cyber attacks | edit | Network topology | edit | bus network | Ethernet | 10BASE5 | 10BASE2 | star network | Wireless LAN | Wireless access point | ring network | Fiber Distributed Data Interface | mesh network | fully connected network | tree network | FDDI | edit | overlay network | peer-to-peer | [10 ] | modems | telephone network | [10 ] | Address resolution | routing | distributed hash table | map | quality of service | streaming media | IntServ | DiffServ | IP Multicast | routers | citation needed | Internet service providers | Akamai Technologies | multicast | [11 ] | edit | Protocols in relation to the Internet layering scheme. | communications protocol | protocol stack | OSI model | HTTP | TCP | IP | IEEE 802.11 | Internet Protocol Suite | Ethernet | wireless router | [12 ] | [13 ] | TCP | IPv4 header | network layer | transport layer | connection-oriented | connectionless | circuit mode | packet switching | edit | Ethernet | IEEE 802 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | OSI model | IEEE 802.11 | Wireless LAN | IEEE 802 | MAC | bridging | IEEE 802.1D | Spanning Tree Protocol | IEEE 802.1Q | VLANs | IEEE 802.1X | Network Access Control | edit | Internet Protocol Suite | Internet protocol | Internet Protocol Version 4 | edit | Synchronous optical networking | multiplexing | circuit-switched | PCM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode | edit | Asynchronous Transfer Mode | time-division multiplexing | cells | Internet Protocol Suite | Ethernet | frames | circuit | packet | low-latency | connection-oriented | virtual circuit | next-generation networks | last mile | Internet service provider | [14 ] | edit | personal area network | [15 ] | local area network | node | Ethernet | ITU-T | | [16 ] | network layer | subnets | router | Internet Protocol | Internet | wide area network | data transfer rates | leased lines | IEEE 802.3 | IEEE | [17 ] | router | home area network | digital subscriber line | storage area network | campus area network | Cat5 | backbone network | network performance | network congestion | Internet backbone | wide area networks | core routers | Internet | Metropolitan area network | wide area network | OSI reference model | physical layer | data link layer | network layer | enterprise private network | virtual private network | global area network | wireless LANs | [18 ] | edit | Internet | edit | intranet | IP | edit | extranet | edit | internetwork | edit | | IP addresses | Class C | Internet | Internet Protocol Suite | Advanced Research Projects Agency Network | DARPA | United States Department of Defense | World Wide Web | IP addresses | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority | address registries | reachability | Border Gateway Protocol | edit | Darknet | F2F | [19 ] | protocols | ports | peer-to-peer | sharing | IP addresses | [20 ] | edit | Routing | circuit switching | packet switched networks | packet forwarding | network packets | nodes | routers | bridges | gateways | firewalls | switches | computers | routing tables | memory | Multipath routing | Administrative distance | bridging | network addresses | edit | Network services | servers | provide some functionality | World Wide Web | E-mail | [21 ] | printing | network file sharing | Domain Name System | IP | MAC addresses | [22 ] | DHCP | [23 ] | service protocol | edit | edit | network performance | quality of service | throughput | jitter | bit error rate | latency | packet-switched network | circuit switched | grade of service | [24 ] | Asynchronous Transfer Mode | quality of service | [25 ] | [26 ] | edit | Network congestion | quality of service | queueing delay | packet loss | blocking | offered load | throughput | Network protocols | retransmissions | congestion control | congestion avoidance | exponential backoff | 802.11 | CSMA/CA | Ethernet | window | TCP | fair queueing | routers | 802.1p | ITU-T | | Local area networking | RFC 2914 | edit | Network resilience | service | faults | [27 ] | edit | edit | Network security | policies | network administrator | unauthorized | [28 ] | edit | Network surveillance | Internet | social control | criminal | Total Information Awareness | high speed surveillance computers | biometrics | Communications Assistance For Law Enforcement Act | [29 ] | civil rights | privacy | Reporters Without Borders | Electronic Frontier Foundation | American Civil Liberties Union | mass surveillance | Hepting v. AT&T | [29 ] | [30 ] | hacktivist | Anonymous | [31 ] | [32 ] | edit | End-to-end encryption | digital communications | encrypting | Internet providers | application service providers | confidentiality | integrity | PGP | email | OTR | instant messaging | ZRTP | telephony | TETRA | server | clients | servers | Google Talk | Yahoo Messenger | Facebook | Dropbox | back door | encryption key | Skype | technical exploitation | clients | random number generators | key escrow | traffic analysis | edit | community of interest | peer-to-peer | routers | bridges | application layer gateways | subnets | virtual LAN (VLAN) | intranet | [33 ] | extranet | [33 ] | Internet Service Providers | Internet | IP address | Border Gateway Protocol | human-readable | Domain Name System | business-to-business (B2B) | business-to-consumer (B2C) | consumer-to-consumer (C2C) | communications security | Virtual Private Network | edit | Comparison of network diagram software | Cyberspace | History of the Internet | Network simulation | Virtual reality | Virtual world | edit | Computer network definition | "Internet Began 35 Years Ago at UCLA with First Message Ever Sent Between Two Computers" | UCLA | the original | Ethernet: Distributed Packet Switching for Local Computer Networks | a | b | ISBN | 1-56592-660-9 | [1] | "Bergen Linux User Group's CPIP Implementation" | Interplanetary Internet | "Define switch." | | a | b | R. Morris | Resilient Overlay Networks | Association for Computing Machinery | "End System Multicast" | "Design Principles for DSL-Based Access Solutions" | "personal area network (PAN)" | New global standard for fully networked home | IEEE P802.3ba 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s Ethernet Task Force | "Mobile Broadband Wireless connections (MBWA)" | doi | 10.1016/S1361-3723(09)70150-2 | "The Darknet: A Digital Copyright Revolution" | RFC 1035 | Computer Networks: A Systems Approach | Teletraffic Engineering Handbook | the original | Telecommunications Magazine Online | "State Transition Diagrams" | "Definitions: Resilience" | doi | 10.1007/978-3-540-30176-9_41 | ISBN | 978-3-540-23659-7 | help | a | b | "Is the U.S. Turning Into a Surveillance Society?" | "Bigger Monster, Weaker Chains: The Growth of an American Surveillance Society" | "Anonymous hacks UK government sites over 'draconian surveillance' " | Hacktivists in the frontline battle for the internet | a | b | RFC 2547 | public domain material | General Services Administration | "Federal Standard 1037C" | edit | William Stallings | Important publications in computer networks | edit | Networking | DMOZ | IEEE Ethernet manufacturer information | v | t | e | Telecommunications | History | Beacon | Broadcasting | Communications satellite | Computer network | Drums | Electrical telegraph | Fax | Heliographs | Hydraulic telegraph | Internet | Mass media | Mobile phone | Optical telecommunication | Optical telegraphy | Photophone | Prepaid mobile phone | Radio | Radiotelephone | Satellite communications | Smoke signals | Telecommunications history | Telegraphy | Telephone | The Telephone Cases | Television | Timeline of communication technology | Undersea telegraph line | Videoconferencing | Videophone | Videotelephony | Telecommunications symbol | Edwin Howard Armstrong | John Logie Baird | Alexander Graham Bell | Tim Berners-Lee | Jagadish Chandra Bose | Vint Cerf | Claude Chappe | Lee de Forest | Philo Farnsworth | Reginald Fessenden | Elisha Gray | Guglielmo Marconi | Alexander Stepanovich Popov | Johann Philipp Reis | Nikola Tesla | Camille Papin Tissot | Alfred Vail | Charles Wheatstone | Vladimir K. Zworykin | Transmission media | Coaxial cable | Free-space optical | Optical fiber | Radio waves | Telephone lines | Terrestrial microwave | Network topology | Links | Nodes | Terminal node | Network switching | circuit | packet | Telephone exchange | Multiplexing | Space-division | Frequency-division | Time-division | Polarization-division | Orbital angular-momentum | Code-division | Networks | ARPANET | BITNET | Ethernet | FidoNet | Internet | ISDN | LAN | Mobile | NGN | Public Switched Telephone | Radio | Telecommunications equipment | Television | Telex | WAN | Wireless | World Wide Web | v | t | e | Sovereign states | Algeria | Angola | Benin | Botswana | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cameroon | Cape Verde | Central African Republic | Chad | Comoros | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Republic of the Congo | Djibouti | Egypt | Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea | Ethiopia | Gabon | The Gambia | Ghana | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) | Kenya | Lesotho | Liberia | Libya | Madagascar | Malawi | Mali | Mauritania | Mauritius | Morocco | Mozambique | Namibia | Niger | Nigeria | Rwanda | São Tomé and Príncipe | Senegal | Seychelles | Sierra Leone | Somalia | South Africa | South Sudan | Sudan | Swaziland | Tanzania | Togo | Tunisia | Uganda | Zambia | Zimbabwe | States with limited recognition | Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic | Somaliland | Dependencies | Canary Islands | Ceuta | Melilla | Plazas de soberanía | Madeira | Mayotte | Réunion | Saint Helena | Ascension Island | Tristan da Cunha | Western Sahara | v | t | e | Sovereign states | Afghanistan | Armenia | Azerbaijan | Bahrain | Bangladesh | Bhutan | Brunei | Burma (Myanmar) | Cambodia | China | Cyprus | East Timor (Timor-Leste) | Egypt | Georgia | India | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Israel | Japan | Jordan | Kazakhstan | North Korea | South Korea | Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan | Laos | Lebanon | Malaysia | Maldives | Mongolia | Nepal | Oman | Pakistan | Philippines | Qatar | Russia | Saudi Arabia | Singapore | Sri Lanka | Syria | Tajikistan | Thailand | Turkey | Turkmenistan | United Arab Emirates | Uzbekistan | Vietnam | Yemen | States with limited recognition | Abkhazia | Nagorno-Karabakh | Northern Cyprus | Palestine | South Ossetia | Taiwan | Dependencies | British Indian Ocean Territory | Christmas Island | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Hong Kong | Macau | v | t | e | Telecommunications in Europe | Sovereign states | Albania | Andorra | Armenia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belarus | Belgium | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bulgaria | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Georgia | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Iceland | Ireland | Italy | Kazakhstan | Latvia | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Macedonia | Malta | Moldova | Monaco | Montenegro | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russia | San Marino | Serbia | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Turkey | Ukraine | United Kingdom | States with limited recognition | Abkhazia | Kosovo | Nagorno-Karabakh | Northern Cyprus | South Ossetia | Transnistria | Dependencies | Åland | Faroe Islands | Gibraltar | Guernsey | Jersey | Isle of Man | Svalbard | European Union | v | t | e | Antigua and Barbuda | Bahamas | Barbados | Belize | Canada | Costa Rica | Cuba | Dominica | Dominican Republic | El Salvador | Grenada | Guatemala | Haiti | Honduras | Jamaica | Mexico | Nicaragua | Panama | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Lucia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Trinidad and Tobago | United States | Anguilla | Aruba | Bermuda | Bonaire | British Virgin Islands | Cayman Islands | Curaçao | Greenland | Guadeloupe | Martinique | Montserrat | Navassa Island | Puerto Rico | Saint Barthélemy | Saint Martin | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Saba | Sint Eustatius | Sint Maarten | Turks and Caicos Islands | United States Virgin Islands | v | t | e | Sovereign states | Australia | East Timor | Fiji | Kiribati | Marshall Islands | Federated States of Micronesia | Nauru | New Zealand | Palau | Papua New Guinea | Samoa | Solomon Islands | Tonga | Tuvalu | Vanuatu | Associated states of New Zealand | Cook Islands | Niue | Dependencies | American Samoa | Christmas Island | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Easter Island | French Polynesia | Guam | Hawaii | New Caledonia | Norfolk Island | Northern Mariana Islands | Pitcairn Islands | Tokelau | Wallis and Futuna | v | t | e | Sovereign states | Argentina | Bolivia | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Ecuador | Guyana | Paraguay | Peru | Suriname | Uruguay | Venezuela | Dependencies | Falkland Islands | French Guiana | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | Telecommunications | Telecommunication | Telecommunication | v | t | e | Operating system | Advocacy | Comparison | History | Hobbyist development | List | Timeline | Usage share | Kernel | Architectures | Exokernel | Hybrid | Microkernel | Monolithic | Device driver | Loadable kernel module | Microkernel | User space | Process management | Context switch | Interrupt | IPC | Process | Process control block | Thread | Time-sharing | Scheduling algorithms | Computer multitasking | Fixed-priority preemptive | Multilevel feedback queue | Preemptive | Round-robin | Shortest job next | Memory management | resource | Bus error | General protection fault | Memory protection | Paging | Security rings | Segmentation fault | Virtual memory | Storage | file systems | Boot loader | Defragmentation | Device file | File attribute | Inode | Journal | Partition | Virtual file system | Virtual tape library | List | AmigaOS | Android | BeOS | BSD | DOS | GNU Hurd | iOS | Linux | Mac OS | MorphOS | OpenVMS | OS/2 | OSv | QNX | ReactOS | RISC OS | Solaris | TPF | Unix | VM/CMS | Windows | z/OS | API | HAL | Live CD | Live USB | OS shell | CLI | GUI | TUI | VUI | PXE | v | t | e | Technology | Outline of technology | Outline of applied science | Agriculture | Agricultural engineering | Aquaculture | Fisheries science | Food chemistry | Food engineering | Food microbiology | Food technology | GURT | ICT | Nutrition | Biomedical | Bioinformatics | Biological engineering | Biomechatronics | Biomedical engineering | Biotechnology | Cheminformatics | Genetic engineering | Healthcare science | Medical research | Medical technology | Nanomedicine | Neuroscience | Neurotechnology | Pharmacology | Reproductive technology | Tissue engineering | Buildings | Construction | Acoustical engineering | Architectural engineering | Building services engineering | Civil engineering | Construction engineering | Domestic technology | Facade engineering | Fire protection engineering | Safety engineering | Sanitary engineering | Structural engineering | Educational | Educational software | Digital technologies in education | ICT in education | Impact | Multimedia learning | Virtual campus | Virtual education | Energy | Nuclear engineering | Nuclear technology | Petroleum engineering | Soft energy technology | Environmental | Clean technology | Clean coal technology | Ecological design | Ecological engineering | Ecotechnology | Environmental engineering | Environmental engineering science | Green building | Green nanotechnology | Landscape engineering | Renewable energy | Sustainable design | Sustainable engineering | Industrial | Automation | Business informatics | Engineering management | Enterprise engineering | Financial engineering | Industrial biotechnology | Industrial engineering | Metallurgy | Mining engineering | Productivity improving technologies | Research and development | IT and communications | Artificial intelligence | Broadcast engineering | Computer engineering | Computer science | Information technology | Music technology | Ontology engineering | RF engineering | Software engineering | Telecommunications engineering | Visual technology | Web engineering | Military | Army engineering maintenance | Electronic warfare | Military communications | Military engineering | Stealth technology | Transport | Aerospace engineering | Automotive engineering | Naval architecture | Space technology | Traffic engineering | Transport engineering | applied sciences | Cryogenics | Electro-optics | Electronics | Engineering geology | Engineering physics | Hydraulics | Materials science | Microfabrication | Nanoengineering | engineering | fields | Audio | Biochemical | Ceramic | Chemical | Polymer | Control | Electrical | Electronic | Entertainment | Geotechnical | Hydraulic | Mechanical | Mechatronics | Optical | Protein | Quantum | Robotics | Animatronics | Systems | Infrastructure | Invention | Timeline | Knowledge | Machine | Skill | Craft | Tool | Gadget | Femtotechnology | Picotechnology | Nanotechnology | Microtechnology | Macro-engineering | Megascale engineering | History | Prehistoric technology | Neolithic Revolution | Ancient technology | Medieval technology | Renaissance technology | Industrial Revolution | Second | Jet Age | Digital Revolution | Information Age | Theories | Appropriate technology | Critique of technology 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Moreno | sociometry | anthropology | ethnographic | Bronislaw Malinowski | [12 ] | Alfred Radcliffe-Brown | [13 ] | [14 ] | Claude Lévi-Strauss | [15 ] | Max Gluckman | Manchester School | John A. Barnes | [16 ] | J. Clyde Mitchell | Elizabeth Bott Spillius | [17 ] | [18 ] | [6 ] | S.F. Nadel | [19 ] | sociology | Talcott Parsons | [20 ] | [21 ] | Peter Blau | social exchange theory | [22 ] | [23 ] | [24 ] | Harrison White | Harvard University Department of Social Relations | Charles Tilly | Stanley Milgram | [25 ] | Mark Granovetter | [26 ] | Barry Wellman | [27 ] | [28 ] | [29 ] | [30 ] | [31 ] | edit | [32 ] | self-organizing | emergent | complex | [33 ] | [34 ] | [35 ] | interpersonal relationships | information | [36 ] | [37 ] | levels of analysis | mutually exclusive | micro-level | meso-level | macro-level | edit | snowballing | dyad | structure | social equality | reciprocity/mutuality | triad | balance | transitivity | social equality | reciprocity/mutuality | [36 ] | centrality | prestige | isolates, liaisons | bridges | [38 ] | psychology | social psychology | ethnographic | kinship | genealogical | Subset | distance | cliques | cohesive | group actions | behavior | [39 ] | edit | population | [40 ] | organizations | social groups | goal | [41 ] | formal | informal | [41 ] | Exponential random graph models | degree | reciprocity | transitivity | homophily | attribute | dependencies | Parameters | subgraph | [42 ] | scale-free network | network | degree distribution | power law | asymptotically | network theory | random network | degree distribution | [43 ] | vertices | degree | clustering coefficient | power law | [44 ] | Barabási | edit | economic | resource | transfer | population | Large-scale network | social | behavioral | economics | computer sciences | large-scale network mapping) | social complexity | network topology | complexity science | dynamical system | chaos theory | biological | technological networks | complex network | degree distribution | clustering coefficient | assortativity | community structure | hierarchical structure | agency-directed | reciprocity | network motif | lattices | random graphs | [45 ] | edit | edit | Graph theory | Balance theory | Social comparison theory | Social identity approach | [46 ] | edit 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ecology | [56 ] | [57 ] | edit | language | linguistics | evolutionary linguistics | linguistic forms | sounds | language shift | edit | [58 ] | [59 ] | [60 ] | Even-Zohar | visualization | edit | formal | informal | organizational communication | economics | economic sociology | resource | transfers | informal connections | [61 ] | organizational commitment | [62 ] | organizational identification | [38 ] | interpersonal citizenship behaviour | [63 ] | edit | Social capital | social relations | [64 ] | [65 ] | edit | Computer networks | social networking service | computer mediated communication | electronic commerce | [66 ] | edit | Collective network | Complex networks | Dynamic network analysis | International Network for Social Network Analysis | Interpersonal relationship | Network science | Network society | Network theory | Semiotics of social networking | Social complexity | Social group | Social media | Social network analysis | Social Network (sociolinguistics) | Social 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Home | Home | Games | Videos | Win | TV GUIDE | Mobile | Blog | Shows | Jokes | Shop | Help | Game | Mobile | Game | Whats New | Game | Tv Promotion | Whats New | Adventure Time Collection | Adventure Time Collection | Explore the land of Ooo with Finn and his friends! | Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake | Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake | Get it Now! | Finn & Jake’s Big Adventure | Finn & Jake’s Big Adventure | Find and Play Games | 'Barry Loser' Activity Sheet | 'Barry Loser' Activity Sheet | Click here to download the PDF! | Gem Bound | Play the Steven Universe game! | Get kids jokes and funny stuff on Laughternoons | Tell us your jokes | Read kids jokes and submit your own jokes on Laughternoons | Adventure Time Travel Guides | Where's the best place to stay in the Land of Ooo? | Find out in our Adventure Time holiday guide! | Adventure Time - Weekdays at 5pm | Adventure Time | Weekdays at 5pm | Amazing World of Gumball | Every weekday | at 5.30pm | Regular Show | Regular Show | Weekdays at 4.30pm | Copa Toon 2014 | Copa Toon 2014 | Toon Cup 2013 | Toon Cup | Adventure Time Collection | Frosty Fight | Finn & Jake's Epic Quest | Candy Scramble | Adventure Time Character Creator | Adventure Time Character Creator | Adventure Quiz | Adventure Quiz | Fionna Fights | Break the Worm | GO TO ALL GAMES | Mix It Up with Mixels! | Mix It Up with Mixels! | Royal Cat Nap | Royal Cat Nap | Tom And Jerry: The Missing Mouse | Tom And Jerry: The Missing Mouse | Chin Girl Laugh Remix | Chin Girl Laugh Remix | Where there's an echo there's a way | Where there's an echo there's a way | Special Guest | Special Guest | Morphing Time | Morphing Time | Zombie | Zombie | Zombie Girls | Zombie Girls | DNALiens | DNALiens | GO TO ALL VIDEOS | Rush Escape Spark | Rush Escape Spark | Sonic Turbo Fury | Sonic Turbo Fury | Pulse Ambush Energy | Pulse Ambush Energy | Shock Invasion Vilgax | Shock Invasion Vilgax | Blaster Fire Plasma | Blaster Fire Plasma | Ambush Mission Alien | Ambush Mission Alien | Adventure Sonic Siege | Adventure Sonic Siege | Target Challenge Magno | Target Challenge Magno | Battle Adventure Energy | Battle Adventure Energy | Magno Techno Adventure | Magno Techno Adventure | GO TO BEN 10 GAME CREATOR | Bio Bio Nitro | Bio Bio Nitro | Storm Spike Flash | Storm Spike Flash | Claw Blob Breaker | Claw Blob Breaker | Mega Techno Solar | Mega Techno Solar | Ultra Metal Shock | Ultra Metal Shock | Ultra Metal Crusher | Ultra Metal Crusher | Fire Metal Blaster | Fire Metal Blaster | Bio Beast Blade | Bio Beast Blade | Atomic Blade Blitz | Atomic Blade Blitz | Atomic Beast Blaster | Atomic Beast Blaster | GO TO BEN 10 ALIEN MAKER | MyCN | Help | Watch Cartoon Network On TV | International Sites | Mobile Website | Terms of Use | Trademark Information | Privacy Policy | Cookies Policy | Advertise with Turner | Turner Jobs | Contact Us | Boomerang | CN Too | Cartoonito | Toonix | Toonix SuperStadia | Cartoon Network | Turner | What a Cartoon | Adventure Time | Angelo Rules | Bakugan Battle Brawlers | Batman : The Brave and the Bold | Battle Force 5 | Ben 10 | Ben 10 Alien Force | Ben 10 Omniverse | Ben 10 Ultimate Alien | Camp Lazlo | Chop Socky Chooks | Chowder | Codename: Kids Next Door | Dexter's Laboratory | Dragons: Defenders of Berk | Ed, Edd and Eddy | Flapjack | Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends | Johnny Bravo | Johnny Test | Mixels | My Gym Partner's a Monkey | Regular Show | Robotboy | Scooby-Doo | Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated | Steven Universe | Teen Titans | The Amazing World of Gumball | The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy | The Powerpuff Girls | The Secret Saturdays | Thundercats | Tom and Jerry | Toonix | Transformers Prime | Uncle Grandpa
298 words in 171 anchor texts
Juniper Networks | Log in | How to Buy | Contact Us | United States | Brasil - Brazil | Deutschland - Germany | España - Spain | France | Italia - Italy | Россия - Russia | United Kingdom | Asia Region | Australia | 中国 - China | India | 日本 - Japan | 대한민국 - Korea | 台灣 - Taiwan | Solutions | Products & Services | Company | Partners | Support | Education | Community | Security Intelligence Center | Deception Force | firefly | Contrail | On24 Private Cloud | JSA Security | Third Annual Mobile Threat Report | Contrail | The Cloud Needs A Flatter Network | 10GBE Data Center | Investor Relations | Press Releases | Newsletters | Juniper Offices | Green Networking | How to Buy | Partner Locator | Image Library | Visio Templates | Security Center | Forums | Blogs | Junos Central | Social Media | Developers | Technical Documentation | Knowledge Base (KB) | Software Downloads | Product Licensing | Contact Support | j-net | YouTube | Twitter | Facebook | RSS | Site Map | RSS Feeds | Careers | Accessibility | Feedback | Privacy & Policy | Legal Notices | Application Infrastructure | Data Center | Mobility | Network Infrastructure | Security | Campus & Branch | MetaFabric Architecture | Energy and Utilities | Financial Services | Government | Healthcare | Education | Net Matters | Managed Service Provider | Network Infrastructure | Network Security | Network and Service Management | Residential | Telepresence | Core | Packet Transport | Cloud Data Centre Network | Universal Edge | Cable Operator | Wireline Carrier | Content Service Provider | Wireless Carrier | Application Infrastructure | Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity | Network Infrastructure | Security and Compliance | Cyber Security | Branch Office | Campus | Cloud-Ready Data Centre | Mobility | Public Services Network | Everything over IP | IPv6 | Central Government | Defence and Intelligence | Public Infrastructure | Healthcare | Research and Education | Regional and Local Government | Identity and Policy Control | Network Edge Services | Network Management | Network Operating System | Routers | Software Defined Networking | Security | Software | Switches | Wireless | End-of-Sale Products | Plan | Build | Operate | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Company Profile | Leadership | Business Partners | Careers | Contact Us | Analyst Relations | Press Center | Events | Subscriptions | Innovations | Awards | Recognition | Case Studies | Corporate Responsibility | Ventures | Help | My Account | Log Out

Anchor texts of competitors for the keyword business networks contain 232 words in 114 anchors on average.

Page Link anchor text
95 words in 25 anchor texts
HOME | BLACK | SEED | OYSTER | BLOG | CONTACT | The Oyster Club | Black Pearls For professionals and entrepreneurs seeking defined and bespoke business connections within a sophisticated and fun environment. | Cultured Pearls Evening salons from the entertaining to the educational and always delicious fun. | Seed Pearls Specific networking, targeted strategizing and beneficial workshops for all people in business | read full post | read full post | Black Pearl Dinner | Find out more | The Seed Pearl Breakfast | Find out more | The Oyster Club Monthly Meeting | Find out more | The Oyster Club All Pearls Lunch | Find out more | Follow us on Twitter
135 words in 53 anchor texts
London Chamber of Commerce Logo | EVENTS AND NETWORKING | POLICY AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS | BUSINESS SERVICES | BUSINESS ADVICE | NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES | EXPORT SERVICES AND DOCUMENTS | CONFERENCE ROOMS | Home | Login help | Password reminder | About us | About membership | About international membership | Contact us | Contact our Media Centre | How to find us | Work for us | feedback | View our up and coming events, over 200 each year | events' calendar. | Book Online | | | Book Online | | Book Online | Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators | | Book Online | Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators | | Book Online | Book Online | | Book Online | Book Online | Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators | | Book Online | Book Online | | Book Online | Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators | | Book Online | | here | online application form
117 words in 48 anchor texts
Business-logo | Members Area | Home | Event Dates | Seminar Information | Benefits of Membership | Testimonials | News | Contact Us | Business Opportunity | Members Area | Bolton and Bury | Chester | Derby | Hull | Lancaster | Lincoln | Liverpool | London Central | Manchester | Nottingham | Central and East Lancashire | South Herts | South Manchester | South Humberside | Warrington | Affiliate group | events | members | Here | Read More... | Could you run a group? Click here to learn more | Bolton and Bury Business Network | Chester Business Network | Derby Business Network | Hull Business Network | Lancaster Business Network | Lincoln Business Network | Liverpool Business Network | London Central Business Network | Manchester Business Network | Nottingham Business Network | Central and East Lancashire Business Network | South Herts Business Network | South Manchester Business Network | South Humberside Business Network | Warrington Business Network | Terms and Conditions
549 words in 258 anchor texts
Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Login | Contact Us | Tell a Friend | Useful Links | RSS | Subscribe to our Weekly Bulletin | Register to Add Events | Vibrant Network banner | FindNetworkingEvents | Home | Events by Region | Bedfordshire | Berkshire | Bristol | Buckinghamshire | Cambridgeshire | Cheshire | Cleveland | Cornwall | Cumbria | Derbyshire | Devon | Dorset | Durham | East Sussex | Essex | Gloucestershire | Greater Manchester | Hampshire | Herefordshire | Hertfordshire | Humberside | Kent | Lancashire | Leicestershire | Lincolnshire | London (Central) | London (East) | London (North) | London (South) | London (West) | Merseyside | Norfolk | North Yorkshire | Northamptonshire | Northumberland | Nottinghamshire | Oxfordshire | Shropshire | Somerset | South Yorkshire | Staffordshire | Suffolk | Surrey | Tyne and Wear | Warwickshire | West Midlands | West Sussex | West Yorkshire | Wiltshire | Worcestershire | Central | Dumfries and Galloway | Edinburgh and Lothians | Fife | Glasgow and Strathclyde | Grampian | Highlands and Islands | Orkney | Scottish Borders | Shetland Islands | Tayside | Mid Wales | North Wales | South Wales | County Antrim | County Armagh | County Down | County Fermanagh | County Londonderry | County Tyrone | Events by Town/City | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Events for Women | Bedfordshire | Berkshire | Bristol | Buckinghamshire | Cambridgeshire | Cheshire | Cleveland | Cornwall | Cumbria | Derbyshire | Devon | Dorset | Durham | East Sussex | Essex | Gloucestershire | Greater Manchester | Hampshire | Herefordshire | Hertfordshire | Humberside | Kent | Lancashire | Leicestershire | Lincolnshire | London (Central) | London (East) | London (North) | London (South) | London (West) | Merseyside | Norfolk | North Yorkshire | Northamptonshire | Northumberland | Nottinghamshire | Oxfordshire | Shropshire | Somerset | South Yorkshire | Staffordshire | Suffolk | Surrey | Tyne and Wear | Warwickshire | West Midlands | West Sussex | West Yorkshire | Wiltshire | Worcestershire | Central | Dumfries and Galloway | Edinburgh and Lothians | Fife | Glasgow and Strathclyde | Grampian | Highlands and Islands | Orkney | Scottish Borders | Shetland Islands | Tayside | Mid Wales | North Wales | South Wales | County Antrim | County Armagh | County Down | County Fermanagh | County Londonderry | County Tyrone | Workshops/Seminars | London | South East (excluding London) | South West | Midlands | Yorkshire and the Humber | North West | North East | Scotland | Wales | Northern Ireland | Business Shows | London | South East (excluding London) | South West | Midlands | Yorkshire and the Humber | North West | North East | Scotland | Wales | Northern Ireland | Blog | Event Franchises | Show Navigation | Home | Events by Region | Events by City/Town | Events for Women | Workshops/Seminars | Business Shows | Blog | Run Your Own Events | Video - King of Bathrooms: how one man challenged an entire industry By Stuart Russell | 19 Aug 2014 | Networking Group Profile: The Business Golf Network By Stuart Russell | 25 Jun 2014 | Hate networking? Why you’re much better at it than you think! By Hannah Martin | 25 Jun 2014 | PCG evolves to become IPSE, the UK's new association for the self-employed By George Evans | 01 Sep 2014 | The Business Network - 21 Years Old By Helen Bennett | 21 Aug 2014 | Athena Inspire Conference 2014 By Angela Spiteri | 13 Aug 2014 | Fancy setting up and running your own networking event? | 7 Steps to Creating and Maintaining a Positive Impression | Nervous about Networking? 3 top tips to get you out there | A Quick Guide to Business Networking | run your own events | Elite Business Banner | Subscribe | Register | Start Your Own Business Logo | advertise here | Event Organisers - Upgrade to Premium Profile for less than £3.50/month! | Find out more... | Follow us on Twitter | Login | Contact Us | Subscribe to our Weekly Bulletin | Register to Add Events | Testimonials | Online Marketing Mentoring Sessions | Download 'A Quick Guide to Business Networking' | Networking Events by Region | Networking Events by Town/City | Networking Events for Women | Workshops/Seminars | Business Shows | Blog | Networking News | Support | Run Your Own Events | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Statement
133 words in 175 anchor texts
Meetup | Sign up | Log in | Help | About Us | We're Hiring! | Privacy & Terms | Blog | Tech Blog | API | Made in NYC | Find a Meetup Group | Start a Meetup Group | Sign me up!  | Let's Meetup! | All Meetups | Meetups with friends | Arts & Culture | Career & Business | Cars & Motorcycles | Community & Environment | Dancing | Education & Learning | Fashion & Beauty | Fitness | Food & Drink | Games | Health & Wellbeing | Hobbies & Crafts | LGBT | Language & Ethnic Identity | Lifestyle | Literature & Writing | Movements & Politics | Movies & Film | Music | New Age & Spirituality | Outdoors & Adventure | Paranormal | Parents & Family | Pets & Animals | Photography | Religion & Beliefs | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | Singles | Socializing | Sports & Recreation | Support | Tech | Women | 25 miles | 2 miles | 5 miles | 10 miles | 25 miles | 50 miles | 100 miles | any distance | London, England, GB | Groups | Calendar | Best match | Recommended | Best match | Most active | Newest | Most members | Closest | Show more | Log in | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy
279 words in 129 anchor texts
navigation | search | Network marketing | Question book-new.svg | cite | references or sources | improve this article | adding citations to reliable sources | removed | socioeconomic | businesspeople | social network | professional network service | information technology | cost-effective | advertising | public relations | guanxi | blat | Old boy network | weekly | monthly | referrals | one-to-one | Internet | ICT | value chains | value networks | 1 General business networking | 2 Networked business | 3 See also | 4 References | 5 External links | edit | trade show | [1 ] | edit | confusing or unclear | suppliers | hierarchical | citation needed | edit | Professional network service | Personal Network | edit | Why Offline Marketing Still Works in a Digital World | edit | Why you should join a referral group | Networking for Introverts | 9 Ways To Leverage Your Online Business Networking Activities | Business networking: shaping collaboration between enterprises | ISBN | 978-3-540-41351-6 | v | t | e | Employers' organization | Chamber of commerce | Trade association | Cooperative federation | Zaibatsu | Keiretsu | Chaebol | Trade union | Consumer organization | Cartel | 622894167 | Categories | Business models | Business terms | Professional networks | Articles lacking sources from June 2014 | All articles lacking sources | Wikipedia articles needing clarification from June 2014 | All Wikipedia articles needing clarification | All articles with unsourced statements | Articles with unsourced statements from June 2014 | Create account | Log in | Article | Talk | Read | Edit | View history | Main page | Contents | Featured content | Current events | Random article | Donate to Wikipedia | Wikimedia Shop | Help | About Wikipedia | Community portal | Recent changes | Contact page | What links here | Related changes | Upload file | Special pages | Permanent link | Page information | Wikidata item | Cite this page | Create a book | Download as PDF | Printable version | Français | עברית | Українська | Edit links | Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. | Privacy policy | About Wikipedia | Disclaimers | Contact Wikipedia | Developers | Mobile view | Wikimedia Foundation | Powered by MediaWiki
112 words in 41 anchor texts
Click here to skip to content | Go | THE BRITISH LIBRARY | Business & IP Centre banner image | Home | Visit us | Workshops & events | Advice | Databases & publications | Our partners | About us | Growth | | Home | Link 1 | Soul Trader: Your life, your business' workshop | Food for thought with Thomasina Miers | Know your elevator pitch! | Business Networks - The Do's and Don'ts | workshops and events | Facebook Group | LinkedIn Group | Twitter Feed | Business essentials wiki | Knowledge Peers | Startups | Striding Out | Women Unlimited | Join Us on Facebook | Join Us on Youtube | Join Us on Linkedin | Join Us on Twitter | Our Blogs | Business Essentials Wiki | See our success stories | View a sample issue | Reference Team | cookie policy | Accessibility | Terms of use | Sitemap
203 words in 96 anchor texts
Home | About Us | Our Mission | Vision & Mision | Partners | Business Network In The Press | Membership | Our Member List | Membership Benefits | Become A Member | What Do We Expect From Our Members | Events | Up Coming Events | Past Events | Advisory Board | Contact | Services | PR Services | Market Research | Business Matchmakers | Magazine | Useful Links | Accommodation | facebook | flickr | linkedin | rss | twitter | youtube | email | business network logo | Home | About Us | Our Mission | Vision & Mision | Partners | Business Network In The Press | Membership | Our Member List | Membership Benefits | Become A Member | What Do We Expect From Our Members | Events | Up Coming Events | Past Events | Advisory Board | Contact | Services | PR Services | Market Research | Business Matchmakers | Magazine | Useful Links | Accommodation | PronetHR | logo-site | | 28 days ago | | 36 days ago | | 48 days ago | @SuccessfulTurks | | 48 days ago | @SuccessfulTurks | | 48 days ago | @SuccessfulTurks | | 48 days ago | | 51 days ago | 1 to11 Meeting with Charles Tannock MEP | Business Network Annual Iftar Dinner | UK Energy Policy: Squaring the Triangle? | Meeting with Lord Michael Storey CBE | Commercial Councilors & Entrepreneurs Annual Outreach Forum | | 28 days ago | | 36 days ago | | 48 days ago
48 words in 18 anchor texts
Top Navigation | Body | Footer | News and events | Contact us | The University of Greenwich | Home | About us | Research projects | Our experts | Publications and reports | Useful links | PhD Scholarships | Five PhD Scholarships available | Academy of Management HCM Division | Summer School in Social Network Analysis | © 2013 The University of Greenwich | Accessibility
647 words in 296 anchor texts
Home | About Us | Columnists | Contact | Support in your Area | Events | Navigation | Prowess Women in Business | Prowess Women in Business | Home | Home | Start & Grow | Marketing & Social Media | Startup Guides | Home Business | Growth | Lead & Manage | Mindset | Networking | Online Business | Social enterprise | Funding | Funding | Money Saving | Managing Money | Support | Support in your area | Events | Stories | Overcoming Hardship | 50+ | Mums in business | Student entrepreneurs | Growth stories | Innovators & Inventors | Campaign | Campaign | Facts | Research & Policy | Return to Content | admin | Tweet | business support map | get in touch | How to network | Association of Scottish Businesswomen | Business Women’s Link | Cambridge Businesswomen’s Network | East London Creative Women Business Network | Fabulous Women | Flying Start | Forward Ladies | Highflying Divas  | Networking Women | Norwich Business Women’s Network | Rural Women’s Network | Sussex Women In Business | The Athena Network | The Women in Business Network  | 1230 The Women’s Company  | Vale  Women’s Business Network | WiRE | Women in Business Hull | Women in Business NI  | Women in Business (NW) | Women in Management | Women Mean Biz | WIN | Women Outside The Box | Women Unlimited | Women What Do | Women’s Business Zone | Company of Women | Women’s Executive Network | The Good, Bad and Ugly of Business Networking | Local Support for Women in Business | Think, Feel, Do… How to Jump-Start your Self-Confidence | Awards for Women in Business Listings | business clubs | Events | Networking | Women's Business Networks | Top Five Tools For PR Success | Using Pinterest for Market Research | cancel | Sign in with Twitter | Sign in with Facebook | 6 Replies | 5 Comments | 0 Tweets | 0 Facebook | 1 Pingback | Sarah Ainslie | February 20, 2012 | Reply | October 9, 2012 | | Reply | Jacqui Burke (@jacquiburkefp) | January 5, 2013 | | Reply | Start-up Stories: In My Father’s Footsteps | Women in Business | Prowess 2.0 | February 11, 2013 | Reply | Anna B. Sexton | August 22, 2013 | Reply | Emma Thorpe | 2 months ago | Reply | Sign-up for the Newsletter! | The top-up for women in business Monthly | Easy to unsubscribe | Privacy safe. | Popular | Latest | Comments | Tags | General Election 2015 – Why Women in Business Need to be on the Agenda | Universal Credit for the Self-Employed: unworkable, unfair and short-sighted | Is work-life balance a myth for home-based female entrepreneurs? | Partnership? Date first! | Why women in business is a headline issue | Anne Day, Company of Women | Success is about Making a Difference | marmite | You can never please all the people – Live with it | Should you commit random acts of marketing? | AA van | Ownership of Legal Services Gets More Complicated | Ferdy and Marley on Holiday | Staying on holiday with your business | Aelita Lori | “If you’ve done it once, you can do it again, only better” | Summer Reads: The Growth Story by @SueStockdale | Time for change | Starting your business on the side | Katie Day aged 5 | How to reinvent yourself post 50 | Sue-Slique Photography: Amazing story! Well done Aelita! I wish you a succ... | Oliver R.: Hi Sue, Thank you for your instructive guide. O... | Izhar Ul Haq: Its really extreme level of trust, I never see com... | Katie Day: Thank you so much Monalisa, I'm so glad you enjoy... | UTheCenter: Interested in starting your own business while in ... | monalisa: Hi,thanks for sharing this article its really nice... | Adrian Brown of 2be2serve: This is taking it the ultimate level of trust and ... | 50+ | Awards | Balance | Banking | Blogging | Boards | Brand | Business Support | Childcare | Coaching | communication | Confidence | Creative Industries | Creativity | Featured | Food & Drink | Funding | Growth | Health & Safety | Home business | Infographic | Leadership | Management | Marketing | Mentoring | Mumpreneurs | Negotiation | Networking | Online Business | passion | Planning | policy | PR | recession | research | Sales | Social media | Start-up | Statistics | Stereotypes | Technology | Time-management | Values | Venture capital | Work-life balance | Follow @ProwessHQ | Tweets by @WomensBiz | Follow this blog | Prowess 2.0 Newsletter Sign-up | About Prowess | Contact | Contributors | Write for Us | 50+ | Balance | Brand | Business Support | Childcare | Coaching | communication | Confidence | Creative Industries | Creativity | Funding | Growth | Home business | Infographic | Leadership | Management | Marketing | Mentoring | Networking | Online Business | Planning | policy | PR | recession | Sales | Social media | Start-up | Technology | Values | Work-life balance | Ebuzzing - Top Blogs - Business | Approved Index Best Business Blog | Greenwell | Pinterest | Email | Business Directory Plugin

Image alt attributes details

1 words in 8 alt texts


Image alt texts of competitors for the keyword network contain 60 words in 28 alt texts on average.

Page Image alt attributes
28 words in 23 alt texts
Internet map 1024.jpg | Protocols in relation to the Internet layering scheme. | Telecommunications symbol | Category | Portal | Wikipedia book | Category | Commons page | Portal | Wikiquote page | Wikimedia Foundation | Powered by MediaWiki
6 words in 7 alt texts
Networkmovie.jpg | Wikimedia Foundation | Powered by MediaWiki
174 words in 63 alt texts
advertisement | IMDbPro Menu | Go to IMDbPro | Network (1976) Poster | advertisement | list image | list image | list image | list image | list image | Network (1976) on IMDb | poll image | poll image | poll image | poll image | poll image | poll image | Still of Faye Dunaway in Network (1976) | Still of Faye Dunaway in Network (1976) | Still of Faye Dunaway in Network (1976) | Still of William Holden and Peter Finch in Network (1976) | Still of Peter Finch in Network (1976) | Dog Day Afternoon | Chinatown | Cool Hand Luke | The Night of the Hunter | The Grapes of Wrath | The Sting | The Apartment | In the Name of the Father | Touch of Evil | Judgement at Nuremberg | 8½ | The Hustler | Dog Day Afternoon | Chinatown | Cool Hand Luke | The Night of the Hunter | The Grapes of Wrath | The Sting | The Apartment | In the Name of the Father | Touch of Evil | Judgement at Nuremberg | 8½ | The Hustler | Faye Dunaway | William Holden | Peter Finch | Robert Duvall | Wesley Addy | Ned Beatty | Arthur Burghardt | Bill Burrows | John Carpenter | Jordan Charney | Kathy Cronkite | Ed Crowley | Jerome Dempsey | Conchata Ferrell | Gene Gross
30 words in 10 alt texts
Network Rail Home | Euston throat timelapse photo | Tractor driver level crossing misuse | Briwet Bridge, Cambrian coast | Overnight working on the Hitchin flyover | Track laying | Thameslink-apprentices-at-London-Bridge-station-725 | Unknown soldie at Paddington station
66 words in 65 alt texts
Home | Heli | Ransom | Countess Dracula | 7957079-2D | 7957078-2D | 7954199-2D | 7954198-2D | fb | twit | yt | 7954178-2D | 7957073-2D | 7957062-2D | 7954191-2D | fis_dexion_bridgethumb | 7954179-2D | 7954176-2D | 7957087-2D | 7957079-2D | 7957078-2D | 7954199-2D | 7954198-2D | 7954193-2D | 7957075-2D | 7957088-2D | 7957035-2D | 7954217-2D | 7954272-2D | 7954011-2D | 7957055-2D | 7954220-2D | 7954221-2D | 7954261-2D | 7954218-2D | 7954230-2D | 7954232-2D | 7954229-2D | 7957076-2D | 7957092-2D | 7957077-2D | 7957082-2D | 7954243-2D | 7954207-2D | 7954209-2D | 7954235-2D | 7954215-2D | 7954238-2D | 7952265-2D | 7957021-2D | 7957020-2D | 7954219-2D | 7954226-2D | 7954185-2D | 7957094-2D | 7954224-2D | 7957083-2D | 7954227-2D | 7954181-2D | 7954225-2D | fb | twit | yt
16 words in 10 alt texts
Webopedia on Google+ | Webopedia on Twitter | Webopedia on Facebook | Tech Bytes Blog | computer network diagram | dcsimg
46 words in 25 alt texts
Transition Network Logo - Home | Poster | Glowworms | Monbiot | Woods | Cover | Reconomy | nef | Transition Roadshow | book cover: the power of just doing stuff | Transition 2.0 film link | Transition Culture logo | logo: transition free press | Transition training button | REconomy Project | Transition Culture | Transition Training | REconomy Project | In Transition 2.0
33 words in 12 alt texts
Network Railcard | Network Railcard Area | Network Railcard Application Form | Restrictions | Terms and Conditions | Partner Card | Network Railcard | Network Railcard area map | Great days out with Network Railcard | 2FOR1 attractions | Application Form | Cookie Policy
179 words in 49 alt texts
Policy Network | Owning the Future | A New Age of Technological Progress | Progressive Capitalism | Populism Observatory | Making Progressive Politics Work | Social Democracy Observatory | Owning the Future | Why Institutions Matter in the Eurozone | Mending the Fractured Economy | Making Progressive Politics Work | British Political Parties in Europe | The Unhappy State of the Union | Education, Pre-distribution and Social Justice | Competing in a Race to the Top | The Europe Dilemma | Governing Britain | Contracts not Hand-Outs | Britain’s Financial Services Industry in a Changing Europe | Labour’s Economic Path to Power | Making Markets Work | A New Promise for Europe | Progressive Politics after the Crash | Economic Governance in a Non-Federal EU | Politics in the Austerity State | Left without a Future? | Takeovers and the Public Interest | Ed Miliband & Ed Balls | Douglas Alexander & Neera Tanden | Policy Network | Vince Cable & Peter Mandelson | Chukka Ummuna | Helle Thorning-Schmidt & Martin O'Malley | Loukas Tsoukalis, Megan Greene & André Sapir | Jacob Hacker | Bill Clinton | Herman Van Rompuy | Rachel Reeves & Richard Lambert | Joe Biden & Michelle Bachelet | Roger Liddle | Pascal Lamy | Megan Greene, André Sapir & Loukas Tsoukalis | Policy Network | Policy Network | Karen Kornbluh | Will Hutton, Anna Diamantopoulou & John Podesta
21 words in 12 alt texts
Great Britain flag | French flag | German flag | Italian flag | Portugal flag | Spanish flag | Russian flag | The Network | StepStone Belgium | The Network

Image alt texts of competitors for the keyword networks contain 49 words in 22 alt texts on average.

Page Image alt attributes
28 words in 23 alt texts
Internet map 1024.jpg | Protocols in relation to the Internet layering scheme. | Telecommunications symbol | Category | Portal | Wikipedia book | Category | Commons page | Portal | Wikiquote page | Wikimedia Foundation | Powered by MediaWiki
7 words in 5 alt texts
Disambiguation icon | Wikimedia Foundation | Powered by MediaWiki
10 words in 12 alt texts
SNA segment.png | Internet map 1024.jpg | Wikimedia Foundation | Powered by MediaWiki
16 words in 10 alt texts
Webopedia on Google+ | Webopedia on Twitter | Webopedia on Facebook | Tech Bytes Blog | computer network diagram | dcsimg
2 words in 3 alt texts
Airheads Social
3 words in 8 alt texts
Menu | Airheads Social
25 words in 11 alt texts
Wiley Online Library | Advertisement | Cover image for Vol. 64 Issue 1 | INOC 2015 | Maths Survey | Networks Special Issue: Metaheuristics in Network Optimization | Advertisement | Advertisement | Wiley
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Computer network From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search Network science Theory Graph Complex network Contagion Small-world Scale-free Community structure Percolation Evolution Controllability Graph drawing Social capital Link analysis Optimization Reciprocity Closure Homophily Transitivity Preferential attachment Balance theory Network effect Social influence Network types Informational (computing) Telecommunication Social Biological Artificial neural Interdependent Semantic Random graph Spatial Dependency Flow Graphs Features Clique Component Cut Cycle Data structure Edge Loop Neighborhood Path Vertex Adjacency list  / matrix Incidence list  / matrix Types Bipartite Complete Directed Hyper Multi Random Weighted Metrics Algorithms Centrality Degree Betweenness Closeness PageRank Motif Clustering Degree distribution Assortativity Distance Modularity Models Random graph Erdős–Rényi Barabási–Albert Watts–Strogatz Exponential random (ERGM) Epidemic Hierarchical Lists Topics Software Network scientists Categories Graph theory Network theory v t e A computer network or data network is a telecommunications network that allows computers to exchange data . In computer networks, networked computing devices pass data to each other along data connections. Data is transferred in the form of packets. The connections ( network links ) between nodes are established using either cable media or wireless media . The best-known computer network is the Internet . Network computer devices that originate, route and terminate the data are called network nodes . [ 1 ] Nodes can include hosts such as personal computers , phones , servers as well as networking hardware . Two such devices are said to be networked together when one device is able to exchange information with the other device, whether or not they have a direct connection to each other. Computer networks support applications such as access to the World Wide Web , shared use of application and storage servers , printers , and fax machines, and use of email and instant messaging applications. Computer networks differ in the physical media used to transmit their signals, the communications protocols to organize network traffic, the network's size, topology and organizational intent. Contents 1 History 2 Properties 3 Network packet 4 Network topology 4.1 Network links 4.1.1 Wired technologies 4.1.2 Wireless technologies 4.1.3 Exotic technologies 4.2 Network nodes 4.2.1 Network interfaces 4.2.2 Repeaters and hubs 4.2.3 Bridges 4.2.4 Switches 4.2.5 Routers 4.2.6 Modems 4.2.7 Firewalls 4.3 Network structure 4.3.1 Common layouts 4.3.2 Overlay network 5 Communications protocols 5.1 Ethernet 5.2 Internet Protocol Suite 5.3 SONET/SDH 5.4 Asynchronous Transfer Mode 6 Geographic scale 7 Organizational scope 7.1 Intranets 7.2 Extranet 7.3 Internetwork 7.4 Internet 7.5 Darknet 8 Routing 9 Network service 10 Network performance 10.1 Quality of service 10.2 Network congestion 10.3 Network resilience 11 Security 11.1 Network security 11.2 Network surveillance 11.3 End to end encryption 12 Views of networks 13 See also 14 References 15 Further reading 16 External links History [ edit ] See also: History of the Internet Today, computer networks are the core of modern communication. All modern aspects of the public switched telephone network (PSTN) are computer-controlled. Telephony increasingly runs over the Internet Protocol, although not necessarily the public Internet. The scope of communication has increased significantly in the past decade. This boom in communications would not have been possible without the progressively advancing computer network. Computer networks, and the technologies that make communication between networked computers possible, continue to drive computer hardware, software, and peripherals industries. The expansion of related industries is mirrored by growth in the numbers and types of people using networks, from the researcher to the home user. The following is a chronology of significant computer network developments: In the late 1950s, early networks of communicating computers included the military radar system Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE). In 1960, the commercial airline reservation system semi-automatic business research environment (SABRE) went online with two connected mainframes. In 1962, J.C.R. Licklider developed a working group he called the " Intergalactic Computer Network ", a precursor to the ARPANET , at the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). In 1964, researchers at Dartmouth developed the Dartmouth Time Sharing System for distributed users of large computer systems. The same year, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology , a research group supported by General Electric and Bell Labs used a computer to route and manage telephone connections. Throughout the 1960s, Leonard Kleinrock , Paul Baran , and Donald Davies independently developed network systems that used packets to transfer information between computers over a network. In 1965, Thomas Marill and Lawrence G. Roberts created the first wide area network (WAN). This was an immediate precursor to the ARPANET , of which Roberts became program manager. Also in 1965, the first widely used telephone switch that implemented true computer control was introduced by Western Electric . In 1969, the University of California at Los Angeles , the Stanford Research Institute , the University of California at Santa Barbara , and the University of Utah were connected as the beginning of the ARPANET network using 50 kbit/s circuits. [ 2 ] In 1972, commercial services using X.25 were deployed, and later used as an underlying infrastructure for expanding TCP/IP networks. In 1973, Robert Metcalfe wrote a formal memo at Xerox PARC describing Ethernet , a networking system that was based on the Aloha network , developed in the 1960s by Norman Abramson and colleagues at the University of Hawaii . In July 1976, Robert Metcalfe and David Boggs published their paper "Ethernet: Distributed Packet Switching for Local Computer Networks" [ 3 ] and collaborated on several patents received in 1977 and 1978. In 1979, Robert Metcalfe pursued making Ethernet an open standard. [ 4 ] In 1976, John Murphy of Datapoint Corporation created ARCNET , a token-passing network first used to share storage devices. In 1995, the transmission speed capacity for Ethernet was increased from 10 Mbit/s to 100 Mbit/s. By 1998, Ethernet supported transmission speeds of a Gigabit. The ability of Ethernet to scale easily (such as quickly adapting to support new fiber optic cable speeds) is a contributing factor to its continued use today. [ 4 ] Properties [ edit ] Computer networking may be considered a branch of electrical engineering , telecommunications , computer science , information technology or computer engineering , since it relies upon the theoretical and practical application of the related disciplines. A computer network facilitates interpersonal communications allowing people to communicate efficiently and easily via email, instant messaging, chat rooms, telephone, video telephone calls, and video conferencing. Providing access to information on shared storage devices is an important feature of many networks. A network allows sharing of files, data, and other types of information giving authorized users the ability to access information stored on other computers on the network. A network allows sharing of network and computing resources. Users may access and use resources provided by devices on the network, such as printing a document on a shared network printer. Distributed computing uses computing resources across a network to accomplish tasks. A computer network may be used by computer Crackers to deploy computer viruses or computer worms on devices connected to the network, or to prevent these devices from accessing the network ( denial of service ). A complex computer network may be difficult to set up. It may be costly to set up an effective computer network in a large organization. Network packet [ edit ] Main article: Network packet Most information in computer networks is carried in packets . A network packet is a formatted unit of data (a list of bits or bytes) carried by a packet-switched network . Computer communications links that do not support packets, such as traditional point-to-point telecommunications links , simply transmit data as a bit stream . When data is formatted into packets, the bandwidth of the communication medium can be better shared among users than if the network were circuit switched . A packet consists of two kinds of data: control information and user data (also known as payload ). The control information provides data the network needs to deliver the user data, for example: source and destination network addresses , error detection codes, and sequencing information. Typically, control information is found in packet headers and trailers , with payload data in between. Network topology [ edit ] Main article: Network topology The physical layout of a network is usually less important than the topology that connects network nodes. Most diagrams that describe a physical network are therefore topological, rather than geographic. The symbols on these diagrams usually denote network links and network nodes. Network links [ edit ] The communication media used to link devices to form a computer network include electrical cable ( HomePNA , power line communication , ), optical fiber ( fiber-optic communication ), and radio waves ( wireless networking ). In the OSI model , these are defined at layers 1 and 2 — the physical layer and the data link layer. A widely adopted family of communication media used in local area network ( LAN ) technology is collectively known as Ethernet . The media and protocol standards that enable communication between networked devices over Ethernet are defined by IEEE 802.3 . Ethernet transmit data over both copper and fiber cables. Wireless LAN standards (e.g. those defined by IEEE 802.11 ) use radio waves , or others use infrared signals as a transmission medium. Power line communication uses a building's power cabling to transmit data. Wired technologies [ edit ] Fiber optic cables are used to transmit light from one computer/network node to another The orders of the following wired technologies are, roughly, from slowest to fastest transmission speed. Twisted pair wire is the most widely used medium for all telecommunication. Twisted-pair cabling consist of copper wires that are twisted into pairs. Ordinary telephone wires consist of two insulated copper wires twisted into pairs. Computer network cabling (wired Ethernet as defined by IEEE 802.3 ) consists of 4 pairs of copper cabling that can be utilized for both voice and data transmission. The use of two wires twisted together helps to reduce crosstalk and electromagnetic induction . The transmission speed ranges from 2 million bits per second to 10 billion bits per second. Twisted pair cabling comes in two forms: unshielded twisted pair (UTP) and shielded twisted-pair (STP). Each form comes in several category ratings, designed for use in various scenarios. Coaxial cable is widely used for cable television systems, office buildings, and other work-sites for local area networks. The cables consist of copper or aluminum wire surrounded by an insulating layer (typically a flexible material with a high dielectric constant), which itself is surrounded by a conductive layer. The insulation helps minimize interference and distortion. Transmission speed ranges from 200 million bits per second to more than 500 million bits per second. ITU-T technology uses existing home wiring ( coaxial cable , phone lines and power lines ) to create a high-speed (up to 1 Gigabit/s) local area network. An optical fiber is a glass fiber. It carries pulses of light that represent data. Some advantages of optical fibers over metal wires are very low transmission loss and immunity from electrical interference. Optical fibers can simultaneously carry multiple wavelengths of light, which greatly increases the rate that data can be sent, and helps enable data rates of up to trillions of bits per second. Optic fibers can be used for long runs of cable carrying very high data rates, and are used for undersea cables to interconnect continents. Price is a main factor distinguishing wired- and wireless-technology options in a business. Wireless options command a price premium that can make purchasing wired computers, printers and other devices a financial benefit. Before making the decision to purchase hard-wired technology products, a review of the restrictions and limitations of the selections is necessary. Business and employee needs may override any cost considerations. [ 5 ] Wireless technologies [ edit ] Computers are very often connected to networks using wireless links Main article: Wireless network Terrestrial microwave  – Terrestrial microwave communication uses Earth-based transmitters and receivers resembling satellite dishes. Terrestrial microwaves are in the low-gigahertz range, which limits all communications to line-of-sight. Relay stations are spaced approximately 48 km (30 mi) apart. Communications satellites  – Satellites communicate via microwave radio waves, which are not deflected by the Earth's atmosphere. The satellites are stationed in space, typically in geosynchronous orbit 35,400 km (22,000 mi) above the equator. These Earth-orbiting systems are capable of receiving and relaying voice, data, and TV signals. Cellular and PCS systems use several radio communications technologies. The systems divide the region covered into multiple geographic areas. Each area has a low-power transmitter or radio relay antenna device to relay calls from one area to the next area. Radio and spread spectrum technologies  – Wireless local area networks use a high-frequency radio technology similar to digital cellular and a low-frequency radio technology. Wireless LANs use spread spectrum technology to enable communication between multiple devices in a limited area. IEEE 802.11 defines a common flavor of open-standards wireless radio-wave technology known as Wifi . Free-space optical communication uses visible or invisible light for communications. In most cases, line-of-sight propagation is used, which limits the physical positioning of communicating devices. Exotic technologies [ edit ] There have been various attempts at transporting data over exotic media: IP over Avian Carriers was a humorous April fool's Request for Comments , issued as RFC 1149 . It was implemented in real life in 2001. [ 6 ] Extending the Internet to interplanetary dimensions via radio waves. [ 7 ] Both cases have a large round-trip delay time , which gives slow two-way communication, but doesn't prevent sending large amounts of information. Network nodes [ edit ] Main article: Node (networking) Apart from the physical communications media described above, networks comprise additional basic system building blocks, such as network interface controller (NICs), repeaters , hubs , bridges , switches , routers , modems , and firewalls . Network interfaces [ edit ] An ATM network interface in the form of an accessory card. A lot of network interfaces are built-in. A network interface controller (NIC) is computer hardware that provides a computer with the ability to access the transmission media, and has the ability to process low-level network information. For example the NIC may have a connector for accepting a cable, or an aerial for wireless transmission and reception, and the associated circuitry. The NIC responds to traffic addressed to a network address for either the NIC or the computer as a whole. In Ethernet networks, each network interface controller has a unique Media Access Control (MAC) address—usually stored in the controller's permanent memory. To avoid address conflicts between network devices, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) maintains and administers MAC address uniqueness. The size of an Ethernet MAC address is six octets . The three most significant octets are reserved to identify NIC manufacturers. These manufacturers, using only their assigned prefixes, uniquely assign the three least-significant octets of every Ethernet interface they produce. Repeaters and hubs [ edit ] A repeater is an electronic device that receives a network signal , cleans it of unnecessary noise, and regenerates it. The signal is retransmitted at a higher power level, or to the other side of an obstruction, so that the signal can cover longer distances without degradation. In most twisted pair Ethernet configurations, repeaters are required for cable that runs longer than 100 meters. With fiber optics, repeaters can be tens or even hundreds of kilometers apart. A repeater with multiple ports is known as a hub . Repeaters work on the physical layer of the OSI model. Repeaters require a small amount of time to regenerate the signal. This can cause a propagation delay that affects network performance. As a result, many network architectures limit the number of repeaters that can be used in a row, e.g., the Ethernet 5-4-3 rule . Hubs have been mostly obsoleted by modern switches; but repeaters are used for long distance links, notably undersea cabling. Bridges [ edit ] A network bridge connects and filters traffic between two network segments at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model to form a single network. This breaks the network's collision domain but maintains a unified broadcast domain. Network segmentation breaks down a large, congested network into an aggregation of smaller, more efficient networks. Bridges come in three basic types: Local bridges: Directly connect LANs Remote bridges: Can be used to create a wide area network (WAN) link between LANs. Remote bridges, where the connecting link is slower than the end networks, largely have been replaced with routers. Wireless bridges: Can be used to join LANs or connect remote devices to LANs. Switches [ edit ] A network switch is a device that forwards and filters OSI layer 2 datagrams between ports based on the MAC addresses in the packets. [ 8 ] A switch is distinct from a hub in that it only forwards the frames to the physical ports involved in the communication rather than all ports connected. It can be thought of as a multi-port bridge. [ 9 ] It learns to associate physical ports to MAC addresses by examining the source addresses of received frames. If an unknown destination is targeted, the switch broadcasts to all ports but the source. Switches normally have numerous ports, facilitating a star topology for devices, and cascading additional switches. Multi-layer switches are capable of routing based on layer 3 addressing or additional logical levels. The term switch is often used loosely to include devices such as routers and bridges, as well as devices that may distribute traffic based on load or based on application content (e.g., a Web URL identifier). Routers [ edit ] A typical home or small office router showing the ADSL telephone line and Ethernet network cable connections A router is an internetworking device that forwards packets between networks by processing the routing information included in the packet or datagram (Internet protocol information from layer 3). The routing information is often processed in conjunction with the routing table (or forwarding table). A router uses its routing table to determine where to forward packets. (A destination in a routing table can include a "null" interface, also known as the "black hole" interface because data can go into it, however, no further processing is done for said data.) Modems [ edit ] Modems (MOdulator-DEModulator) are used to connect network nodes via wire not originally designed for digital network traffic, or for wireless. To do this one or more frequencies are modulated by the digital signal to produce an analog signal that can be tailored to give the required properties for transmission. Modems are commonly used for telephone lines, using a Digital Subscriber Line technology. Firewalls [ edit ] A firewall is a network device for controlling network security and access rules. Firewalls are typically configured to reject access requests from unrecognized sources while allowing actions from recognized ones. The vital role firewalls play in network security grows in parallel with the constant increase in cyber attacks . Network structure [ edit ] Network topology is the layout or organizational hierarchy of interconnected nodes of a computer network. Different network topologies can affect throughput, but reliability is often more critical. With many technologies, such as bus networks, a single failure can cause the network to fail entirely. In general the more interconnections there are, the more robust the network is; but the more expensive it is to install. Common layouts [ edit ] Common network topologies Common layouts are: A bus network : all nodes are connected to a common medium along this medium. This was the layout used in the original Ethernet , called 10BASE5 and 10BASE2 . A star network : all nodes are connected to a special central node. This is the typical layout found in a Wireless LAN , where each wireless client connects to the central Wireless access point . A ring network : each node is connected to its left and right neighbour node, such that all nodes are connected and that each node can reach each other node by traversing nodes left- or rightwards. The Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) made use of such a topology. A mesh network : each node is connected to an arbitrary number of neighbours in such a way that there is at least one traversal from any node to any other. A fully connected network : each node is connected to every other node in the network. A tree network : nodes are arranged hierarchically. Note that the physical layout of the nodes in a network may not necessarily reflect the network topology. As an example, with FDDI , the network topology is a ring (actually two counter-rotating rings), but the physical topology is often a star, because all neighboring connections can be routed via a central physical location. Overlay network [ edit ] A sample overlay network An overlay network is a virtual computer network that is built on top of another network. Nodes in the overlay network are connected by virtual or logical links. Each link corresponds to a path, perhaps through many physical links, in the underlying network. The topology of the overlay network may (and often does) differ from that of the underlying one. For example, many peer-to-peer networks are overlay networks. They are organized as nodes of a virtual system of links that run on top of the Internet. [ 10 ] Overlay networks have been around since the invention of networking when computer systems were connected over telephone lines using modems , before any data network existed. The most striking example of an overlay network is the Internet itself. The Internet itself was initially built as an overlay on the telephone network . [ 10 ] Even today, at the network layer, each node can reach any other by a direct connection to the desired IP address, thereby creating a fully connected network. The underlying network, however, is composed of a mesh-like interconnect of sub-networks of varying topologies (and technologies). Address resolution and routing are the means that allow mapping of a fully connected IP overlay network to its underlying network. Another example of an overlay network is a distributed hash table , which maps keys to nodes in the network. In this case, the underlying network is an IP network, and the overlay network is a table (actually a map ) indexed by keys. Overlay networks have also been proposed as a way to improve Internet routing, such as through quality of service guarantees to achieve higher-quality streaming media . Previous proposals such as IntServ , DiffServ , and IP Multicast have not seen wide acceptance largely because they require modification of all routers in the network. [ citation needed ] On the other hand, an overlay network can be incrementally deployed on end-hosts running the overlay protocol software, without cooperation from Internet service providers . The overlay network has no control over how packets are routed in the underlying network between two overlay nodes, but it can control, for example, the sequence of overlay nodes that a message traverses before it reaches its destination. For example, Akamai Technologies manages an overlay network that provides reliable, efficient content delivery (a kind of multicast ). Academic research includes end system multicast, [ 11 ] resilient routing and quality of service studies, among others. Communications protocols [ edit ] The TCP/IP model or Internet layering scheme and its relation to common protocols often layered on top of it. A communications protocol is a set of rules for exchanging information over network links. In a protocol stack (also see the OSI model ), each protocol leverages the services of the protocol below it. An important example of a protocol stack is HTTP running over TCP over IP over IEEE 802.11 . (TCP and IP are members of the Internet Protocol Suite . IEEE 802.11 is a member of the Ethernet protocol suite.) This stack is used between the wireless router and the home user's personal computer when the user is surfing the web. Whilst the use of protocol layering is today ubiquitous across the field of computer networking, it has been historically criticized by many researchers [ 12 ] for two principle reasons. Firstly, abstracting the protocol stack in this way may cause a higher layer to duplicate functionality of a lower layer, a prime example being error recovery on both a per-link basis and an end-to-end basis. [ 13 ] Secondly, it is common that a protocol implementation at one layer may require data, state or addressing information that is only present at another layer, thus defeating the point of separating the layers in the first place. For example, TCP uses the ECN field in the IPv4 header as an indication of congestion; IP is a network layer protocol whereas TCP is a transport layer protocol. Communication protocols have various characteristics. They may be connection-oriented or connectionless , they may use circuit mode or packet switching , and they may use hierarchical addressing or flat addressing. There are many communication protocols, a few of which are described below. Ethernet [ edit ] Ethernet is a family of protocols used in LANs, described by a set of standards together called IEEE 802 published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers . It has a flat addressing scheme. It operates mostly at levels 1 and 2 of the OSI model . For home users today, the most well-known member of this protocol family is IEEE 802.11 , otherwise known as Wireless LAN (WLAN). The complete IEEE 802 protocol suite provides a diverse set of networking capabilities. For example, MAC bridging ( IEEE 802.1D ) deals with the routing of Ethernet packets using a Spanning Tree Protocol , IEEE 802.1Q describes VLANs , and IEEE 802.1X defines a port-based Network Access Control protocol, which forms the basis for the authentication mechanisms used in VLANs (but it is also found in WLANs) – it is what the home user sees when the user has to enter a "wireless access key". Internet Protocol Suite [ edit ] The Internet Protocol Suite , also called TCP/IP, is the foundation of all modern networking. It offers connection-less as well as connection-oriented services over an inherently unreliable network traversed by data-gram transmission at the Internet protocol (IP) level. At its core, the protocol suite defines the addressing, identification, and routing specifications for Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) and for IPv6, the next generation of the protocol with a much enlarged addressing capability. SONET/SDH [ edit ] Synchronous optical networking (SONET) and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) are standardized multiplexing protocols that transfer multiple digital bit streams over optical fiber using lasers. They were originally designed to transport circuit mode communications from a variety of different sources, primarily to support real-time, uncompressed, circuit-switched voice encoded in PCM (Pulse-Code Modulation) format. However, due to its protocol neutrality and transport-oriented features, SONET/SDH also was the obvious choice for transporting Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) frames. Asynchronous Transfer Mode [ edit ] Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is a switching technique for telecommunication networks. It uses asynchronous time-division multiplexing and encodes data into small, fixed-sized cells . This differs from other protocols such as the Internet Protocol Suite or Ethernet that use variable sized packets or frames . ATM has similarity with both circuit and packet switched networking. This makes it a good choice for a network that must handle both traditional high-throughput data traffic, and real-time, low-latency content such as voice and video. ATM uses a connection-oriented model in which a virtual circuit must be established between two endpoints before the actual data exchange begins. While the role of ATM is diminishing in favor of next-generation networks , it still plays a role in the last mile , which is the connection between an Internet service provider and the home user. For an interesting write-up of the technologies involved, including the deep stacking of communications protocols used, see. [ 14 ] Geographic scale [ edit ] A network can be characterized by its physical capacity or its organizational purpose. Use of the network, including user authorization and access rights, differ accordingly. Personal area network A personal area network (PAN) is a computer network used for communication among computer and different information technological devices close to one person. Some examples of devices that are used in a PAN are personal computers, printers, fax machines, telephones, PDAs, scanners, and even video game consoles. A PAN may include wired and wireless devices. The reach of a PAN typically extends to 10 meters. [ 15 ] A wired PAN is usually constructed with USB and FireWire connections while technologies such as Bluetooth and infrared communication typically form a wireless PAN. Local area network A local area network (LAN) is a network that connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area such as a home, school, office building, or closely positioned group of buildings. Each computer or device on the network is a node . Wired LANs are most likely based on Ethernet technology. Newer standards such as ITU-T also provide a way to create a wired LAN using existing wiring, such as coaxial cables, telephone lines, and power lines. [ 16 ] A LAN is depicted in the accompanying diagram. All interconnected devices use the network layer (layer 3) to handle multiple subnets (represented by different colors). Those inside the library have 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet connections to the user device and a Gigabit Ethernet connection to the central router . They could be called Layer 3 switches , because they only have Ethernet interfaces and support the Internet Protocol . It might be more correct to call them access routers, where the router at the top is a distribution router that connects to the Internet and to the academic networks' customer access routers. The defining characteristics of a LAN, in contrast to a wide area network (WAN), include higher data transfer rates , limited geographic range, and lack of reliance on leased lines to provide connectivity. Current Ethernet or other IEEE 802.3 LAN technologies operate at data transfer rates up to 10 Gbit/s. The IEEE investigates the standardization of 40 and 100 Gbit/s rates. [ 17 ] A LAN can be connected to a WAN using a router . Home area network A home area network (HAN) is a residential LAN used for communication between digital devices typically deployed in the home, usually a small number of personal computers and accessories, such as printers and mobile computing devices. An important function is the sharing of Internet access, often a broadband service through a cable TV or digital subscriber line (DSL) provider. Storage area network A storage area network (SAN) is a dedicated network that provides access to consolidated, block level data storage. SANs are primarily used to make storage devices, such as disk arrays, tape libraries, and optical jukeboxes, accessible to servers so that the devices appear like locally attached devices to the operating system. A SAN typically has its own network of storage devices that are generally not accessible through the local area network by other devices. The cost and complexity of SANs dropped in the early 2000s to levels allowing wider adoption across both enterprise and small to medium sized business environments. Campus area network A campus area network (CAN) is made up of an interconnection of LANs within a limited geographical area. The networking equipment (switches, routers) and transmission media (optical fiber, copper plant, Cat5 cabling, etc.) are almost entirely owned by the campus tenant / owner (an enterprise, university, government, etc.). For example, a university campus network is likely to link a variety of campus buildings to connect academic colleges or departments, the library, and student residence halls. Backbone network A backbone network is part of a computer network infrastructure that provides a path for the exchange of information between different LANs or sub-networks. A backbone can tie together diverse networks within the same building, across different buildings, or over a wide area. For example, a large company might implement a backbone network to connect departments that are located around the world. The equipment that ties together the departmental networks constitutes the network backbone. When designing a network backbone, network performance and network congestion are critical factors to take into account. Normally, the backbone network's capacity is greater than that of the individual networks connected to it. Another example of a backbone network is the Internet backbone , which is the set of wide area networks (WANs) and core routers that tie together all networks connected to the Internet . Metropolitan area network A Metropolitan area network (MAN) is a large computer network that usually spans a city or a large campus. Wide area network A wide area network (WAN) is a computer network that covers a large geographic area such as a city, country, or spans even intercontinental distances. A WAN uses a communications channel that combines many types of media such as telephone lines, cables, and air waves. A WAN often makes use of transmission facilities provided by common carriers, such as telephone companies. WAN technologies generally function at the lower three layers of the OSI reference model : the physical layer , the data link layer , and the network layer . Enterprise private network An enterprise private network is a network that a single organization builds to interconnect its office locations (e.g., production sites, head offices, remote offices, shops) so they can share computer resources. Virtual private network A virtual private network (VPN) is an overlay network in which some of the links between nodes are carried by open connections or virtual circuits in some larger network (e.g., the Internet) instead of by physical wires. The data link layer protocols of the virtual network are said to be tunneled through the larger network when this is the case. One common application is secure communications through the public Internet, but a VPN need not have explicit security features, such as authentication or content encryption. VPNs, for example, can be used to separate the traffic of different user communities over an underlying network with strong security features. VPN may have best-effort performance, or may have a defined service level agreement (SLA) between the VPN customer and the VPN service provider. Generally, a VPN has a topology more complex than point-to-point. Global area network A global area network (GAN) is a network used for supporting mobile across an arbitrary number of wireless LANs, satellite coverage areas, etc. The key challenge in mobile communications is handing off user communications from one local coverage area to the next. In IEEE Project 802, this involves a succession of terrestrial wireless LANs . [ 18 ] Organizational scope [ edit ] Networks are typically managed by the organizations that own them. Private enterprise networks may use a combination of intranets and extranets. They may also provide network access to the Internet , which has no single owner and permits virtually unlimited global connectivity. Intranets [ edit ] An intranet is a set of networks that are under the control of a single administrative entity. The intranet uses the IP protocol and IP-based tools such as web browsers and file transfer applications. The administrative entity limits use of the intranet to its authorized users. Most commonly, an intranet is the internal LAN of an organization. A large intranet typically has at least one web server to provide users with organizational information. An intranet is also anything behind the router on a local area network. Extranet [ edit ] An extranet is a network that is also under the administrative control of a single organization, but supports a limited connection to a specific external network. For example, an organization may provide access to some aspects of its intranet to share data with its business partners or customers. These other entities are not necessarily trusted from a security standpoint. Network connection to an extranet is often, but not always, implemented via WAN technology. Internetwork [ edit ] An internetwork is the connection of multiple computer networks via a common routing technology using routers. Internet [ edit ] Partial map of the Internet based on the January 15, 2005 data found on . Each line is drawn between two nodes, representing two IP addresses . The length of the lines are indicative of the delay between those two nodes. This graph represents less than 30% of the Class C networks reachable. The Internet is the largest example of an internetwork. It is a global system of interconnected governmental, academic, corporate, public, and private computer networks. It is based on the networking technologies of the Internet Protocol Suite . It is the successor of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) developed by DARPA of the United States Department of Defense . The Internet is also the communications backbone underlying the World Wide Web (WWW). Participants in the Internet use a diverse array of methods of several hundred documented, and often standardized, protocols compatible with the Internet Protocol Suite and an addressing system ( IP addresses ) administered by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority and address registries . Service providers and large enterprises exchange information about the reachability of their address spaces through the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), forming a redundant worldwide mesh of transmission paths. Darknet [ edit ] A Darknet is an overlay network, typically running on the internet, that is only accessible through specialized software. A darknet is an anonymizing network where connections are made only between trusted peers — sometimes called "friends" ( F2F ) [ 19 ]  — using non-standard protocols and ports . Darknets are distinct from other distributed peer-to-peer networks as sharing is anonymous (that is, IP addresses are not publicly shared), and therefore users can communicate with little fear of governmental or corporate interference. [ 20 ] Routing [ edit ] Routing calculates good paths through a network for information to take. For example from node 1 to node 6 the best routes are likely to be 1-8-7-6 or 1-8-10-6, as this has the thickest routes. Routing is the process of selecting network paths to carry network traffic. Routing is performed for many kinds of networks, including circuit switching networks and packet switched networks . In packet switched networks, routing directs packet forwarding (the transit of logically addressed network packets from their source toward their ultimate destination) through intermediate nodes . Intermediate nodes are typically network hardware devices such as routers , bridges , gateways , firewalls , or switches . General-purpose computers can also forward packets and perform routing, though they are not specialized hardware and may suffer from limited performance. The routing process usually directs forwarding on the basis of routing tables , which maintain a record of the routes to various network destinations. Thus, constructing routing tables, which are held in the router's memory , is very important for efficient routing. Most routing algorithms use only one network path at a time. Multipath routing techniques enable the use of multiple alternative paths. There are usually multiple routes that can be taken, and to choose between them, different elements can be considered to decide which routes get installed into the routing table, such as (sorted by priority): Prefix-Length : where longer subnet masks are preferred (independent if it is within a routing protocol or over different routing protocol) Metric : where a lower metric/cost is preferred (only valid within one and the same routing protocol) Administrative distance : where a lower distance is preferred (only valid between different routing protocols) Routing, in a more narrow sense of the term, is often contrasted with bridging in its assumption that network addresses are structured and that similar addresses imply proximity within the network. Structured addresses allow a single routing table entry to represent the route to a group of devices. In large networks, structured addressing (routing, in the narrow sense) outperforms unstructured addressing (bridging). Routing has become the dominant form of addressing on the Internet. Bridging is still widely used within localized environments. Network service [ edit ] Network services are applications hosted by servers on a computer network, to provide some functionality for members or users of the network, or to help the network itself to operate. The World Wide Web , E-mail , [ 21 ] printing and network file sharing are examples of well-known network services. Network services such as DNS ( Domain Name System ) give names for IP and MAC addresses (people remember names like “nm.lan” better than numbers like “”), [ 22 ] and DHCP to ensure that the equipment on the network has a valid IP address. [ 23 ] Services are usually based on a service protocol that defines the format and sequencing of messages between clients and servers of that network service. Network performance [ edit ] Quality of service [ edit ] Depending on the installation requirements, network performance is usually measured by the quality of service of a telecommunications product. The parameters that affect this typically can include throughput , jitter , bit error rate and latency . The following list gives examples of network performance measures for a circuit-switched network and one type of packet-switched network , viz. ATM: Circuit-switched networks: In circuit switched networks, network performance is synonymous with the grade of service . The number of rejected calls is a measure of how well the network is performing under heavy traffic loads. [ 24 ] Other types of performance measures can include the level of noise and echo. ATM: In an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) network, performance can be measured by line rate, quality of service (QoS), data throughput, connect time, stability, technology, modulation technique and modem enhancements. [ 25 ] There are many ways to measure the performance of a network, as each network is different in nature and design. Performance can also be modelled instead of measured. For example, state transition diagrams are often used to model queuing performance in a circuit-switched network. The network planner uses these diagrams to analyze how the network performs in each state, ensuring that the network is optimally designed. [ 26 ] Network congestion [ edit ] Network congestion occurs when a link or node is carrying so much data that its quality of service deteriorates. Typical effects include queueing delay , packet loss or the blocking of new connections. A consequence of these latter two is that incremental increases in offered load lead either only to small increase in network throughput , or to an actual reduction in network throughput. Network protocols that use aggressive retransmissions to compensate for packet loss tend to keep systems in a state of network congestion—even after the initial load is reduced to a level that would not normally induce network congestion. Thus, networks using these protocols can exhibit two stable states under the same level of load. The stable state with low throughput is known as congestive collapse . Modern networks use congestion control and congestion avoidance techniques to try to avoid congestion collapse. These include: exponential backoff in protocols such as 802.11 's CSMA/CA and the original Ethernet , window reduction in TCP , and fair queueing in devices such as routers . Another method to avoid the negative effects of network congestion is implementing priority schemes, so that some packets are transmitted with higher priority than others. Priority schemes do not solve network congestion by themselves, but they help to alleviate the effects of congestion for some services. An example of this is 802.1p . A third method to avoid network congestion is the explicit allocation of network resources to specific flows. One example of this is the use of Contention-Free Transmission Opportunities (CFTXOPs) in the ITU-T standard, which provides high-speed (up to 1 Gbit/s) Local area networking over existing home wires (power lines, phone lines and coaxial cables). For the Internet RFC 2914 addresses the subject of congestion control in detail. Network resilience [ edit ] Network resilience is "the ability to provide and maintain an acceptable level of service in the face of faults and challenges to normal operation.” [ 27 ] Security [ edit ] Network security [ edit ] Network security consists of provisions and policies adopted by the network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of the computer network and its network-accessible resources. [ 28 ] Network security is the authorization of access to data in a network, which is controlled by the network administrator. Users are assigned an ID and password that allows them access to information and programs within their authority. Network security is used on a variety of computer networks, both public and private, to secure daily transactions and communications among businesses, government agencies and individuals. Network surveillance [ edit ] Network surveillance is the monitoring of data being transferred over computer networks such as the Internet . The monitoring is often done surreptitiously and may be done by or at the behest of governments, by corporations, criminal organizations, or individuals. It may or may not be legal and may or may not require authorization from a court or other independent agency. Computer and network surveillance programs are widespread today, and almost all Internet traffic is or could potentially be monitored for clues to illegal activity. Surveillance is very useful to governments and law enforcement to maintain social control , recognize and monitor threats, and prevent/investigate criminal activity. With the advent of programs such as the Total Information Awareness program, technologies such as high speed surveillance computers and biometrics software, and laws such as the Communications Assistance For Law Enforcement Act , governments now possess an unprecedented ability to monitor the activities of citizens. [ 29 ] However, many civil rights and privacy groups—such as Reporters Without Borders , the Electronic Frontier Foundation , and the American Civil Liberties Union —have expressed concern that increasing surveillance of citizens may lead to a mass surveillance society, with limited political and personal freedoms. Fears such as this have led to numerous lawsuits such as Hepting v. AT&T . [ 29 ] [ 30 ] The hacktivist group Anonymous has hacked into government websites in protest of what it considers "draconian surveillance". [ 31 ] [ 32 ] End to end encryption [ edit ] End-to-end encryption (E2EE) is a digital communications paradigm of uninterrupted protection of data traveling between two communicating parties. It involves the originating party encrypting data so only the intended recipient can decrypt it, with no dependency on third parties. End-to-end encryption prevents intermediaries, such as Internet providers or application service providers , from discovering or tampering with communications. End-to-end encryption generally protects both confidentiality and integrity . Examples of end-to-end encryption include PGP for email , OTR for instant messaging , ZRTP for telephony , and TETRA for radio. Typical server -based communications systems do not include end-to-end encryption. These systems can only guarantee protection of communications between clients and servers , not between the communicating parties themselves. Examples of non-E2EE systems are Google Talk , Yahoo Messenger , Facebook , and Dropbox . Some such systems, for example LavaBit and SecretInk, have even described themselves as offering "end-to-end" encryption when they do not. Some systems that normally offer end-to-end encryption have turned out to contain a back door that subverts negotiation of the encryption key between the communicating parties, for example Skype . The end-to-end encryption paradigm does not directly address risks at the communications endpoints themselves, such as the technical exploitation of clients , poor quality random number generators , or key escrow . E2EE also does not address traffic analysis , which relates to things such as the identities of the end points and the times and quantities of messages that are sent. Views of networks [ edit ] Users and network administrators typically have different views of their networks. Users can share printers and some servers from a workgroup, which usually means they are in the same geographic location and are on the same LAN, whereas a Network Administrator is responsible to keep that network up and running. A community of interest has less of a connection of being in a local area, and should be thought of as a set of arbitrarily located users who share a set of servers, and possibly also communicate via peer-to-peer technologies. Network administrators can see networks from both physical and logical perspectives. The physical perspective involves geographic locations, physical cabling, and the network elements (e.g., routers , bridges and application layer gateways ) that interconnect the physical media. Logical networks, called, in the TCP/IP architecture, subnets , map onto one or more physical media. For example, a common practice in a campus of buildings is to make a set of LAN cables in each building appear to be a common subnet, using virtual LAN (VLAN) technology. Both users and administrators are aware, to varying extents, of the trust and scope characteristics of a network. Again using TCP/IP architectural terminology, an intranet is a community of interest under private administration usually by an enterprise, and is only accessible by authorized users (e.g. employees). [ 33 ] Intranets do not have to be connected to the Internet, but generally have a limited connection. An extranet is an extension of an intranet that allows secure communications to users outside of the intranet (e.g. business partners, customers). [ 33 ] Unofficially, the Internet is the set of users, enterprises, and content providers that are interconnected by Internet Service Providers (ISP). From an engineering viewpoint, the Internet is the set of subnets, and aggregates of subnets, which share the registered IP address space and exchange information about the reachability of those IP addresses using the Border Gateway Protocol . Typically, the human-readable names of servers are translated to IP addresses, transparently to users, via the directory function of the Domain Name System (DNS). Over the Internet, there can be business-to-business (B2B) , business-to-consumer (B2C) and consumer-to-consumer (C2C) communications. When money or sensitive information is exchanged, the communications are apt to be protected by some form of communications security mechanism. Intranets and extranets can be securely superimposed onto the Internet, without any access by general Internet users and administrators, using secure Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology. See also [ edit ] Comparison of network diagram software Cyberspace History of the Internet Network simulation Virtual reality Virtual world References [ edit ] ^ Computer network definition , retrieved 2011-11-12   ^ Chris Sutton. "Internet Began 35 Years Ago at UCLA with First Message Ever Sent Between Two Computers" . UCLA . Archived from the original on March 8, 2008.   ^ Ethernet: Distributed Packet Switching for Local Computer Networks , Robert M. Metcalfe and David R. Boggs, Communications of the ACM (pp 395–404, Vol. 19, No. 5), July 1976. ^ a b Spurgeon, Charles E. (2000). Ethernet The Definitive Guide . O'Reilly & Associates. ISBN   1-56592-660-9 .   ^ [1] , The Disadvantages of Wired Technology, Laura Acevedo, Demand Media. ^ "Bergen Linux User Group's CPIP Implementation" . . Retrieved 2014-03-01 .   ^ A. Hooke (September 2000), Interplanetary Internet , Third Annual International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies , retrieved 2011-11-12   ^ "Define switch." . . Retrieved April 8, 2008 .   ^ ^ a b D. Andersen; H. Balakrishnan; M. Kaashoek; R. Morris (October 2001), Resilient Overlay Networks , Association for Computing Machinery , retrieved 2011-11-12   ^ "End System Multicast" . project web site . Carnegie Mellon University . Retrieved May 25, 2013 .   ^ Wakeman, I (Jan 1992). "Layering considered harmful". IEEE Network : pp. 20–24.   ^ Kurose, James; Ross, Kieth (2005). Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach . Pearson.   ^ Martin, Thomas. "Design Principles for DSL-Based Access Solutions" . Retrieved 18 June 2011 .   ^ "personal area network (PAN)" . Retrieved January 29, 2011 .   ^ New global standard for fully networked home , ITU-T, 2008-12-12 , retrieved 2011-11-12   ^ IEEE P802.3ba 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s Ethernet Task Force , retrieved 2011-11-12   ^ "Mobile Broadband Wireless connections (MBWA)" . Retrieved 2011-11-12 .   ^ Mansfield-Devine, Steve (December 2009). "Darknets". Computer Fraud & Security 2009 (12): 4–6. doi : 10.1016/S1361-3723(09)70150-2 .   ^ Wood, Jessica (2010). "The Darknet: A Digital Copyright Revolution" . Richmond Journal of Law and Technology 16 (4) . Retrieved 25 October 2011 .   ^ rfc5321 ^ RFC 1035 , Domain names - Implementation and Specification , P. Mockapetris (November 1987) ^ Peterson LL, Davie BS. (2011). Computer Networks: A Systems Approach . ^ Teletraffic Engineering Handbook , ITU-T Study Group 2, archived from the original on 2007-01-11   ^ Telecommunications Magazine Online , Americas January 2003, Issue Highlights, Online Exclusive: Broadband Access Maximum Performance, Retrieved on February 13, 2005. ^ "State Transition Diagrams" . Retrieved July 13, 2003 .   ^ "Definitions: Resilience" . ResiliNets Research Initiative . Retrieved 2011-11-12 .   ^ Simmonds, A; Sandilands, P; van Ekert, L (2004). "An Ontology for Network Security Attack". Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3285 : 317–323. doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-30176-9_41 . ISBN   978-3-540-23659-7 .   Cite uses deprecated parameters ( help ) ^ a b "Is the U.S. Turning Into a Surveillance Society?" . American Civil Liberties Union . Retrieved March 13, 2009 .   ^ "Bigger Monster, Weaker Chains: The Growth of an American Surveillance Society" . American Civil Liberties Union . January 15, 2003 . Retrieved March 13, 2009 .   ^ "Anonymous hacks UK government sites over 'draconian surveillance' " , Emil Protalinski, ZDNet, 7 April 2012, retrieved 12 March 2013 ^ Hacktivists in the frontline battle for the internet retrieved 17 June 2012 ^ a b RFC 2547  This article incorporates  public domain material from the General Services Administration document "Federal Standard 1037C" . Further reading [ edit ] Shelly, Gary, et al. "Discovering Computers" 2003 Edition Wendell Odom, Rus Healy, Denise Donohue. (2010) CCIE Routing and Switching. Indianapolis, IN: Cisco Press Kurose James F and Keith W. Ross : Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, Pearson Education 2005. William Stallings , Computer Networking with Internet Protocols and Technology , Pearson Education 2004. Important publications in computer networks Network Communication Architecture and Protocols: OSI Network Architecture 7 Layers Model External links [ edit ] Networking at DMOZ IEEE Ethernet manufacturer information v t e Telecommunications History Beacon Broadcasting Communications satellite Computer network Drums Electrical telegraph Fax Heliographs Hydraulic telegraph Internet Mass media Mobile phone Optical telecommunication Optical telegraphy Photophone Prepaid mobile phone Radio Radiotelephone Satellite communications Smoke signals Telecommunications history Telegraphy Telephone The Telephone Cases Television Timeline of communication technology Undersea telegraph line Videoconferencing Videophone Videotelephony Pioneers Edwin Howard Armstrong John Logie Baird Alexander Graham Bell Tim Berners-Lee Jagadish Chandra Bose Vint Cerf Claude Chappe Lee de Forest Philo Farnsworth Reginald Fessenden Elisha Gray Guglielmo Marconi Alexander Stepanovich Popov Johann Philipp Reis Nikola Tesla Camille Papin Tissot Alfred Vail Charles Wheatstone Vladimir K. Zworykin Transmission media Coaxial cable Free-space optical Optical fiber Radio waves Telephone lines Terrestrial microwave Network topology and switching Links Nodes Terminal node Network switching  ( circuit packet ) Telephone exchange Multiplexing Space-division Frequency-division Time-division Polarization-division Orbital angular-momentum Code-division Networks ARPANET BITNET Computer Ethernet FidoNet Internet ISDN LAN Mobile NGN Public Switched Telephone Radio Telecommunications equipment Television Telex WAN Wireless World Wide Web By continent v t e Telecommunications in Africa Sovereign states Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Democratic Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo Djibouti Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon The Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Rwanda São Tomé and Príncipe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa South Sudan Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe States with limited recognition Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Somaliland Dependencies and other territories Canary Islands  / Ceuta  / Melilla  / Plazas de soberanía   (Spain) Madeira   (Portugal) Mayotte  / Réunion   (France) Saint Helena  / Ascension Island  / Tristan da Cunha   (United Kingdom) Western Sahara v t e Telecommunications in Asia Sovereign states Afghanistan Armenia Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei Burma (Myanmar) Cambodia China Cyprus East Timor (Timor-Leste) Egypt Georgia India Indonesia Iran Iraq Israel Japan Jordan Kazakhstan North Korea South Korea Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Lebanon Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Nepal Oman Pakistan Philippines Qatar Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Sri Lanka Syria Tajikistan Thailand Turkey Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates Uzbekistan Vietnam Yemen States with 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states Antigua and Barbuda Bahamas Barbados Belize Canada Costa Rica Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic El Salvador Grenada Guatemala Haiti Honduras Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua Panama Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago United States Dependencies and other territories Anguilla Aruba Bermuda Bonaire British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands Curaçao Greenland Guadeloupe Martinique Montserrat Navassa Island Puerto Rico Saint Barthélemy Saint Martin Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saba Sint Eustatius Sint Maarten Turks and Caicos Islands United States Virgin Islands v t e Telecommunications in Oceania Sovereign states Australia East Timor Fiji Kiribati Marshall Islands Federated States of Micronesia Nauru New Zealand Palau Papua New Guinea Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu Associated states of New Zealand Cook Islands Niue Dependencies and other territories American Samoa Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Easter Island French Polynesia 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Memory protection Paging Security rings Segmentation fault Virtual memory Storage access and file systems Boot loader Defragmentation Device file File attribute Inode Journal Partition Virtual file system Virtual tape library List AmigaOS Android BeOS BSD DOS GNU Hurd iOS Linux Mac OS MorphOS OpenVMS OS/2 OSv QNX ReactOS RISC OS Solaris TPF Unix VM/CMS Windows z/OS Miscellaneous concepts API Computer network HAL Live CD Live USB OS shell CLI GUI TUI VUI PXE v t e Technology Outline of technology Outline of applied science Fields Agriculture Agricultural engineering Aquaculture Fisheries science Food chemistry Food engineering Food microbiology Food technology GURT ICT Nutrition Biomedical Bioinformatics Biological engineering Biomechatronics Biomedical engineering Biotechnology Cheminformatics Genetic engineering Healthcare science Medical research Medical technology Nanomedicine Neuroscience Neurotechnology Pharmacology Reproductive technology Tissue engineering Buildings and 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Network (film) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search Network Theatrical release poster Directed by Sidney Lumet Produced by Howard Gottfried Fred C. Caruso Written by Paddy Chayefsky Starring Faye Dunaway William Holden Peter Finch Robert Duvall Narrated by Lee Richardson Music by Elliot Lawrence Cinematography Owen Roizman Edited by Alan Heim Production   company Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer United Artists Distributed by United Artists Release date(s) November 27, 1976  ( 1976-11-27 ) Running time 121 minutes [ 1 ] Country United States Language English Budget $3.8 million Box office $23,689,877 [ 2 ] Network is a 1976 American satirical film written by Paddy Chayefsky and directed by Sidney Lumet , about a fictional television network , UBS, and its struggle with poor ratings . The film stars Faye Dunaway , William Holden , Peter Finch , and Robert Duvall and features Wesley Addy , Ned Beatty , and Beatrice Straight . The film won four Academy Awards , in the categories of Best Actor (Finch), Best Actress (Dunaway), Best Supporting Actress (Straight), and Best Original Screenplay (Chayefsky). In 2000, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". In 2002 , it was inducted into the Producers Guild of America Hall of Fame as a film that has "set an enduring standard for U.S. American entertainment". [ 3 ] In 2006, Chayefsky's script was voted one of the top-ten screenplays by the Writers Guild of America, East . In 2007, the film was 64th among the 100 greatest American films as chosen by the American Film Institute , a ranking slightly higher than the one AFI had given it ten years earlier . Contents 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 4 Release 4.1 Critical reception 5 Awards and honors 5.1 Academy Awards 5.2 Golden Globes 5.3 BAFTA Awards 5.4 American Film Institute 6 In popular culture 7 References 8 External links Plot [ edit ] Howard Beale , the longtime anchor of the Union Broadcasting System 's UBS Evening News , learns from the news division president, Max Schumacher, that he has just two more weeks on the air because of declining ratings. The two old friends get roaring drunk and lament the state of their industry. The following night, Beale announces on live television that he will commit suicide on next Tuesday's broadcast. [ 4 ] UBS fires him after this incident, but Schumacher intervenes so that Beale can have a dignified farewell. Beale promises he will apologize for his outburst, but once on the air, he launches back into a rant claiming that life is "bullshit". Beale's outburst causes the newscast's ratings to spike, and much to Schumacher's dismay, the upper echelons of UBS decide to exploit Beale's antics rather than pull him off the air. In one impassioned diatribe, Beale galvanizes the nation, persuading his viewers to shout out of their windows "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Howard Beale delivering his "mad as hell" speech Diana Christensen heads the network's programming department; seeking just one hit show, she cuts a deal with a band of radical terrorists (a parody of the Symbionese Liberation Army called the "Ecumenical Liberation Army") for a new docudrama series called the Mao Tse-Tung Hour for the upcoming fall season. When Beale's ratings seem to have topped out, Christensen approaches Schumacher and offers to help him "develop" the news show. He says no to the professional offer, but not to the personal one, and the two begin an affair. When Schumacher decides to end the Howard as the "Angry Man" format, Christensen convinces her boss, Frank Hackett, to slot the evening news show under the entertainment division so she can develop it. Hackett agrees, bullies the UBS executives to consent, and fires Schumacher at the same time. Soon afterward, Beale is hosting a new program called The Howard Beale Show , top-billed as "the mad prophet of the airwaves". Ultimately, the show becomes the most highly rated program on television, and Beale finds new celebrity preaching his angry message in front of a live studio audience that, on cue, chants Beale's signature catchphrase en masse : "We're as mad as hell, and we're not going to take this anymore." At first, Max and Diana's romance withers as the show flourishes, but in the flush of high ratings, the two ultimately find their way back together, and Schumacher leaves his wife of over 25 years for Christensen. But Christensen's fanatical devotion to her job and emotional emptiness ultimately drive Max back to his wife, and he warns his former lover that she will self-destruct at the pace she is running with her career. "You are television incarnate, Diana," he tells her, "indifferent to suffering, insensitive to joy. All of life is reduced to the common rubble of banality." When Beale discovers that Communications Company of America (CCA), the conglomerate that owns UBS, will be bought out by an even larger Saudi Arabian conglomerate , he launches an on-screen tirade against the deal, encouraging viewers to send telegrams to the White House telling them, "I want the CCA deal stopped now!" This throws the top network brass into a state of panic because the company's debt load has made merger essential for survival. Hackett takes Beale to meet with CCA chairman Arthur Jensen, who explicates his own "corporate cosmology " to the attentive Beale. Jensen delivers a tirade of his own in an "appropriate setting", the dramatically darkened CCA boardroom, that suggests to the docile Beale that Jensen may himself be some higher power—describing the interrelatedness of the participants in the international economy and the illusory nature of nationality distinctions. Jensen persuades Beale to abandon the populist messages and preach his new "evangel". But television audiences find his new sermons on the dehumanization of society depressing, and ratings begin to slide, yet Jensen will not allow UBS executives to fire Beale. Seeing its two-for-the-price-of-one value—solving the Beale problem plus sparking a boost in season-opener ratings—Christensen, Hackett, and the other executives decide to hire the Ecumenical Liberation Army to assassinate Beale on the air. The assassination succeeds, putting an end to The Howard Beale Show and kicking off a second season of The Mao Tse-Tung Hour . The film ends with the narrator stating: "This was the story of Howard Beale, the first known instance of a man who was killed because he had lousy ratings." Cast [ edit ] Faye Dunaway as Diana Christensen William Holden as Max Schumacher Peter Finch as Howard Beale Robert Duvall as Frank Hackett Wesley Addy as Nelson Chaney Ned Beatty as Arthur Jensen Beatrice Straight as Louise Schumacher            Jordan Charney as Harry Hunter William Prince as Edward Ruddy Lane Smith as Robert McDonough Marlene Warfield as Laureen Hobbs Conchata Ferrell as Barbara Schlesinger Carolyn Krigbaum as Max's secretary Arthur Burghardt as the Great Ahmet Khan Cindy Grover as Caroline Schumacher Darryl Hickman as Bill Herron Lee Richardson as Narrator (voice) Cast notes Kathy Cronkite ( Walter Cronkite 's daughter) appears as kidnapped heiress, Mary Ann Gifford. Lance Henriksen has a small uncredited role as a network lawyer at the meetings in Diana Christensen's Los Angeles office and at Ahmet Khan's home. Ken Kercheval make an appearance as a lawyer in the negotiation scene. Some sources indicate that Tim Robbins has a small, non-speaking role at the end of the film as one of the assassins who kills Beale; [ 5 ] however, Robbins has publicly stated that he did not appear in the film. [ 6 ] Production [ edit ] This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (January 2013) Part of the inspiration for Chayefsky's script came from the on-air suicide of television news reporter Christine Chubbuck in Sarasota, Florida two years earlier. [ 7 ] The anchorwoman was suffering from depression and battles with her editors, and unable to keep going, she shot herself on camera as stunned viewers watched on July 15, 1974. Chayefsky used the incident to set up his film's focal point. As he would say later in an interview, "Television will do anything for a rating... anything!" The character of network executive Diana Christiansen was based on NBC daytime television programming executive Lin Bolen , [ 8 ] which Bolen disputed. [ 9 ] Chayefsky and producer Howard Gottfried had just come off a lawsuit against United Artists , challenging the studio's right to lease their previous film, The Hospital , to ABC in a package with a less successful film. Despite this recent lawsuit, Chayefsky and Gottfried signed a deal with UA to finance Network , until UA found the subject matter too controversial and backed out. Undeterred, Chayefsky and Gottfried shopped the script around to other studios, and eventually found an interested party in MGM . Soon afterward, UA reversed itself and looked to co-finance the film with MGM, which for the past several years had distributed through UA in the US. MGM agreed to let UA back on board, and gave it the international distribution rights, with MGM controlling North American/Caribbean rights. Release [ edit ] The film premiered in New York City on November 27, 1976, and went into wide release shortly afterward. Critical reception [ edit ] The film became one of the big hits of 1976–77 and got big receipts and reviews. Vincent Canby , in his November 1976 review of the film for The New York Times , called the film "outrageous ... brilliantly, cruelly funny, a topical American comedy that confirms Paddy Chayefsky's position as a major new American satirist" and a film whose "wickedly distorted views of the way television looks, sounds, and, indeed, is, are the satirist's cardiogram of the hidden heart, not just of television but also of the society that supports it and is, in turn, supported." [ 10 ] On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes , Network currently holds a 91% "fresh" rating based on 53 reviews. [ 11 ] In a review of the film written after it received its Academy Awards, Roger Ebert called it a "supremely well-acted, intelligent film that tries for too much, that attacks not only television but also most of the other ills of the 1970s," though "what it does accomplish is done so well, is seen so sharply, is presented so unforgivingly, that Network will outlive a lot of tidier movies." [ 12 ] Seen a quarter-century later, Ebert added the film to his "Great Movies" list and said the film was "like prophecy. When Chayefsky created Howard Beale, could he have imagined Jerry Springer , Howard Stern , and the World Wrestling Federation ?"; he credits Lumet and Chayefsky for knowing "just when to pull out all the stops." [ 13 ] The film also ranks at number 100 in Empire magazine's list of the 500 Greatest Films of All Time. [ 14 ] Not all reviews were positive: Pauline Kael in The New Yorker , in a review subtitled "Hot Air", criticized the film's abundance of long, preachy speeches; Chayefsky's self-righteous contempt for not only television itself but also television viewers; and the fact that almost everyone in the movie, particularly Robert Duvall, has a screaming rant: "The cast of this messianic farce takes turns yelling at us soulless masses." [ 15 ] Michael Billington wrote, "Too much of this film has the hectoring stridency of tabloid headlines", [ 16 ] while Chris Petit in Time Out described it as "slick, 'adult', self-congratulatory, and almost entirely hollow", adding that "most of the interest comes in watching such a lavishly mounted vehicle leaving the rails so spectacularly." [ 17 ] Awards and honors [ edit ] Academy Awards [ edit ] Network won three of the four acting awards. As of 2014, Network is the last film to have won three of the four Academy Awards for acting. Won Best Actor – Peter Finch Best Actress – Faye Dunaway Best Supporting Actress – Beatrice Straight Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen – Paddy Chayefsky Finch died before the 1977 ceremony and was the only performer to win a posthumous Academy Award until Heath Ledger won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar in 2009. The statuette itself was collected by Finch's widow, Eletha Finch. Straight's performance as Louise Schumacher occupied only five minutes and two seconds of screen time, making it the shortest performance to win an Oscar (as of 2014), breaking Gloria Grahame 's nine minutes and 32 seconds screen time record for The Bad and the Beautiful in 1953. [ 18 ] Nominated Best Actor – William Holden Best Supporting Actor – Ned Beatty Best Cinematography – Owen Roizman Best Film Editing – Alan Heim Best Director – Sidney Lumet Best Picture Golden Globes [ edit ] Won Best Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama – Peter Finch Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama – Faye Dunaway Best Director – Sidney Lumet Best Screenplay – Paddy Chayefsky Nominated Best Motion Picture – Drama BAFTA Awards [ edit ] Won Best Actor – Peter Finch Nominated Best Film Best Direction – Sidney Lumet Best Actor – William Holden Best Actress – Faye Dunaway Best Supporting Actor – Robert Duvall Best Screenplay – Paddy Chayefsky Best Editing – Alan Heim Best Sound – Jack Fitzstephens, Marc Laub, Sanford Rackow, James Sabat, and Dick Vorisek American Film Institute [ edit ] AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies – #66 AFI's 100 Years...100 Laughs – Nominated AFI's 100 Years...100 Heroes & Villains : Diana Christensen – Nominated Villain AFI's 100 Years...100 Movie Quotes : "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" – #19 AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies (10th Anniversary Edition) – #64 In popular culture [ edit ] The film's noted line "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore" and its derivatives are referenced in numerous films and other media, including Mad As Hell a satirical Australian news show starring Shaun Micallef . [ 19 ] The short-lived series Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip mentions the film and its writer Chayefsky multiple times after a character's outburst on live television. The show's creator Aaron Sorkin also mentioned the film and Chayefsky during his acceptance speech after winning the Academy Award for writing the film The Social Network . [ 20 ] References [ edit ] ^ " NETWORK (AA)" . United Artists . British Board of Film Classification . November 1, 1976 . Retrieved July 11, 2014 .   ^ "Network, Box Office Information" . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved January 23, 2012 .   ^ Archive of Producers Guild Hall of Fame - Past Inductees , Producers Guild of America official site. Accessed October 31, 2010. Original site . ^ Because Chayefsky started writing the screenplay during the same month that newscaster Christine Chubbuck committed on-air suicide, some, including Matthew C. Ehrlich in Journalism in the Movies ( ISBN 0252029348 ), have speculated (p. 122) that the scene was inspired by Chubbuck's manner of death. ^ Ebert, Roger (October 29, 2000). "Network (1976)" . . Chicago Sun-Times . Retrieved October 31, 2011 .   ^ Interview on Little Steven's Underground Garage "Video of the 500th Show Celebration - Replay" (October 18, 2011) ^ Empire : "Television will eat itself in Sidney Lumet's searing satire", October 1, 2008; via ^ Google Books: "Looking for Gatsby" By Faye Dunaway and Betsy Sharkey, p.304. ^ UPI, via Milwaukee Sentinel and Google News, "Producer Lin Bolen Denies She's 'Network' Character", July 31, 1978. ^ Review of Network from the November 15, 1976 edition of The New York Times ^ "Network" . Rotten Tomatoes . Flixster . Retrieved July 11, 2014 .   ^ Review of Network by Roger Ebert from the 1970s ^ Review of Network by Roger Ebert from October 2000 ^ "The 500 Greatest Movies Of All Time" . Empire . Bauer Media Group. Archived from the original on August 17, 2011 . Retrieved August 17, 2011 .   ^ Kael, Pauline (December 6, 1976). "Hot Air". The New Yorker : 177.   ^ Halliwell, Leslie (1987). Halliwell's Film Guide, 6th edition . New York, NY: Charles Scribner's Sons. p. 729. ISBN   0-684-19051-6 .   ^ Milne, Tom (editor) (1993). Time Out Film Guide, The (3rd Edition) . Hammondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin. p. 486. ISBN   0-14-017513-X .   ^ Stone, Jay. "Oscar by the Numbers" (February 2014) ^ "Airdate: Shaun Micallef’s Mad as Hell" . TV Tonight.   ^ "Screenplay by Aaron Sorkin Academy Awards Acceptance Speech" . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.   Further reading Itzkoff, David , "Notes of a Screenwriter, Mad as Hell" , The New York Times , May 19, 2011 External links [ edit ] Wikiquote has quotations related to: Network (film) Network at the Internet Movie Database Network at the TCM Movie Database Network at Box Office Mojo Network at Rotten Tomatoes Awards Preceded by One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Academy Award winner for Best Actor and Best Actress Succeeded by Coming Home Preceded by Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Academy Award winner for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress Succeeded by Moonstruck v t e Films directed by Sidney Lumet 12 Angry Men (1957) Stage Struck (1958) That Kind of Woman (1959) The Fugitive Kind (1959) A View from the Bridge (1962) Long Day's Journey Into Night (1962) The Pawnbroker (1964) Fail-Safe (1964) The Hill (1965) The Group (1966) The Deadly Affair (1967) Bye Bye Braverman (1968) The Sea Gull (1968) The Appointment (1969) King: A Filmed Record... Montgomery to Memphis (1970) Last of the Mobile Hot Shots (1970) The Anderson Tapes (1971) Child's Play (1972) The Offence (1972) Serpico (1973) Lovin' Molly (1974) Murder on the Orient Express (1974) Dog Day Afternoon (1975) Network (1976) Equus (1977) The Wiz (1978) Just Tell Me What You Want (1980) Prince of the City (1981) Deathtrap (1982) The Verdict (1982) Daniel (1983) Garbo Talks (1984) Power (1986) The Morning After (1986) Running on Empty (1988) Family Business (1989) Q & A (1990) A Stranger Among Us (1992) Guilty as Sin (1993) Night Falls on Manhattan (1997) Critical Care (1997) Gloria (1999) Strip Search (2004) Find Me Guilty (2006) Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007) Retrieved from " 616570533 " Categories : 1976 films English-language films 1970s comedy-drama films American comedy-drama films American satirical films Films directed by Sidney Lumet Screenplays by Paddy Chayefsky Films about television Films featuring a Best Actor Academy Award winning performance Films featuring a Best Actress Academy Award winning performance Films featuring a Best Drama Actor Golden Globe winning performance Films featuring a Best Drama Actress Golden Globe winning performance Films featuring a Best Supporting Actress Academy Award winning performance Films set in New York City Films whose director won the Best Director Golden Globe Films whose writer won the Best Original Screenplay Academy Award United States National Film Registry films United Artists films Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer films Hidden categories: Use mdy dates from April 2012 All film articles using the film date template Articles needing additional references from January 2013 All articles needing additional references Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in Namespaces Article Talk Variants Views Read Edit View history More Search Navigation Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article Donate to Wikipedia Wikimedia Shop Interaction Help About Wikipedia Community portal Recent changes Contact page Tools What links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Permanent link Page information Wikidata item Cite this page Print/export Create a book Download as PDF Printable version Languages العربية Български Català Cymraeg Deutsch Ελληνικά Español Esperanto فارسی Français Hrvatski Italiano עברית ქართული Magyar Македонски Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本語 Norsk bokmål Polski Português Русский Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Türkçe Українська 中文 Edit links This page was last modified on 11 July 2014 at 20:20. 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Director: Billy Wilder Stars: Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine, Fred MacMurray 0 Next » In the Name of the Father (1993) Biography | Drama | History     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.1 / 10 X   A man's coerced confession to an IRA bombing he did not commit results in the imprisonment of his father as well. An English lawyer fights to free them. Director: Jim Sheridan Stars: Daniel Day-Lewis, Pete Postlethwaite, Alison Crosbie 0 Next » Touch of Evil (1958) Crime | Film-Noir | Thriller     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.2 / 10 X   A stark, perverse story of murder, kidnapping, and police corruption in a Mexican border town. Director: Orson Welles Stars: Charlton Heston, Orson Welles, Janet Leigh 0 Next » Judgement at Nuremberg (1961) Drama | History | War     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.3 / 10 X   In 1948, an American court in occupied Germany tries four Nazi judges for war crimes. Director: Stanley Kramer Stars: Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster, Richard Widmark 0 Next » 8½ (1963) Certificate: A Drama | Fantasy     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.2 / 10 X   A harried movie director retreats into his memories and fantasies. Director: Federico Fellini Stars: Marcello Mastroianni, Anouk Aimée, Claudia Cardinale 0 Next » The Hustler (1961) Drama | Sport     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.1 / 10 X   An up-and-coming pool player plays a long-time champion in a single high-stakes match. Director: Robert Rossen Stars: Paul Newman, Jackie Gleason, Piper Laurie Edit Cast Cast overview, first billed only: Faye Dunaway ... Diana Christensen William Holden ... Max Schumacher Peter Finch ... Howard Beale Robert Duvall ... Frank Hackett Wesley Addy ... Nelson Chaney Ned Beatty ... Arthur Jensen Arthur Burghardt ... Great Ahmed Kahn Bill Burrows ... TV Director John Carpenter ... George Bosch Jordan Charney ... Harry Hunter Kathy Cronkite ... Mary Ann Gifford Ed Crowley ... Joe Donnelly Jerome Dempsey ... Walter C. Amundsen Conchata Ferrell ... Barbara Schlesinger Gene Gross ... Milton K. Steinman See full cast  » Edit Storyline In the 1970s, terrorist violence is the stuff of networks' nightly news programming and the corporate structure of the UBS Television Network is changing. Meanwhile, Howard Beale, the aging UBS news anchor, has lost his once strong ratings share and so the network fires him. Beale reacts in an unexpected way. We then see how this affects the fortunes of Beale, his coworkers (Max Schumacher and Diana Christensen), and the network. Written by Bruce Janson> Plot Summary | Add Synopsis Plot Keywords: television | television network | television news | rant | ranting |   See more  » Taglines: "NETWORK"... the humanoids, the love story, the trials and tribulations, the savior of television, the attempted suicides, the assassination -- it's ALL coming along with a galaxy of stars you know and love! See more  » Genres: Drama Certificate: 15 | See all certifications  » Parents Guide: View content advisory  » Edit Details Country: USA Language: English Release Date: 27 November 1976 (USA) See more  » Also Known As: Poder que mata See more  » Filming Locations: CFTO-TV Studios, Scarborough, Toronto, Ontario, Canada See more  » Box Office Budget: $3,800,000 (estimated) See more  » Company Credits Production Co: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) , United Artists See more  » Show detailed company contact information on IMDbPro  » Technical Specs Runtime: 121 min Sound Mix: Mono Color: Color (Metrocolor) Aspect Ratio: 1.85 : 1 See full technical specs  » Edit Did You Know? Trivia The director and the screenwriter claimed that the film was not meant to be a satire but a reflection of what was really happening. See more » Goofs Just after Beale announces his intention to commit suicide on the air, we see a row of TV screens showing how the story is being covered by the other channels. Playing a news anchor, John Gabriel claims that "something happened at one of our sister networks..." It should have been referred to as a "competitive" network - a "sister" implies the same corporate ownership, something prohibited by the FCC in 1976. See more » Quotes [ first lines ] Narrator : This story is about Howard Beale, who was the news anchorman on UBS TV. In his time, Howard Beale had been a mandarin of television, the grand old man of news, with a HUT rating of 16 and a 28 audience share. In 1969, however, his fortunes began to decline. He fell to a 22 share. The following year, his wife died, and he was left a childless widower with an 8 rating and a 12 share. He became morose and isolated, began to drink heavily, and on September 22, 1975, he was fired, ... [...] See more » Connections Featured in The 77th Annual Academy Awards  (2005) See more » Frequently Asked Questions Q: How does "Network" end? Q: Any recommendations for a female character as annoying as Diana Christensen? Q: Is "Network" based on a book? See more (Spoiler Alert!)  » User Reviews   Prescient... 28 August 2005 | by Christopher T. Chase ( (Arlington, VA.) – See all my reviews It is the only word I can come up with to describe this masterfully savage satire, and IMHO, it's the only word that need be used. Once I had seen ALTERED STATES and read the novel, I was hungry to find out more about the late novelist/playwright/screenwriter Paddy Chayefsky, and sought out this movie. It blew me away years ago, but I find it even more stunning now. Not just because of the writing, Sidney Lumet's taut direction or the Oscar-caliber performances by everyone involved, all of which are almost beyond being lauded with superlatives. But what knocks me out is how Chayefsky seemed less to be writing from the power of his imagination, than channeling Our Times Now. As if he was capable of some form of mental time travel; able to look into the Nineties and beyond to see the coming of SURVIVOR, or Maury Povich, Jerry Springer, Bill O'Reilly and Paris Hilton. Even HE probably didn't know how he knew, but he sure as hell felt it and wrote it down for us to marvel over today. Sure, there are political and cultural analogies throughout the picture that are dated. But the core of his vision remains startlingly clear and eerily prophetic. As for Howard Beale, there is not one single "celebrity" who mirrors that character today, but maybe he is a composite of several different personalities with whom we have become all too familiar in the world of "news-fo-tainment." Or maybe he simply hasn't materialized yet. Maybe that is just how far ahead of its time NETWORK really was. After all, being "mad as hell" nowadays has so many more layers of meaning than it did nearly thirty years ago... 92 of 125 people found this review helpful.  Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Review this title | See all 298 user reviews  » Message Boards Recent Posts From an old broadcaster psadek-496-994449 I enjoyed this film but.... MsJackieO The William Holden-Faye Dunaway romance subplot is trite and irrelevent chapmanshomer COMPARE: Howard Beale vs. Glenn Beck rzajac Watching Network in 2011 gabi-shoemaker Remake Dan-136 Discuss Network (1976) on the IMDb message boards » Getting Started | Contributor Zone  » Contribute to This Page Edit page Write review Create a character page for: TV Director George Bosch Harry Hunter Mary Ann Gifford Joe Donnelly Walter C. Amundsen Barbara Schlesinger Milton K. Steinman ----------- more... 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Beautifully photographed by double Oscar-winning Swedish cinematographer Sven Nykvist and complemented by a memorably haunting score by Jerry Goldsmith, Ransom takes us through a tightly plotted, relentless race […] More Countess Dracula One of Hammer’s most enduringly popular films and a benchmark for 1970s horror, Countess Dracula stars Ingrid Pitt in an iconic, career-defining role as the aged countess who must regularly bathe in virgins’ blood to regain her fading youth. Genre stalwart Peter Sasdy directs arguably his best Hammer film, from a script by award-winning writer […] View More Countess Dracula One of Hammer’s most enduringly popular films and a benchmark for 1970s horror, Countess Dracula stars Ingrid Pitt in ... More Twins of Evil Directed with characteristic style and energy by cult filmmaker John Hough, Twins of Evil combines the signature Hammer ... More The Last Chance A suspenseful tale of murder and wrongful accusation, The Last Chance features leading roles for Australian-born actors Frank ... More Royal Cavalcade Made in commemoration and celebration of the Jubilee of King George V, this ... More Tweets #StandByForAction... The Supermarionation Weekender is coming. Book now! @picturehouses @GerryAndersonTV #FiS 8 hours ago fb twit yt Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 Month 13 Month 14 Coming soon Baxter 01/09/14 A stellar cast features in actor-director Lionel Jeffries’ drama about a young boy facing the combined challenge of his ... More Richard III 01/09/14 Directed and produced by, and starring, Laurence Olivier, this iconic 1955 feature is for many the definitive film ... More The Four Feathers 01/09/14 A classic tale of cowardice and bravery, Alexander Korda’s Oscar-nominated adaptation of A.E.W. Mason’s iconic novel ... More The Birthday Present 01/09/14 Tony Britton, Sylvia Syms and Geoffrey Keen star in this sympathetic, BAFTA-nominated drama focusing on a man whose life ... More Supermarionation Weekender 01/09/14 We are delighted to announce details of the Supermarionation Weekender at Picturehouse Cinemas to celebrate the work of ... More Two Left Feet 01/09/14 Michael Crawford stars as a luckless, inexperienced youth desperate to break out of a sexual catch-22 in this ... More The Kitchen 01/09/14 The combustible setting of a busy restaurant kitchen provides much drama and humour in this 1961 feature film directed by ... More Ransom 01/09/14 Sean Connery gives another powerful and charismatic performance as a Scandinavian security chief battling to thwart the ... More Countess Dracula 08/09/14 One of Hammer’s most enduringly popular films and a benchmark for 1970s horror, Countess Dracula stars Ingrid Pitt ... More Twins of Evil 08/09/14 Directed with characteristic style and energy by cult filmmaker John Hough, Twins of Evil combines the signature Hammer ... More The Last Chance 08/09/14 A suspenseful tale of murder and wrongful accusation, The Last Chance features leading roles for Australian-born actors ... More Royal Cavalcade 08/09/14 Made in commemoration and celebration of the Jubilee of King George V, this is the story of the first twenty-five years of ... More Make-Up 15/09/14 Scandinavian screen idol Nils Asther stars opposite the multi-talented June Clyde in a gripping tale of love and high ... More The Medusa Touch 15/09/14 Directed by Jack Gold from a script by Oscar winner John Briley, The Medusa Touch is a star-studded, fast-paced thriller ... More The Shout 15/09/14 Oscar-nominee Alan Bates turns in one of his most forceful performances as an asylum inmate with supernatural powers in a ... More Dream Home 22/09/14 They wouldn’t slash the price, so she slashed them up… Combining visceral horror and darkly topical satire, Dream ... More The Hypnotist 22/09/14 Ronald Culver plays a psychiatrist with deadly intentions in this crime thriller of 1957 – a classic British noir also ... More Lucky Feller: The Complete Series 22/09/14 David Jason stars with Peter Armitage in this LWT sitcom centred around the tangled romantic lives of two brothers living ... More Oh Boy 22/09/14 South Shields-born comedian Albert Burdon stars in Albert de Courville’s novel take on the classic tale of the ... More The Professionals: MkII 29/09/14 “Anarchy, acts of terror, crimes against the public. To combat it I’ve got special men – experts from ... More My Teenage Daughter 06/10/14 Another successful collaboration between British screen sweetheart Anna Neagle and her director-producer husband Herbert ... More The Young and the Guilty 06/10/14 Janet Munro and Andrew Ray give moving performances in this excellent late-fifties drama, in which two sets of parents ... More The Franchise Affair 06/10/14 Michael Denison and Dulcie Grey formed one of postwar Britain’s most popular screen pairings, and they lead an impressive ... More Johnny, You’re Wanted 06/10/14 A gripping crime drama with a healthy dose of humour, Johnny, You’re Wanted features Cockney character star John ... More Timeslip 13/10/14 A taut thriller interweaving sci-fi fantasy and a story of deadly industrial intrigue, Timeslip is a 1955 feature from ... More Lucky Girl 13/10/14 This jaunty musical comedy marked another success for former stage star Gene Gerrard, playing here opposite Molly Lamont – ... More Your Witness 13/10/14 Adam Heyward, a leading American lawyer, hears that the man who saved his life at Anzio beach is now facing a murder ... 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More Bad Timing 10/11/14 Theresa Russell and Art Garfunkel bring a fearless intensity to their roles in this dark psycho-sexual drama from ... More Freedom of the Seas 10/11/14 Character player Clifford Mollison and celebrated playwright and actor H.F. Maltby are among the cast of this sprightly ... More British Musicals of the 1930s: V... 12/01/15 From playful romantic comedies to variety extravaganzas, the pre-war British musical films offered audiences a source of ... More A Nice Girl Like Me 12/01/15 Barbara Ferris, Harry Andrews and triple Oscar nominee Gladys Cooper star in this quintessentially Sixties romantic comedy ... More A Man About the House 12/01/15 Having directed and scripted some of Gainsborough Pictures’ best-known melodramas, Leslie Arliss was well chosen to helm ... More Fascination 12/01/15 The age-old tale of the husband who has an affair with another woman after a few years of marriage is given a novel twist ... More You Can’t Escape 12/01/15 Robert Urquhart, Guy Rolfe and BAFTA nominee Noelle Middleton feature in the cast of this complex and compelling crime ... More Young and Innocent 19/01/15 Celebrated for the macabre, tour-de-force plots and sublime twist endings that would come to define the very genre of ... More Our Man in Marrakesh 19/01/15 A traveller making a journey to the exotic Moroccan capital finds himself enmeshed in a web of suspicion and ... More Bond Street 26/01/15 There is romance in every wedding, but more so, perhaps, in that of Julia Chester-Barratt and Frank Moody. The ... More Into the Blue 26/01/15 A mysterious stowaway opens the door to adventure for two unsuspecting holidaymakers in this comedy feature from Herbert ... More Baby Love 26/01/15 This rare, controversial feature marked the big-screen debut not only of future Hammer and Confessions… star Linda Hayden ... 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Find out why here... Book Review Is David Nobbs' 'The Second Life of Sally Mottram' the first great Transition novel? Read our review here: Opinion "Divest! Now what?" asks Transition Network's Rob Hopkins. Read more here >> Transition Network resource Transition Network's 3 year Strategy Document now available! Read more here>> This month's series: How we make space for nature This month we hear from Transition initiatives about how they make space for nature in their work and in their projects.  Today, Transition Town Tooting tell us about 'Foodival':  "At this year’s event on 14 th  September we hope break our record by feeding 300 people in one day using locally grown food, cooked by local people".  Read more here.  September's theme is 'Making Space for Nature' This month's theme opens at dusk in a field near Plymouth, where something unusual in a hedgerow leads us into an exploration about why Transition initiatives need to make space for nature in their work.  Read our month's editorial here.  What is Transition? Here is a recent piece from German television which offers a good introduction to Transition.  The Transition Interview: George Monbiot We talk to George Monbiot about rewilding, and his recent book 'Feral'. "Some people have called my book a Midlife Crisis", he tells us.  "I would call it a midlife awakening". Read more here.   Addressing drought by thinking like a forest Writing in The Guardian, Rob Hopkins argues that the best way to tackle drought is by learning from how forests manage water.  Read more here. Latest Transition Culture blog post The Second Life of Sally Mottram: a review It feels to me like an important moment in the evolution of Transition  - the first novel in which Transition plays a key role, published by one of the UK's largest publishers.  It's also a great read, and it's oddly thrilling to think that on beaches around the world this summer... Read Rob's blog post: "The Second Life of Sally Mottram: a review" REconomy Project The REconomy Project is here to help you transform your local economy. Over the last 2 years we’ve learned a lot about what REconomy is, who’s doing it and what it looks like in the UK and beyond. Find out more over on the new look, much simpler website - we suggest you start here .   Featured resource New Economics Foundation have just published  ‘No Small Change’  – a how-to guide for community currency organisers looking to effectively evaluate the impact of their project. Download this resource from the NEF site. Featured project In July, Crystal Palace Transition Town unveiled their latest community garden, named in honour of local punk legend Captain Sensible. Here's the story of the launch of 'The Sensible Garden' :   Read more about the garden here .  What can I do? Why? What? How? Where? Act! 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{1} ##LOC[OK]## {1} ##LOC[OK]## ##LOC[Cancel]## {1} ##LOC[OK]## ##LOC[Cancel]## About us Leading international thinktank and political network Newsletter Register for all the latest updates in our regular newsletter Follow Facebook Twitter Contact us Sitemap Search Home Events Research Publications Opinion Media State of the Left Login Close Email address Password Register Forgotten your password? PUBLICATION Owning the Future How Britain can Make it in a Fast Changing World Edited volume by UK shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna bringing together leading experts, business leaders, entrepreneurs and politicians. Read more ESSAY A New Age of Technological Progress Carlota Perez of the LSE on the opportunity of our great surge of technological development. Read more FEATURE Progressive Capitalism Debate on how Britain and other industrialised countries can build strong, sustainable and inclusive economies for the future. Read more FEATURE Populism Observatory Understanding the Populist Signal This selection of articles informs the Policy Network and Barrow Cadbury Trust project on "Understanding the Populist Signal". Read more PUBLICATION Making Progressive Politics Work A Handbook Of Ideas A handbook of policy recommendations by over 40 leading international thinkers on how progressives should approach the major challenges of our times. Read more Growth • Investment • Future Jobs Supporting companies in a scale-up revolution Sherry Coutu It is vitally important that Britain moves from being a great place to start-up firms to also being a great place to ‘scale-up’ firms. Cloud • ICT • Inclusive Growth Encouraging technical innovation and high-growth SMEs John Davis With the evolution of cloud technology, dynamic SMEs in the high-tech sector have a path-breaking opportunity to compete. Global Economy • Britain • Prosperity Trading places: Preparing Britain for global opportunity Mervyn Davies Britain must adapt to be ready for success in the world of the future, setting clear long-term direction. Italy • Party Politics • Leadership The Italian left a crossroads: Where now for the PD? Lilia Giugni Despite recent success of Matteo Renzi, the PD faces a number of organisational, strategic and ideological doubts. Publications Owning the Future Chuka Umunna (eds) How Britain Can Make it in a Fast Changing World Why Institutions Matter in the Eurozone Renaud Thillaye, Ludek Kouba & Andreas Sachs Reforming EU Economic Governance Mending the Fractured Economy Adonis Growth Review Smarter State, Better Jobs Making Progressive Politics Work Policy Network (eds) A Handbook of Ideas British Political Parties in Europe Renaud Thillaye Reliable, Ambiguous, Reluctant & Dismissive The Unhappy State of the Union Loukas Tsoukalis Europe Needs a New Grand Bargain Education, Pre-distribution and Social Justice Policy Network (eds) Global Competition and Regional Growth Competing in a Race to the Top Andrew Adonis Results from the Employer Survey for the Adonis Growth Review The Europe Dilemma Roger Liddle Britain and the Drama of EU Integration Governing Britain Patrick Diamond Power, Politics & the Prime Minister Contracts not Hand-Outs Andrew Adonis The case for a UK Small Business Administration to drive Growth and Innovation Britain’s Financial Services Industry in a Changing Europe Policy Network The City of London’s place in the EU Labour’s Economic Path to Power Patrick Diamond The Politics of National of Recovery Making Markets Work Thomas Aubrey How Effective Regulation Reduces Reliance on Taxation A New Promise for Europe Olaf Cramme, Arian Meyer & Jo Ritzen How the elections to the European Parliament can stop Eurosion Progressive Politics after the Crash Olaf Cramme, Patrick Diamond and Michael McTernan Governing from the Left Economic Governance in a Non-Federal EU Renaud Thillaye Coordination in Place of Integration? Politics in the Austerity State Olaf Cramme Policy Straitjackets, Electoral Promises & Ideological Space in Crisis Europe Left without a Future? Anthony Painter Social Justice in Anxious Times Takeovers and the Public Interest Aeron Davis, David Offenbach, Richard Stevens & Nick Grant Responsible Capitalism in Practice Previous Next Network Previous Next Tweets by @policynetwork In the media Chuka Umunna: How Britain can win in the new global economy Evening Standard , 19 August 2014 Ed Miliband to change tone on big companies The Financial Times , 02 July 2014 Lord Adonis review backs devolution as key to 'balanced economic recovery' The Guardian , 01 July 2014 The British centre-left must espouse a practical vision of a progressive capitalism The Independent , 01 July 2014 Labour offers olive branch to business by targeting tax and investment The Guardian , 29 June 2014 Murnaghan 22.06.14 Interview with Lord Liddle Sky News , 22 June 2014 The new working class The Economist , 16 June 2014 Reformers should be given more time, says Dijsselbloem EurActiv , 06 June 2014 Social democracy is on the ropes – it needs a new vision The Guardian , 04 June 2014 Une Europe plus sociale passe par des engagements réciproques La Tribune , 15 May 2014 Los nuevos inseguros en la sociedad 5-75-20 El Dario , 15 May 2014 Exclusive: Admit you’ll have to raise taxes if you win next election, Ed Miliband told The Independent , 05 May 2014 We need a radical reform of the tax system The Independent , 04 May 2014 Vänstern söker sin reformagenda Dagens Arena , 26 April 2014 Labour bets on living standards being key issue as 2015 elections near The Guardian , 23 April 2014 A spad's view: the good, the bad and the ugly of Whitehall policymaking The Guardian , 23 April 2014 How the left can win in the 5-75-20 society New Statesman , 23 April 2014 ‘The Europe Dilemma’, by Roger Liddle The Financial Times , 28 March 2014 Labour denies report of European socialist party walkout EurActiv , 21 March 2014 Ed Miliband has closed a route to Britain’s EU exit The Financial Times , 12 March 2014 Britain should keep open possibility of joining euro, says Labour frontbencher The Guardian , 27 February 2014 Angela Merkel ready to offer Britain limited EU opt-outs The Guardian , 26 February 2014 Governing Britain: Power, Politics and the PM Progress , 24 February 2014 Renzi, idee per fronteggiare Merkel Il Foglio , 19 February 2014 Labour needs to challenge the British tradition of government The New Statesman , 14 February 2014 Honesty is the best policy for political appointments The Financial Times , 11 February 2014 Nixon goes to China? The Economist , 10 February 2014 How Labour can counter the populist threat The New Statesman , 05 February 2014 George Osborne's Economic Recovery Like 'Groundhog Day', Warn Critics Huffington Post , 31 January 2014 Il ritorno del salario minimo Europa , 30 January 2014 The two big lessons for the UK from Germany and the Nordics The New Statesman , 29 January 2014 Labour must wise up to what voters really want The Guardian , 24 January 2014 London calling per il Pd (e il suo leader) Europa , 22 January 2014 Book Review: Progressive Politics After the Crash LSE Review of Books , 10 January 2014 If Labour is to succeed, it must end its addiction to the state The New Statesman , 06 January 2014 Departmental determinism The Economist , 01 January 2014 Labour cannot just coast victory in 2015 The Independent , 26 December 2013 Autumn statement 2013: our writers' verdict The Guardian , 05 December 2013 How Ed Miliband can continue to make the political weather The Guardian , 03 December 2013 Labour's election success depends on its ability to prove its economic credibility The Guardian , 30 November 2013 Labour is still weak on economic strategy, warns former Brown adviser The Guardian , 29 November 2013 Zwarte Zondag in Europa MO* , 29 November 2013 La crisi política europea castiga una socialdemocràcia que busca vots i discurs ARA , 16 November 2013 Rød Agenda Dagens Næringsliv , 14 November 2013 A European shutdown? The 2014 European elections and the great recession The Washington Post , 04 November 2013 Not much left for Europe's left Reuters , 14 October 2013 David Cameron's speech at the Conservative conference The Guardian , 02 October 2013 Grandi coalizioni, piccole sinistre Il Foglio , 24 September 2013 What Merkel's Win Means for Berlin's Allies Der Spiegel , 24 September 2013 La sinistra e la sua camicia di forza Il Foglio , 18 September 2013 ’Venstrefløjen glemte at forny sin kritik af markedet’ Dagbladet Information , 14 September 2013 The new ‘progressive’ conservatism is a threat to the centre-left The New Statesman , 08 September 2013 Three ways for Britain's Labour party and Europe's left to find their voice The Guardian , 04 September 2013 Ed Miliband needs to tell Britain what he’s really thinking Prospect Magazine , 22 August 2013 How to cure the malaise afflicting Europe’s left The Financial Times , 20 August 2013 Bad economic news for Europe is good news for Merkel and Cameron The Guardian , 14 August 2013 David Miliband: The decade of disorder The New Statesman , 07 August 2013 Happy birthday, national minimum wage Financial Times , 31 July 2013 Left Without a Future? by Anthony Painter: astute proposals, overly "pragmatic" The New Statesman , 29 July 2013 Mandelson to Carney: Pay attention to Europe Financial Times , 12 July 2013 Ed Miliband’s wonkish pin-up The New Statesman , 11 July 2013 Lord Adonis launches review into UK growth plans The Guardian , 11 July 2013 Meet Mr Predistribution: Jacob Hacker The New Statesman , 04 July 2013 Jacob Hacker on predistribution and Cameron PMQ jibe BBC News , 21 June 2013 Predistribution BBC Daily Politics , 21 June 2013 Predistribution Analysis - BBC Radio 4 , 17 June 2013 How to reinvigorate the centre-left? Predistribution The Guardian , 12 June 2013 How Labour can give real meaning to predistribution The New Statesman , 12 June 2013 Il battesimo triste dell’Alleanza dei progressisti Europa , 23 May 2013 Thorning: Upopulær hjemme – populær ude Jyllands-Posten , 12 May 2013 Is Labour ready to turn the state upside down in 2015? The Guardian , 12 May 2013 François Hollande after One Year BBC World News , 06 May 2013 Ed Miliband 'must do better in South to win general election' warns former Blair adviser The Independent , 05 May 2013 It's foolish for Labour to think that the voters have turned left The Independent , 05 May 2013 Hard lessons The Economist , 04 May 2013 Local elections: Ukip surge gives all parties cause for concern The Observer , 04 May 2013 Local elections: 10 things we've learned The Guardian , 03 May 2013 Hollande gambling on election defeat for Merkel as French influence fades The Guardian , 02 May 2013 Jo Johnson: a left-field choice to be David Cameron's policy chief The Guardian , 25 April 2013 Dagli Usa alla sua Europa, le amicizie internazionali di Letta Europa , 25 April 2013 Divided Kingdom The Economist , 20 April 2013 Das Dilemma der Europa-Linken Die Zeit , 15 April 2013 Gör sig redo att ta över Aftonbladet , 14 April 2013 Stefan Löfven – en radikal och global politiker? Dagens Arena , 13 April 2013 ’Lighed er en gammel socialdemokratisk værdi, som bør stå langt klarere’ Dagbladet Information , 13 April 2013 John Ivison: Is a ‘Tony Blair moment’ enough to save Thomas Mulcair’s NDP? National Post , 13 April 2013 Conference gauges the progress of progressives The Copenhagen Post , 12 April 2013 Europe's center left defends welfare amid austerity Reuters , 12 April 2013 Europe's center left defends welfare amid austerity Chicago Tribune , 12 April 2013 Conference gauges the progress of progressives Jyllands-Posten , 12 April 2013 Etat-providence et austérité, défi de la gauche européenne Reuters (France) , 12 April 2013 Tony Blair is right: the post-1945 social democratic model has to change The Guardian , 12 April 2013 Blair and Miliband split over future of Labour The Guardian , 11 April 2013 Martin O'Malley heads to Denmark for progressive governance conference ABC News , 11 April 2013 L’incontro annuale dei progressisti Europa , 10 April 2013 Una sinistra che perde pezzi? Europa , 10 April 2013 O'Malley headed to Copenhagen Baltimore Sun , 09 April 2013 Thomas Mulcair pushes back at Liberals at home and abroad Metro News , 08 April 2013 Mulcair asserts party’s progressive credentials at home, abroad The Canadian Press (CP) , 08 April 2013 Versagt Die großen Parteien haben in Europa selbst die Flanke zum Populismus geöffnet Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , 08 April 2013 Spend and borrow will not save the left The Financial Times , 05 April 2013 We can’t limit free speech. Even for Di Canio The Times , 04 April 2013 Spend and borrow will not save the left Financial Times , 04 April 2013 Why Ukip, the Tea Party and Beppe Grillo pose a threat to the mainstream The Guardian , 24 March 2013 The populist signal is getting louder - and mainstream politics is under threat New Statesman , 22 March 2013 The EU must work for the people, not for the beauty of processes EurActiv , 19 March 2013 Labour and public spending BBC Westminster Hour , 17 March 2013 Europas Initiativen gegen Gehaltsexzesse: Aufstand gegen die Abzocker Spiegel Online , 04 March 2013 The Eastleigh byelection: the lessons for Labour The Guardian , 01 March 2013 Eastleigh result raises doubts about Cameron's general election prospects The Guardian , 01 March 2013 Herman Van Rompuy attacks Cameron's plans to claw back powers from Brussels The Telegraph , 01 March 2013 EU leader warns Britain over referendum plans Daily Nation , 01 March 2013 Gilmore says long period of UK uncertainty not in anyone's interest Irish Times , 01 March 2013 You can quit EU but not 'for free' warns Herman Van Rompuy Express , 01 March 2013 'Perhaps the EU can be tolerated after all': polls show in-out promise has boosted support for remaining The Independent , 28 February 2013 EU's Rehn urges euro debtors to keep mending finances Reuters , 28 February 2013 Cameron warned over EU campaign ITV News , 28 February 2013 EU leader warns Britain over referendum SKY News , 28 February 2013 Van Rompuy advierte a Reino Unido que dejar la UE "no sale gratis" Reuters (Latin America) , 28 February 2013 Van Rompuy advierte a Cameron de que salir de la Unión Europea no es gratis Que! , 28 February 2013 Van Rompuy advierte a Cameron de que salir de la Unión Europea no es gratis dario La Rioja , 28 February 2013 Van Rompuy advierte del peligro de nuevas "réplicas" en la crisis del euro Expansión , 28 February 2013 Van Rompuy alerta de que la crisis puede provocar nuevas "réplicas" El Diario Vasco , 28 February 2013 Van Rompuy: "Aan een Brits vertrek uit EU hangt een prijskaartje" De Morgen , 28 February 2013 Van Rompuy: 'Aan een Brits vertrek uit EU hangt een prijskaartje' Volkskrant , 28 February 2013 Une sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union aurait «un prix» Le Soir , 28 February 2013 Van Rompuy : une sortie du Royaume-Uni de l'UE aura "un prix" Le Vif , 28 February 2013 Veiled Warning to Britain From a Bloc Leader New York Times , 28 February 2013 Une sortie du Royaume-Uni de l'UE aura "un prix" pour Londres RTBF , 28 February 2013 "Une sortie du Royaume-Uni de l'UE aura un prix pour Londres" 7Sur7 , 28 February 2013 Une sortie du Royaume-Uni de l'UE aura "un prix" pour Londres RTL , 28 February 2013 David Cameron's EU referendum bolsters support for membership Independent , 28 February 2013 Britain must not 'undo' EU by leaving, says Olli Rehn The Telegraph , 28 February 2013 Rehn says EU's bank bonus cap in line with commitments , 28 February 2013 Rehn says EU's bank bonus cap in line with commitments Reuters , 28 February 2013 Rehn says EU's bank bonus cap in line with commitments Reuters , 28 February 2013 Van Rompuy tells Britain leaving EU "does not come for free" Reuters , 28 February 2013 Van Rompuy hits at Cameron on treaty change Financial Times , 28 February 2013 EU council leader attacks UK plans to rewrite membership The Guardian , 28 February 2013 Kto ma rządzić w Europie? Gazeta Wyborcza , 08 February 2013 Rapport: Nordisk velfærdsmodel kan gøre Europa konkurrencedygtig Dagbladet Information , 05 February 2013 The bias towards traditional welfare threatens social justice New Statesman , 28 January 2013 Les travaillistes britanniques mal à l'aise sur l'Europe , 23 January 2013 EU referendum talk weakens UK's hand The Guardian , 22 January 2013 Our welfare state is being transformed under false pretences The Guardian , 22 January 2013 Workers who claim benefits told to increase hours or lose universal credit The Guardian , 21 January 2013 Operaisti o blairiani? Torna il dilemma della sinistra europea Europa , 16 January 2013 La Ue vuole il veto sui nostri conti, Monti dice no e il Pd? Linkiesta , 02 December 2012 Innovation: let the good risk-takers get their reward The Guardian , 29 November 2012 Lecciones de la campaña de Obama en un encuentro con Bill Clinton EuropaPress , 24 November 2012 Clinton, Blair come si vince l’antipolitica La Stampa , 23 November 2012 Una nuova Terza Via e quei vecchi progressisti da non rottamare Europa , 19 November 2012 For Miliband, isolation from Europe would be a grave error The Guardian , 19 November 2012 Bill Clinton joins US chorus of concerns about independence The Times , 17 November 2012 Britain awaits an inevitable referendum Financial Times , 16 November 2012 Europrogressisti: tutti a Londra da Blair e Clinton Europa , 16 November 2012 David Miliband: ecco il mio centrosinistra Europa , 16 November 2012 Austerity is here to stay, and we'd better get used to it The Guardian , 14 November 2012 Interview with David Miliband Europa , 06 November 2012 Labour, the Left and Europe Analysis: BBC Radio 4 , 04 November 2012 Der Euroskeptizismus ist gewachsen , 02 November 2012 The EU budget's value, not size, is what's important The Guardian , 31 October 2012 ¿Qué es exactamente la unión política? El Pais , 23 October 2012 Road to hell beckons as EU's dangerous drift continues Irish Times , 13 October 2012 Left needs credible economics, Gilmore says Irish Times , 13 October 2012 Left must show 'credibility' Irish Times , 12 October 2012 I progressisti non sono più quelli di una volta Europa , 12 October 2012 Financial crisis deepens British Euroscepticism Irish Times , 12 October 2012 Financial crisis deepens British Euroscepticism The Irish Times , 12 October 2012 I progressisti non sono più quelli di una volta Europa , 12 October 2012 L'intégration politique de l'UE est un moyen pas une fin Le Monde , 02 October 2012 Predistribution 'creating fairer society' BBC News , 02 October 2012 Jacob Hacker Interview on Pre-distribution BBC World at One , 02 October 2012 Ed Miliband Speech: Panel Verdict The Guardian , 02 October 2012 Joke was lost on me, says Miliband’s political guru The Times , 29 September 2012 Goodbye Beveridge: Welfare's end nears Financial Times , 28 September 2012 British Social Attitudes Survey BBC Daily Politics , 17 September 2012 Britain risks a lost decade unless it changes course Financial Times , 16 September 2012 Olanda, una scossa ai progressisti Europa , 14 September 2012 The Dutch opt for centre-right reliability over populism New Statesman , 13 September 2012 Predistribution: an unsnappy name for an inspiring idea The Guardian , 12 September 2012 Andrew Marr shines a light on the key events around the world this week BBC The Andrew Marr Show , 09 September 2012 La Terza via rialza la testa Europa , 07 September 2012 Larry Summers warns of 1930s slump threat to UK economy Telegraph , 06 September 2012 Ed Miliband unveils 'predistribution' plan to fix economy BBC News , 06 September 2012 Miliband Urges Move To High-Skill Economy Sky News , 06 September 2012 Labour must restore economic credibility The Financial Times , 02 September 2012 How would Labour get growth in the economy? BBC The Westminster Hour , 02 September 2012 What would Labour do? BBC News , 02 September 2012 Co-ops are doing Britain proud, but is it mutual? The Guardian , 08 August 2012 Le Royaume-Uni pourrait rejoindre une zone euro ayant retrouvé sa stabilité Les Echos , 07 August 2012 How Miliband could help Hollande drive Europe forward The Guardian , 23 July 2012 Cameron's promise of more austerity is an election trap for Labour New Statesman , 19 July 2012 Banks must learn to reward the good risks The Guardian , 25 June 2012 Review: After the third way De Volkskrant , 02 June 2012 Britain and the EU The Economist , 01 June 2012 Help Britain do what it does best: make stuff The Guardian , 21 May 2012 Hollande and Merkel Face Berlin Showdown Voice of America , 14 May 2012 The new Paris-Berlin Axis will hinge on Monti Europa , 11 May 2012 Hollande will go via Brussels to rescue France Independent on Sunday , 06 May 2012 Fear of disillusionment in the UK Libération , 06 May 2012 Southern comfort? BBC Newsnight , 04 May 2012 An in-out referendum on EU membership? The Economist , 04 May 2012 Peter Mandelson calls for EU referendum The Guardian , 03 May 2012 The travails of Europe's centre-left The Financial Times , 30 April 2012 Mayday for the European Left The NewStatesman , 17 April 2012 After the Third Way El Pais , 09 April 2012 Is Europe's Left ready to govern? The Guardian , 07 April 2012 What we are reading Astute and important writings which have relevance for social democratic renewal. Ideas and debate Essays and critical thinking on some of the key political and ideological challenges for 21st Century social democracy. State of the Left Policy Network's international political observers report on centre-left politics across the world. Policy Network is a leading international thinktank which provides progressive solutions to the political challenges of the 21st Century © Policy Network RSS Facebook Twitter Flickr Youtube SoundCloud Sign up to our newsletter >> Name Email
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Computer network From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search Network science Theory Graph Complex network Contagion Small-world Scale-free Community structure Percolation Evolution Controllability Graph drawing Social capital Link analysis Optimization Reciprocity Closure Homophily Transitivity Preferential attachment Balance theory Network effect Social influence Network types Informational (computing) Telecommunication Social Biological Artificial neural Interdependent Semantic Random graph Spatial Dependency Flow Graphs Features Clique Component Cut Cycle Data structure Edge Loop Neighborhood Path Vertex Adjacency list  / matrix Incidence list  / matrix Types Bipartite Complete Directed Hyper Multi Random Weighted Metrics Algorithms Centrality Degree Betweenness Closeness PageRank Motif Clustering Degree distribution Assortativity Distance Modularity Models Random graph Erdős–Rényi Barabási–Albert Watts–Strogatz Exponential random (ERGM) Epidemic Hierarchical Lists Topics Software Network scientists Categories Graph theory Network theory v t e A computer network or data network is a telecommunications network that allows computers to exchange data . In computer networks, networked computing devices pass data to each other along data connections. Data is transferred in the form of packets. The connections ( network links ) between nodes are established using either cable media or wireless media . The best-known computer network is the Internet . Network computer devices that originate, route and terminate the data are called network nodes . [ 1 ] Nodes can include hosts such as personal computers , phones , servers as well as networking hardware . Two such devices are said to be networked together when one device is able to exchange information with the other device, whether or not they have a direct connection to each other. Computer networks support applications such as access to the World Wide Web , shared use of application and storage servers , printers , and fax machines, and use of email and instant messaging applications. Computer networks differ in the physical media used to transmit their signals, the communications protocols to organize network traffic, the network's size, topology and organizational intent. Contents 1 History 2 Properties 3 Network packet 4 Network topology 4.1 Network links 4.1.1 Wired technologies 4.1.2 Wireless technologies 4.1.3 Exotic technologies 4.2 Network nodes 4.2.1 Network interfaces 4.2.2 Repeaters and hubs 4.2.3 Bridges 4.2.4 Switches 4.2.5 Routers 4.2.6 Modems 4.2.7 Firewalls 4.3 Network structure 4.3.1 Common layouts 4.3.2 Overlay network 5 Communications protocols 5.1 Ethernet 5.2 Internet Protocol Suite 5.3 SONET/SDH 5.4 Asynchronous Transfer Mode 6 Geographic scale 7 Organizational scope 7.1 Intranets 7.2 Extranet 7.3 Internetwork 7.4 Internet 7.5 Darknet 8 Routing 9 Network service 10 Network performance 10.1 Quality of service 10.2 Network congestion 10.3 Network resilience 11 Security 11.1 Network security 11.2 Network surveillance 11.3 End to end encryption 12 Views of networks 13 See also 14 References 15 Further reading 16 External links History [ edit ] See also: History of the Internet Today, computer networks are the core of modern communication. All modern aspects of the public switched telephone network (PSTN) are computer-controlled. Telephony increasingly runs over the Internet Protocol, although not necessarily the public Internet. The scope of communication has increased significantly in the past decade. This boom in communications would not have been possible without the progressively advancing computer network. Computer networks, and the technologies that make communication between networked computers possible, continue to drive computer hardware, software, and peripherals industries. The expansion of related industries is mirrored by growth in the numbers and types of people using networks, from the researcher to the home user. The following is a chronology of significant computer network developments: In the late 1950s, early networks of communicating computers included the military radar system Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE). In 1960, the commercial airline reservation system semi-automatic business research environment (SABRE) went online with two connected mainframes. In 1962, J.C.R. Licklider developed a working group he called the " Intergalactic Computer Network ", a precursor to the ARPANET , at the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). In 1964, researchers at Dartmouth developed the Dartmouth Time Sharing System for distributed users of large computer systems. The same year, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology , a research group supported by General Electric and Bell Labs used a computer to route and manage telephone connections. Throughout the 1960s, Leonard Kleinrock , Paul Baran , and Donald Davies independently developed network systems that used packets to transfer information between computers over a network. In 1965, Thomas Marill and Lawrence G. Roberts created the first wide area network (WAN). This was an immediate precursor to the ARPANET , of which Roberts became program manager. Also in 1965, the first widely used telephone switch that implemented true computer control was introduced by Western Electric . In 1969, the University of California at Los Angeles , the Stanford Research Institute , the University of California at Santa Barbara , and the University of Utah were connected as the beginning of the ARPANET network using 50 kbit/s circuits. [ 2 ] In 1972, commercial services using X.25 were deployed, and later used as an underlying infrastructure for expanding TCP/IP networks. In 1973, Robert Metcalfe wrote a formal memo at Xerox PARC describing Ethernet , a networking system that was based on the Aloha network , developed in the 1960s by Norman Abramson and colleagues at the University of Hawaii . In July 1976, Robert Metcalfe and David Boggs published their paper "Ethernet: Distributed Packet Switching for Local Computer Networks" [ 3 ] and collaborated on several patents received in 1977 and 1978. In 1979, Robert Metcalfe pursued making Ethernet an open standard. [ 4 ] In 1976, John Murphy of Datapoint Corporation created ARCNET , a token-passing network first used to share storage devices. In 1995, the transmission speed capacity for Ethernet was increased from 10 Mbit/s to 100 Mbit/s. By 1998, Ethernet supported transmission speeds of a Gigabit. The ability of Ethernet to scale easily (such as quickly adapting to support new fiber optic cable speeds) is a contributing factor to its continued use today. [ 4 ] Properties [ edit ] Computer networking may be considered a branch of electrical engineering , telecommunications , computer science , information technology or computer engineering , since it relies upon the theoretical and practical application of the related disciplines. A computer network facilitates interpersonal communications allowing people to communicate efficiently and easily via email, instant messaging, chat rooms, telephone, video telephone calls, and video conferencing. Providing access to information on shared storage devices is an important feature of many networks. A network allows sharing of files, data, and other types of information giving authorized users the ability to access information stored on other computers on the network. A network allows sharing of network and computing resources. Users may access and use resources provided by devices on the network, such as printing a document on a shared network printer. Distributed computing uses computing resources across a network to accomplish tasks. A computer network may be used by computer Crackers to deploy computer viruses or computer worms on devices connected to the network, or to prevent these devices from accessing the network ( denial of service ). A complex computer network may be difficult to set up. It may be costly to set up an effective computer network in a large organization. Network packet [ edit ] Main article: Network packet Most information in computer networks is carried in packets . A network packet is a formatted unit of data (a list of bits or bytes) carried by a packet-switched network . Computer communications links that do not support packets, such as traditional point-to-point telecommunications links , simply transmit data as a bit stream . When data is formatted into packets, the bandwidth of the communication medium can be better shared among users than if the network were circuit switched . A packet consists of two kinds of data: control information and user data (also known as payload ). The control information provides data the network needs to deliver the user data, for example: source and destination network addresses , error detection codes, and sequencing information. Typically, control information is found in packet headers and trailers , with payload data in between. Network topology [ edit ] Main article: Network topology The physical layout of a network is usually less important than the topology that connects network nodes. Most diagrams that describe a physical network are therefore topological, rather than geographic. The symbols on these diagrams usually denote network links and network nodes. Network links [ edit ] The communication media used to link devices to form a computer network include electrical cable ( HomePNA , power line communication , ), optical fiber ( fiber-optic communication ), and radio waves ( wireless networking ). In the OSI model , these are defined at layers 1 and 2 — the physical layer and the data link layer. A widely adopted family of communication media used in local area network ( LAN ) technology is collectively known as Ethernet . The media and protocol standards that enable communication between networked devices over Ethernet are defined by IEEE 802.3 . Ethernet transmit data over both copper and fiber cables. Wireless LAN standards (e.g. those defined by IEEE 802.11 ) use radio waves , or others use infrared signals as a transmission medium. Power line communication uses a building's power cabling to transmit data. Wired technologies [ edit ] Fiber optic cables are used to transmit light from one computer/network node to another The orders of the following wired technologies are, roughly, from slowest to fastest transmission speed. Twisted pair wire is the most widely used medium for all telecommunication. Twisted-pair cabling consist of copper wires that are twisted into pairs. Ordinary telephone wires consist of two insulated copper wires twisted into pairs. Computer network cabling (wired Ethernet as defined by IEEE 802.3 ) consists of 4 pairs of copper cabling that can be utilized for both voice and data transmission. The use of two wires twisted together helps to reduce crosstalk and electromagnetic induction . The transmission speed ranges from 2 million bits per second to 10 billion bits per second. Twisted pair cabling comes in two forms: unshielded twisted pair (UTP) and shielded twisted-pair (STP). Each form comes in several category ratings, designed for use in various scenarios. Coaxial cable is widely used for cable television systems, office buildings, and other work-sites for local area networks. The cables consist of copper or aluminum wire surrounded by an insulating layer (typically a flexible material with a high dielectric constant), which itself is surrounded by a conductive layer. The insulation helps minimize interference and distortion. Transmission speed ranges from 200 million bits per second to more than 500 million bits per second. ITU-T technology uses existing home wiring ( coaxial cable , phone lines and power lines ) to create a high-speed (up to 1 Gigabit/s) local area network. An optical fiber is a glass fiber. It carries pulses of light that represent data. Some advantages of optical fibers over metal wires are very low transmission loss and immunity from electrical interference. Optical fibers can simultaneously carry multiple wavelengths of light, which greatly increases the rate that data can be sent, and helps enable data rates of up to trillions of bits per second. Optic fibers can be used for long runs of cable carrying very high data rates, and are used for undersea cables to interconnect continents. Price is a main factor distinguishing wired- and wireless-technology options in a business. Wireless options command a price premium that can make purchasing wired computers, printers and other devices a financial benefit. Before making the decision to purchase hard-wired technology products, a review of the restrictions and limitations of the selections is necessary. Business and employee needs may override any cost considerations. [ 5 ] Wireless technologies [ edit ] Computers are very often connected to networks using wireless links Main article: Wireless network Terrestrial microwave  – Terrestrial microwave communication uses Earth-based transmitters and receivers resembling satellite dishes. Terrestrial microwaves are in the low-gigahertz range, which limits all communications to line-of-sight. Relay stations are spaced approximately 48 km (30 mi) apart. Communications satellites  – Satellites communicate via microwave radio waves, which are not deflected by the Earth's atmosphere. The satellites are stationed in space, typically in geosynchronous orbit 35,400 km (22,000 mi) above the equator. These Earth-orbiting systems are capable of receiving and relaying voice, data, and TV signals. Cellular and PCS systems use several radio communications technologies. The systems divide the region covered into multiple geographic areas. Each area has a low-power transmitter or radio relay antenna device to relay calls from one area to the next area. Radio and spread spectrum technologies  – Wireless local area networks use a high-frequency radio technology similar to digital cellular and a low-frequency radio technology. Wireless LANs use spread spectrum technology to enable communication between multiple devices in a limited area. IEEE 802.11 defines a common flavor of open-standards wireless radio-wave technology known as Wifi . Free-space optical communication uses visible or invisible light for communications. In most cases, line-of-sight propagation is used, which limits the physical positioning of communicating devices. Exotic technologies [ edit ] There have been various attempts at transporting data over exotic media: IP over Avian Carriers was a humorous April fool's Request for Comments , issued as RFC 1149 . It was implemented in real life in 2001. [ 6 ] Extending the Internet to interplanetary dimensions via radio waves. [ 7 ] Both cases have a large round-trip delay time , which gives slow two-way communication, but doesn't prevent sending large amounts of information. Network nodes [ edit ] Main article: Node (networking) Apart from the physical communications media described above, networks comprise additional basic system building blocks, such as network interface controller (NICs), repeaters , hubs , bridges , switches , routers , modems , and firewalls . Network interfaces [ edit ] An ATM network interface in the form of an accessory card. A lot of network interfaces are built-in. A network interface controller (NIC) is computer hardware that provides a computer with the ability to access the transmission media, and has the ability to process low-level network information. For example the NIC may have a connector for accepting a cable, or an aerial for wireless transmission and reception, and the associated circuitry. The NIC responds to traffic addressed to a network address for either the NIC or the computer as a whole. In Ethernet networks, each network interface controller has a unique Media Access Control (MAC) address—usually stored in the controller's permanent memory. To avoid address conflicts between network devices, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) maintains and administers MAC address uniqueness. The size of an Ethernet MAC address is six octets . The three most significant octets are reserved to identify NIC manufacturers. These manufacturers, using only their assigned prefixes, uniquely assign the three least-significant octets of every Ethernet interface they produce. Repeaters and hubs [ edit ] A repeater is an electronic device that receives a network signal , cleans it of unnecessary noise, and regenerates it. The signal is retransmitted at a higher power level, or to the other side of an obstruction, so that the signal can cover longer distances without degradation. In most twisted pair Ethernet configurations, repeaters are required for cable that runs longer than 100 meters. With fiber optics, repeaters can be tens or even hundreds of kilometers apart. A repeater with multiple ports is known as a hub . Repeaters work on the physical layer of the OSI model. Repeaters require a small amount of time to regenerate the signal. This can cause a propagation delay that affects network performance. As a result, many network architectures limit the number of repeaters that can be used in a row, e.g., the Ethernet 5-4-3 rule . Hubs have been mostly obsoleted by modern switches; but repeaters are used for long distance links, notably undersea cabling. Bridges [ edit ] A network bridge connects and filters traffic between two network segments at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model to form a single network. This breaks the network's collision domain but maintains a unified broadcast domain. Network segmentation breaks down a large, congested network into an aggregation of smaller, more efficient networks. Bridges come in three basic types: Local bridges: Directly connect LANs Remote bridges: Can be used to create a wide area network (WAN) link between LANs. Remote bridges, where the connecting link is slower than the end networks, largely have been replaced with routers. Wireless bridges: Can be used to join LANs or connect remote devices to LANs. Switches [ edit ] A network switch is a device that forwards and filters OSI layer 2 datagrams between ports based on the MAC addresses in the packets. [ 8 ] A switch is distinct from a hub in that it only forwards the frames to the physical ports involved in the communication rather than all ports connected. It can be thought of as a multi-port bridge. [ 9 ] It learns to associate physical ports to MAC addresses by examining the source addresses of received frames. If an unknown destination is targeted, the switch broadcasts to all ports but the source. Switches normally have numerous ports, facilitating a star topology for devices, and cascading additional switches. Multi-layer switches are capable of routing based on layer 3 addressing or additional logical levels. The term switch is often used loosely to include devices such as routers and bridges, as well as devices that may distribute traffic based on load or based on application content (e.g., a Web URL identifier). Routers [ edit ] A typical home or small office router showing the ADSL telephone line and Ethernet network cable connections A router is an internetworking device that forwards packets between networks by processing the routing information included in the packet or datagram (Internet protocol information from layer 3). The routing information is often processed in conjunction with the routing table (or forwarding table). A router uses its routing table to determine where to forward packets. (A destination in a routing table can include a "null" interface, also known as the "black hole" interface because data can go into it, however, no further processing is done for said data.) Modems [ edit ] Modems (MOdulator-DEModulator) are used to connect network nodes via wire not originally designed for digital network traffic, or for wireless. To do this one or more frequencies are modulated by the digital signal to produce an analog signal that can be tailored to give the required properties for transmission. Modems are commonly used for telephone lines, using a Digital Subscriber Line technology. Firewalls [ edit ] A firewall is a network device for controlling network security and access rules. Firewalls are typically configured to reject access requests from unrecognized sources while allowing actions from recognized ones. The vital role firewalls play in network security grows in parallel with the constant increase in cyber attacks . Network structure [ edit ] Network topology is the layout or organizational hierarchy of interconnected nodes of a computer network. Different network topologies can affect throughput, but reliability is often more critical. With many technologies, such as bus networks, a single failure can cause the network to fail entirely. In general the more interconnections there are, the more robust the network is; but the more expensive it is to install. Common layouts [ edit ] Common network topologies Common layouts are: A bus network : all nodes are connected to a common medium along this medium. This was the layout used in the original Ethernet , called 10BASE5 and 10BASE2 . A star network : all nodes are connected to a special central node. This is the typical layout found in a Wireless LAN , where each wireless client connects to the central Wireless access point . A ring network : each node is connected to its left and right neighbour node, such that all nodes are connected and that each node can reach each other node by traversing nodes left- or rightwards. The Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) made use of such a topology. A mesh network : each node is connected to an arbitrary number of neighbours in such a way that there is at least one traversal from any node to any other. A fully connected network : each node is connected to every other node in the network. A tree network : nodes are arranged hierarchically. Note that the physical layout of the nodes in a network may not necessarily reflect the network topology. As an example, with FDDI , the network topology is a ring (actually two counter-rotating rings), but the physical topology is often a star, because all neighboring connections can be routed via a central physical location. Overlay network [ edit ] A sample overlay network An overlay network is a virtual computer network that is built on top of another network. Nodes in the overlay network are connected by virtual or logical links. Each link corresponds to a path, perhaps through many physical links, in the underlying network. The topology of the overlay network may (and often does) differ from that of the underlying one. For example, many peer-to-peer networks are overlay networks. They are organized as nodes of a virtual system of links that run on top of the Internet. [ 10 ] Overlay networks have been around since the invention of networking when computer systems were connected over telephone lines using modems , before any data network existed. The most striking example of an overlay network is the Internet itself. The Internet itself was initially built as an overlay on the telephone network . [ 10 ] Even today, at the network layer, each node can reach any other by a direct connection to the desired IP address, thereby creating a fully connected network. The underlying network, however, is composed of a mesh-like interconnect of sub-networks of varying topologies (and technologies). Address resolution and routing are the means that allow mapping of a fully connected IP overlay network to its underlying network. Another example of an overlay network is a distributed hash table , which maps keys to nodes in the network. In this case, the underlying network is an IP network, and the overlay network is a table (actually a map ) indexed by keys. Overlay networks have also been proposed as a way to improve Internet routing, such as through quality of service guarantees to achieve higher-quality streaming media . Previous proposals such as IntServ , DiffServ , and IP Multicast have not seen wide acceptance largely because they require modification of all routers in the network. [ citation needed ] On the other hand, an overlay network can be incrementally deployed on end-hosts running the overlay protocol software, without cooperation from Internet service providers . The overlay network has no control over how packets are routed in the underlying network between two overlay nodes, but it can control, for example, the sequence of overlay nodes that a message traverses before it reaches its destination. For example, Akamai Technologies manages an overlay network that provides reliable, efficient content delivery (a kind of multicast ). Academic research includes end system multicast, [ 11 ] resilient routing and quality of service studies, among others. Communications protocols [ edit ] The TCP/IP model or Internet layering scheme and its relation to common protocols often layered on top of it. A communications protocol is a set of rules for exchanging information over network links. In a protocol stack (also see the OSI model ), each protocol leverages the services of the protocol below it. An important example of a protocol stack is HTTP running over TCP over IP over IEEE 802.11 . (TCP and IP are members of the Internet Protocol Suite . IEEE 802.11 is a member of the Ethernet protocol suite.) This stack is used between the wireless router and the home user's personal computer when the user is surfing the web. Whilst the use of protocol layering is today ubiquitous across the field of computer networking, it has been historically criticized by many researchers [ 12 ] for two principle reasons. Firstly, abstracting the protocol stack in this way may cause a higher layer to duplicate functionality of a lower layer, a prime example being error recovery on both a per-link basis and an end-to-end basis. [ 13 ] Secondly, it is common that a protocol implementation at one layer may require data, state or addressing information that is only present at another layer, thus defeating the point of separating the layers in the first place. For example, TCP uses the ECN field in the IPv4 header as an indication of congestion; IP is a network layer protocol whereas TCP is a transport layer protocol. Communication protocols have various characteristics. They may be connection-oriented or connectionless , they may use circuit mode or packet switching , and they may use hierarchical addressing or flat addressing. There are many communication protocols, a few of which are described below. Ethernet [ edit ] Ethernet is a family of protocols used in LANs, described by a set of standards together called IEEE 802 published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers . It has a flat addressing scheme. It operates mostly at levels 1 and 2 of the OSI model . For home users today, the most well-known member of this protocol family is IEEE 802.11 , otherwise known as Wireless LAN (WLAN). The complete IEEE 802 protocol suite provides a diverse set of networking capabilities. For example, MAC bridging ( IEEE 802.1D ) deals with the routing of Ethernet packets using a Spanning Tree Protocol , IEEE 802.1Q describes VLANs , and IEEE 802.1X defines a port-based Network Access Control protocol, which forms the basis for the authentication mechanisms used in VLANs (but it is also found in WLANs) – it is what the home user sees when the user has to enter a "wireless access key". Internet Protocol Suite [ edit ] The Internet Protocol Suite , also called TCP/IP, is the foundation of all modern networking. It offers connection-less as well as connection-oriented services over an inherently unreliable network traversed by data-gram transmission at the Internet protocol (IP) level. At its core, the protocol suite defines the addressing, identification, and routing specifications for Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) and for IPv6, the next generation of the protocol with a much enlarged addressing capability. SONET/SDH [ edit ] Synchronous optical networking (SONET) and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) are standardized multiplexing protocols that transfer multiple digital bit streams over optical fiber using lasers. They were originally designed to transport circuit mode communications from a variety of different sources, primarily to support real-time, uncompressed, circuit-switched voice encoded in PCM (Pulse-Code Modulation) format. However, due to its protocol neutrality and transport-oriented features, SONET/SDH also was the obvious choice for transporting Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) frames. Asynchronous Transfer Mode [ edit ] Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is a switching technique for telecommunication networks. It uses asynchronous time-division multiplexing and encodes data into small, fixed-sized cells . This differs from other protocols such as the Internet Protocol Suite or Ethernet that use variable sized packets or frames . ATM has similarity with both circuit and packet switched networking. This makes it a good choice for a network that must handle both traditional high-throughput data traffic, and real-time, low-latency content such as voice and video. ATM uses a connection-oriented model in which a virtual circuit must be established between two endpoints before the actual data exchange begins. While the role of ATM is diminishing in favor of next-generation networks , it still plays a role in the last mile , which is the connection between an Internet service provider and the home user. For an interesting write-up of the technologies involved, including the deep stacking of communications protocols used, see. [ 14 ] Geographic scale [ edit ] A network can be characterized by its physical capacity or its organizational purpose. Use of the network, including user authorization and access rights, differ accordingly. Personal area network A personal area network (PAN) is a computer network used for communication among computer and different information technological devices close to one person. Some examples of devices that are used in a PAN are personal computers, printers, fax machines, telephones, PDAs, scanners, and even video game consoles. A PAN may include wired and wireless devices. The reach of a PAN typically extends to 10 meters. [ 15 ] A wired PAN is usually constructed with USB and FireWire connections while technologies such as Bluetooth and infrared communication typically form a wireless PAN. Local area network A local area network (LAN) is a network that connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area such as a home, school, office building, or closely positioned group of buildings. Each computer or device on the network is a node . Wired LANs are most likely based on Ethernet technology. Newer standards such as ITU-T also provide a way to create a wired LAN using existing wiring, such as coaxial cables, telephone lines, and power lines. [ 16 ] A LAN is depicted in the accompanying diagram. All interconnected devices use the network layer (layer 3) to handle multiple subnets (represented by different colors). Those inside the library have 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet connections to the user device and a Gigabit Ethernet connection to the central router . They could be called Layer 3 switches , because they only have Ethernet interfaces and support the Internet Protocol . It might be more correct to call them access routers, where the router at the top is a distribution router that connects to the Internet and to the academic networks' customer access routers. The defining characteristics of a LAN, in contrast to a wide area network (WAN), include higher data transfer rates , limited geographic range, and lack of reliance on leased lines to provide connectivity. Current Ethernet or other IEEE 802.3 LAN technologies operate at data transfer rates up to 10 Gbit/s. The IEEE investigates the standardization of 40 and 100 Gbit/s rates. [ 17 ] A LAN can be connected to a WAN using a router . Home area network A home area network (HAN) is a residential LAN used for communication between digital devices typically deployed in the home, usually a small number of personal computers and accessories, such as printers and mobile computing devices. An important function is the sharing of Internet access, often a broadband service through a cable TV or digital subscriber line (DSL) provider. Storage area network A storage area network (SAN) is a dedicated network that provides access to consolidated, block level data storage. SANs are primarily used to make storage devices, such as disk arrays, tape libraries, and optical jukeboxes, accessible to servers so that the devices appear like locally attached devices to the operating system. A SAN typically has its own network of storage devices that are generally not accessible through the local area network by other devices. The cost and complexity of SANs dropped in the early 2000s to levels allowing wider adoption across both enterprise and small to medium sized business environments. Campus area network A campus area network (CAN) is made up of an interconnection of LANs within a limited geographical area. The networking equipment (switches, routers) and transmission media (optical fiber, copper plant, Cat5 cabling, etc.) are almost entirely owned by the campus tenant / owner (an enterprise, university, government, etc.). For example, a university campus network is likely to link a variety of campus buildings to connect academic colleges or departments, the library, and student residence halls. Backbone network A backbone network is part of a computer network infrastructure that provides a path for the exchange of information between different LANs or sub-networks. A backbone can tie together diverse networks within the same building, across different buildings, or over a wide area. For example, a large company might implement a backbone network to connect departments that are located around the world. The equipment that ties together the departmental networks constitutes the network backbone. When designing a network backbone, network performance and network congestion are critical factors to take into account. Normally, the backbone network's capacity is greater than that of the individual networks connected to it. Another example of a backbone network is the Internet backbone , which is the set of wide area networks (WANs) and core routers that tie together all networks connected to the Internet . Metropolitan area network A Metropolitan area network (MAN) is a large computer network that usually spans a city or a large campus. Wide area network A wide area network (WAN) is a computer network that covers a large geographic area such as a city, country, or spans even intercontinental distances. A WAN uses a communications channel that combines many types of media such as telephone lines, cables, and air waves. A WAN often makes use of transmission facilities provided by common carriers, such as telephone companies. WAN technologies generally function at the lower three layers of the OSI reference model : the physical layer , the data link layer , and the network layer . Enterprise private network An enterprise private network is a network that a single organization builds to interconnect its office locations (e.g., production sites, head offices, remote offices, shops) so they can share computer resources. Virtual private network A virtual private network (VPN) is an overlay network in which some of the links between nodes are carried by open connections or virtual circuits in some larger network (e.g., the Internet) instead of by physical wires. The data link layer protocols of the virtual network are said to be tunneled through the larger network when this is the case. One common application is secure communications through the public Internet, but a VPN need not have explicit security features, such as authentication or content encryption. VPNs, for example, can be used to separate the traffic of different user communities over an underlying network with strong security features. VPN may have best-effort performance, or may have a defined service level agreement (SLA) between the VPN customer and the VPN service provider. Generally, a VPN has a topology more complex than point-to-point. Global area network A global area network (GAN) is a network used for supporting mobile across an arbitrary number of wireless LANs, satellite coverage areas, etc. The key challenge in mobile communications is handing off user communications from one local coverage area to the next. In IEEE Project 802, this involves a succession of terrestrial wireless LANs . [ 18 ] Organizational scope [ edit ] Networks are typically managed by the organizations that own them. Private enterprise networks may use a combination of intranets and extranets. They may also provide network access to the Internet , which has no single owner and permits virtually unlimited global connectivity. Intranets [ edit ] An intranet is a set of networks that are under the control of a single administrative entity. The intranet uses the IP protocol and IP-based tools such as web browsers and file transfer applications. The administrative entity limits use of the intranet to its authorized users. Most commonly, an intranet is the internal LAN of an organization. A large intranet typically has at least one web server to provide users with organizational information. An intranet is also anything behind the router on a local area network. Extranet [ edit ] An extranet is a network that is also under the administrative control of a single organization, but supports a limited connection to a specific external network. For example, an organization may provide access to some aspects of its intranet to share data with its business partners or customers. These other entities are not necessarily trusted from a security standpoint. Network connection to an extranet is often, but not always, implemented via WAN technology. Internetwork [ edit ] An internetwork is the connection of multiple computer networks via a common routing technology using routers. Internet [ edit ] Partial map of the Internet based on the January 15, 2005 data found on . Each line is drawn between two nodes, representing two IP addresses . The length of the lines are indicative of the delay between those two nodes. This graph represents less than 30% of the Class C networks reachable. The Internet is the largest example of an internetwork. It is a global system of interconnected governmental, academic, corporate, public, and private computer networks. It is based on the networking technologies of the Internet Protocol Suite . It is the successor of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) developed by DARPA of the United States Department of Defense . The Internet is also the communications backbone underlying the World Wide Web (WWW). Participants in the Internet use a diverse array of methods of several hundred documented, and often standardized, protocols compatible with the Internet Protocol Suite and an addressing system ( IP addresses ) administered by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority and address registries . Service providers and large enterprises exchange information about the reachability of their address spaces through the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), forming a redundant worldwide mesh of transmission paths. Darknet [ edit ] A Darknet is an overlay network, typically running on the internet, that is only accessible through specialized software. A darknet is an anonymizing network where connections are made only between trusted peers — sometimes called "friends" ( F2F ) [ 19 ]  — using non-standard protocols and ports . Darknets are distinct from other distributed peer-to-peer networks as sharing is anonymous (that is, IP addresses are not publicly shared), and therefore users can communicate with little fear of governmental or corporate interference. [ 20 ] Routing [ edit ] Routing calculates good paths through a network for information to take. For example from node 1 to node 6 the best routes are likely to be 1-8-7-6 or 1-8-10-6, as this has the thickest routes. Routing is the process of selecting network paths to carry network traffic. Routing is performed for many kinds of networks, including circuit switching networks and packet switched networks . In packet switched networks, routing directs packet forwarding (the transit of logically addressed network packets from their source toward their ultimate destination) through intermediate nodes . Intermediate nodes are typically network hardware devices such as routers , bridges , gateways , firewalls , or switches . General-purpose computers can also forward packets and perform routing, though they are not specialized hardware and may suffer from limited performance. The routing process usually directs forwarding on the basis of routing tables , which maintain a record of the routes to various network destinations. Thus, constructing routing tables, which are held in the router's memory , is very important for efficient routing. Most routing algorithms use only one network path at a time. Multipath routing techniques enable the use of multiple alternative paths. There are usually multiple routes that can be taken, and to choose between them, different elements can be considered to decide which routes get installed into the routing table, such as (sorted by priority): Prefix-Length : where longer subnet masks are preferred (independent if it is within a routing protocol or over different routing protocol) Metric : where a lower metric/cost is preferred (only valid within one and the same routing protocol) Administrative distance : where a lower distance is preferred (only valid between different routing protocols) Routing, in a more narrow sense of the term, is often contrasted with bridging in its assumption that network addresses are structured and that similar addresses imply proximity within the network. Structured addresses allow a single routing table entry to represent the route to a group of devices. In large networks, structured addressing (routing, in the narrow sense) outperforms unstructured addressing (bridging). Routing has become the dominant form of addressing on the Internet. Bridging is still widely used within localized environments. Network service [ edit ] Network services are applications hosted by servers on a computer network, to provide some functionality for members or users of the network, or to help the network itself to operate. The World Wide Web , E-mail , [ 21 ] printing and network file sharing are examples of well-known network services. Network services such as DNS ( Domain Name System ) give names for IP and MAC addresses (people remember names like “nm.lan” better than numbers like “”), [ 22 ] and DHCP to ensure that the equipment on the network has a valid IP address. [ 23 ] Services are usually based on a service protocol that defines the format and sequencing of messages between clients and servers of that network service. Network performance [ edit ] Quality of service [ edit ] Depending on the installation requirements, network performance is usually measured by the quality of service of a telecommunications product. The parameters that affect this typically can include throughput , jitter , bit error rate and latency . The following list gives examples of network performance measures for a circuit-switched network and one type of packet-switched network , viz. ATM: Circuit-switched networks: In circuit switched networks, network performance is synonymous with the grade of service . The number of rejected calls is a measure of how well the network is performing under heavy traffic loads. [ 24 ] Other types of performance measures can include the level of noise and echo. ATM: In an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) network, performance can be measured by line rate, quality of service (QoS), data throughput, connect time, stability, technology, modulation technique and modem enhancements. [ 25 ] There are many ways to measure the performance of a network, as each network is different in nature and design. Performance can also be modelled instead of measured. For example, state transition diagrams are often used to model queuing performance in a circuit-switched network. The network planner uses these diagrams to analyze how the network performs in each state, ensuring that the network is optimally designed. [ 26 ] Network congestion [ edit ] Network congestion occurs when a link or node is carrying so much data that its quality of service deteriorates. Typical effects include queueing delay , packet loss or the blocking of new connections. A consequence of these latter two is that incremental increases in offered load lead either only to small increase in network throughput , or to an actual reduction in network throughput. Network protocols that use aggressive retransmissions to compensate for packet loss tend to keep systems in a state of network congestion—even after the initial load is reduced to a level that would not normally induce network congestion. Thus, networks using these protocols can exhibit two stable states under the same level of load. The stable state with low throughput is known as congestive collapse . Modern networks use congestion control and congestion avoidance techniques to try to avoid congestion collapse. These include: exponential backoff in protocols such as 802.11 's CSMA/CA and the original Ethernet , window reduction in TCP , and fair queueing in devices such as routers . Another method to avoid the negative effects of network congestion is implementing priority schemes, so that some packets are transmitted with higher priority than others. Priority schemes do not solve network congestion by themselves, but they help to alleviate the effects of congestion for some services. An example of this is 802.1p . A third method to avoid network congestion is the explicit allocation of network resources to specific flows. One example of this is the use of Contention-Free Transmission Opportunities (CFTXOPs) in the ITU-T standard, which provides high-speed (up to 1 Gbit/s) Local area networking over existing home wires (power lines, phone lines and coaxial cables). For the Internet RFC 2914 addresses the subject of congestion control in detail. Network resilience [ edit ] Network resilience is "the ability to provide and maintain an acceptable level of service in the face of faults and challenges to normal operation.” [ 27 ] Security [ edit ] Network security [ edit ] Network security consists of provisions and policies adopted by the network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of the computer network and its network-accessible resources. [ 28 ] Network security is the authorization of access to data in a network, which is controlled by the network administrator. Users are assigned an ID and password that allows them access to information and programs within their authority. Network security is used on a variety of computer networks, both public and private, to secure daily transactions and communications among businesses, government agencies and individuals. Network surveillance [ edit ] Network surveillance is the monitoring of data being transferred over computer networks such as the Internet . The monitoring is often done surreptitiously and may be done by or at the behest of governments, by corporations, criminal organizations, or individuals. It may or may not be legal and may or may not require authorization from a court or other independent agency. Computer and network surveillance programs are widespread today, and almost all Internet traffic is or could potentially be monitored for clues to illegal activity. Surveillance is very useful to governments and law enforcement to maintain social control , recognize and monitor threats, and prevent/investigate criminal activity. With the advent of programs such as the Total Information Awareness program, technologies such as high speed surveillance computers and biometrics software, and laws such as the Communications Assistance For Law Enforcement Act , governments now possess an unprecedented ability to monitor the activities of citizens. [ 29 ] However, many civil rights and privacy groups—such as Reporters Without Borders , the Electronic Frontier Foundation , and the American Civil Liberties Union —have expressed concern that increasing surveillance of citizens may lead to a mass surveillance society, with limited political and personal freedoms. Fears such as this have led to numerous lawsuits such as Hepting v. AT&T . [ 29 ] [ 30 ] The hacktivist group Anonymous has hacked into government websites in protest of what it considers "draconian surveillance". [ 31 ] [ 32 ] End to end encryption [ edit ] End-to-end encryption (E2EE) is a digital communications paradigm of uninterrupted protection of data traveling between two communicating parties. It involves the originating party encrypting data so only the intended recipient can decrypt it, with no dependency on third parties. End-to-end encryption prevents intermediaries, such as Internet providers or application service providers , from discovering or tampering with communications. End-to-end encryption generally protects both confidentiality and integrity . Examples of end-to-end encryption include PGP for email , OTR for instant messaging , ZRTP for telephony , and TETRA for radio. Typical server -based communications systems do not include end-to-end encryption. These systems can only guarantee protection of communications between clients and servers , not between the communicating parties themselves. Examples of non-E2EE systems are Google Talk , Yahoo Messenger , Facebook , and Dropbox . Some such systems, for example LavaBit and SecretInk, have even described themselves as offering "end-to-end" encryption when they do not. Some systems that normally offer end-to-end encryption have turned out to contain a back door that subverts negotiation of the encryption key between the communicating parties, for example Skype . The end-to-end encryption paradigm does not directly address risks at the communications endpoints themselves, such as the technical exploitation of clients , poor quality random number generators , or key escrow . E2EE also does not address traffic analysis , which relates to things such as the identities of the end points and the times and quantities of messages that are sent. Views of networks [ edit ] Users and network administrators typically have different views of their networks. Users can share printers and some servers from a workgroup, which usually means they are in the same geographic location and are on the same LAN, whereas a Network Administrator is responsible to keep that network up and running. A community of interest has less of a connection of being in a local area, and should be thought of as a set of arbitrarily located users who share a set of servers, and possibly also communicate via peer-to-peer technologies. Network administrators can see networks from both physical and logical perspectives. The physical perspective involves geographic locations, physical cabling, and the network elements (e.g., routers , bridges and application layer gateways ) that interconnect the physical media. Logical networks, called, in the TCP/IP architecture, subnets , map onto one or more physical media. For example, a common practice in a campus of buildings is to make a set of LAN cables in each building appear to be a common subnet, using virtual LAN (VLAN) technology. Both users and administrators are aware, to varying extents, of the trust and scope characteristics of a network. Again using TCP/IP architectural terminology, an intranet is a community of interest under private administration usually by an enterprise, and is only accessible by authorized users (e.g. employees). [ 33 ] Intranets do not have to be connected to the Internet, but generally have a limited connection. An extranet is an extension of an intranet that allows secure communications to users outside of the intranet (e.g. business partners, customers). [ 33 ] Unofficially, the Internet is the set of users, enterprises, and content providers that are interconnected by Internet Service Providers (ISP). From an engineering viewpoint, the Internet is the set of subnets, and aggregates of subnets, which share the registered IP address space and exchange information about the reachability of those IP addresses using the Border Gateway Protocol . Typically, the human-readable names of servers are translated to IP addresses, transparently to users, via the directory function of the Domain Name System (DNS). Over the Internet, there can be business-to-business (B2B) , business-to-consumer (B2C) and consumer-to-consumer (C2C) communications. When money or sensitive information is exchanged, the communications are apt to be protected by some form of communications security mechanism. Intranets and extranets can be securely superimposed onto the Internet, without any access by general Internet users and administrators, using secure Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology. See also [ edit ] Comparison of network diagram software Cyberspace History of the Internet Network simulation Virtual reality Virtual world References [ edit ] ^ Computer network definition , retrieved 2011-11-12   ^ Chris Sutton. "Internet Began 35 Years Ago at UCLA with First Message Ever Sent Between Two Computers" . UCLA . Archived from the original on March 8, 2008.   ^ Ethernet: Distributed Packet Switching for Local Computer Networks , Robert M. Metcalfe and David R. Boggs, Communications of the ACM (pp 395–404, Vol. 19, No. 5), July 1976. ^ a b Spurgeon, Charles E. (2000). Ethernet The Definitive Guide . O'Reilly & Associates. ISBN   1-56592-660-9 .   ^ [1] , The Disadvantages of Wired Technology, Laura Acevedo, Demand Media. ^ "Bergen Linux User Group's CPIP Implementation" . . Retrieved 2014-03-01 .   ^ A. Hooke (September 2000), Interplanetary Internet , Third Annual International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies , retrieved 2011-11-12   ^ "Define switch." . . Retrieved April 8, 2008 .   ^ ^ a b D. Andersen; H. Balakrishnan; M. Kaashoek; R. Morris (October 2001), Resilient Overlay Networks , Association for Computing Machinery , retrieved 2011-11-12   ^ "End System Multicast" . project web site . Carnegie Mellon University . Retrieved May 25, 2013 .   ^ Wakeman, I (Jan 1992). "Layering considered harmful". IEEE Network : pp. 20–24.   ^ Kurose, James; Ross, Kieth (2005). Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach . Pearson.   ^ Martin, Thomas. "Design Principles for DSL-Based Access Solutions" . Retrieved 18 June 2011 .   ^ "personal area network (PAN)" . Retrieved January 29, 2011 .   ^ New global standard for fully networked home , ITU-T, 2008-12-12 , retrieved 2011-11-12   ^ IEEE P802.3ba 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s Ethernet Task Force , retrieved 2011-11-12   ^ "Mobile Broadband Wireless connections (MBWA)" . Retrieved 2011-11-12 .   ^ Mansfield-Devine, Steve (December 2009). "Darknets". Computer Fraud & Security 2009 (12): 4–6. doi : 10.1016/S1361-3723(09)70150-2 .   ^ Wood, Jessica (2010). "The Darknet: A Digital Copyright Revolution" . Richmond Journal of Law and Technology 16 (4) . Retrieved 25 October 2011 .   ^ rfc5321 ^ RFC 1035 , Domain names - Implementation and Specification , P. Mockapetris (November 1987) ^ Peterson LL, Davie BS. (2011). Computer Networks: A Systems Approach . ^ Teletraffic Engineering Handbook , ITU-T Study Group 2, archived from the original on 2007-01-11   ^ Telecommunications Magazine Online , Americas January 2003, Issue Highlights, Online Exclusive: Broadband Access Maximum Performance, Retrieved on February 13, 2005. ^ "State Transition Diagrams" . Retrieved July 13, 2003 .   ^ "Definitions: Resilience" . ResiliNets Research Initiative . Retrieved 2011-11-12 .   ^ Simmonds, A; Sandilands, P; van Ekert, L (2004). "An Ontology for Network Security Attack". Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3285 : 317–323. doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-30176-9_41 . ISBN   978-3-540-23659-7 .   Cite uses deprecated parameters ( help ) ^ a b "Is the U.S. Turning Into a Surveillance Society?" . American Civil Liberties Union . Retrieved March 13, 2009 .   ^ "Bigger Monster, Weaker Chains: The Growth of an American Surveillance Society" . American Civil Liberties Union . January 15, 2003 . Retrieved March 13, 2009 .   ^ "Anonymous hacks UK government sites over 'draconian surveillance' " , Emil Protalinski, ZDNet, 7 April 2012, retrieved 12 March 2013 ^ Hacktivists in the frontline battle for the internet retrieved 17 June 2012 ^ a b RFC 2547  This article incorporates  public domain material from the General Services Administration document "Federal Standard 1037C" . Further reading [ edit ] Shelly, Gary, et al. "Discovering Computers" 2003 Edition Wendell Odom, Rus Healy, Denise Donohue. (2010) CCIE Routing and Switching. Indianapolis, IN: Cisco Press Kurose James F and Keith W. Ross : Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, Pearson Education 2005. William Stallings , Computer Networking with Internet Protocols and Technology , Pearson Education 2004. Important publications in computer networks Network Communication Architecture and Protocols: OSI Network Architecture 7 Layers Model External links [ edit ] Networking at DMOZ IEEE Ethernet manufacturer information v t e Telecommunications History Beacon Broadcasting Communications satellite Computer network Drums Electrical telegraph Fax Heliographs Hydraulic telegraph Internet Mass media Mobile phone Optical telecommunication Optical telegraphy Photophone Prepaid mobile phone Radio Radiotelephone Satellite communications Smoke signals Telecommunications history Telegraphy Telephone The Telephone Cases Television Timeline of communication technology Undersea telegraph line Videoconferencing Videophone Videotelephony Pioneers Edwin Howard Armstrong John Logie Baird Alexander Graham Bell Tim Berners-Lee Jagadish Chandra Bose Vint Cerf Claude Chappe Lee de Forest Philo Farnsworth Reginald Fessenden Elisha Gray Guglielmo Marconi Alexander Stepanovich Popov Johann Philipp Reis Nikola Tesla Camille Papin Tissot Alfred Vail Charles Wheatstone Vladimir K. Zworykin Transmission media Coaxial cable Free-space optical Optical fiber Radio waves Telephone lines Terrestrial microwave Network topology and switching Links Nodes Terminal node Network switching  ( circuit packet ) Telephone exchange Multiplexing Space-division Frequency-division Time-division Polarization-division Orbital angular-momentum Code-division Networks ARPANET BITNET Computer Ethernet FidoNet Internet ISDN LAN Mobile NGN Public Switched Telephone Radio Telecommunications equipment Television Telex WAN Wireless World Wide Web By continent v t e Telecommunications in Africa Sovereign states Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Democratic Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo Djibouti Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon The Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Namibia 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Network From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search Look up network  or networking in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Network and networking may refer to: Contents 1 Biological, biosocial, electric, and electronic 2 Mathematics 3 Proper nouns (names) 3.1 Art, entertainment, and media 3.2 In film 3.3 In gaming 3.4 In music 3.5 In print 3.6 In television 4 In organizations 5 See also Biological, biosocial, electric, and electronic [ edit ] Artificial neural network Biological network Business networking Computer network Electrical network Neural network Radio network Social network Telecommunications network Television network Universities network Mathematics [ edit ] Graph (mathematics) , a set of interlinked nodes Complex network , a graph with non-trivial topological features Flow network Proper nouns (names) [ edit ] Art, entertainment, and media [ edit ] In film [ edit ] Network (film) , a 1976 American movie In gaming [ edit ] Network (video game) , a 1980 business simulation game for the Apple II In music [ edit ] Network (album) , a 2004 album by Saga Network DVD , British DVD label The Network , an American New Wave band In print [ edit ] Network (comics) , a series of Thomas characters Network, a member of Sovereign Seven The Network, an organization run by comic strip heroine Modesty Blaise In television [ edit ] net_work (TV series) , a web series produced by Black20 Network (TV series) , a Canadian variety television series In organizations [ edit ] NETWORK (lobbying group) , an American social justice group The Network (professional wrestling) , a professional wrestling stable See also [ edit ] Circuit theory Electronic circuit Graph theory Hydraulic circuit Network science Network theory Pneumatic circuit This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. Retrieved from " " Categories : Disambiguation pages Hidden categories: All article disambiguation pages All disambiguation pages Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in Namespaces Article Talk Variants Views Read Edit View history More Search Navigation Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article Donate to Wikipedia Wikimedia Shop Interaction Help About Wikipedia Community portal Recent changes Contact page Tools What links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Permanent link Page information Wikidata item Cite this page Print/export Create a book Download as PDF Printable version Languages Български Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español Esperanto فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Italiano Кыргызча Latina Magyar Malagasy Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本語 Norsk bokmål Norsk nynorsk Nouormand Plattdüütsch Polski Português Română Runa Simi Русский Slovenčina Slovenščina Svenska Tagalog Türkçe Українська اردو 中文 Edit links This page was last modified on 18 July 2014 at 03:34. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. , a non-profit organization. Privacy policy About Wikipedia Disclaimers Contact Wikipedia Developers Mobile view
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Social network From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search This article is about the theoretical concept as used in the social and behavioral sciences. For social networking sites, see Social networking service . For the 2010 movie, see The Social Network . For other uses, see Social network (disambiguation) . Sociology Outline History Theory Positivism Antipositivism Functionalism Conflict theories Middle-range Mathematical Critical theory Social constructionism Structuralism Interactionism Methods Quantitative Qualitative Historical Computational Conversation analysis Ethnography Ethnomethodology Network analysis Subfields Conflict Criminology Culture Development Deviance Demography Education Economic Environment Family Gender Health Industrial Inequality Knowledge Law Literature Medical Military Organizational Political Race and ethnicity Religion Rural Science Social change Social movements Social psychology Stratification Technology Urban Browse Portal People Organizations Journals Index Timeline WikiProject v t e Network science Theory Graph Complex network Contagion Small-world Scale-free Community structure Percolation Evolution Controllability Graph drawing Social capital Link analysis Optimization Reciprocity Closure Homophily Transitivity Preferential attachment Balance theory Network effect Social influence Network types Informational (computing) Telecommunication Social Biological Artificial neural Interdependent Semantic Random graph Spatial Dependency Flow Graphs Features Clique Component Cut Cycle Data structure Edge Loop Neighborhood Path Vertex Adjacency list  / matrix Incidence list  / matrix Types Bipartite Complete Directed Hyper Multi Random Weighted Metrics Algorithms Centrality Degree Betweenness Closeness PageRank Motif Clustering Degree distribution Assortativity Distance Modularity Models Random graph Erdős–Rényi Barabási–Albert Watts–Strogatz Exponential random (ERGM) Epidemic Hierarchical Lists Topics Software Network scientists Categories Graph theory Network theory v t e A social network is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (such as individuals or organizations) and a set of the dyadic ties between these actors. The social network perspective provides a set of methods for analyzing the structure of whole social entities as well as a variety of theories explaining the patterns observed in these structures. [ 1 ] The study of these structures uses social network analysis to identify local and global patterns, locate influential entities, and examine network dynamics. Social networks and the analysis of them is an inherently interdisciplinary academic field which emerged from social psychology , sociology , statistics , and graph theory . Georg Simmel authored early structural theories in sociology emphasizing the dynamics of triads and "web of group affiliations." [ 2 ] Jacob Moreno is credited with developing the first sociograms in the 1930s to study interpersonal relationships. These approaches were mathematically formalized in the 1950s and theories and methods of social networks became pervasive in the social and behavioral sciences by the 1980s. [ 1 ] [ 3 ] Social network analysis is now one of the major paradigms in contemporary sociology, and is also employed in a number of other social and formal sciences. Together with other complex networks , it forms part of the nascent field of network science . [ 4 ] [ 5 ] Contents 1 Overview 2 History 3 Levels of analysis 3.1 Micro level 3.2 Meso level 3.3 Macro level 4 Theoretical links 4.1 Imported theories 4.2 Indigenous theories 5 Structural holes 5.1 Information benefits 5.2 Social capital mobility benefits 6 Research clusters 6.1 Communications 6.2 Community 6.3 Complex networks 6.4 Criminal networks 6.5 Diffusion of innovations 6.6 Demography 6.7 Economic sociology 6.8 Health care 6.9 Human ecology 6.10 Language and linguistics 6.11 Literary networks 6.12 Organizational studies 6.13 Social capital 6.14 Social media 7 See also 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External links 10.1 Organizations 10.2 Peer-reviewed journals 10.3 Textbooks and educational resources 10.4 Data sets Overview [ edit ] Evolution graph of a social network: Barabási model . The social network is a theoretical construct useful in the social sciences to study relationships between individuals, groups , organizations , or even entire societies ( social units , see differentiation ). The term is used to describe a social structure determined by such interactions . The ties through which any given social unit connects represent the convergence of the various social contacts of that unit. This theoretical approach is, necessarily, relational. An axiom of the social network approach to understanding social interaction is that social phenomena should be primarily conceived and investigated through the properties of relations between and within units, instead of the properties of these units themselves. Thus, one common criticism of social network theory is that individual agency is often ignored [ 6 ] although this may not be the case in practice (see agent-based modeling ). Precisely because many different types of relations, singular or in combination, form these network configurations, network analytics are useful to a broad range of research enterprises. In social science, these fields of study include, but are not limited to anthropology , biology , communication studies , economics , geography , information science , organizational studies , social psychology , sociology , and sociolinguistics . History [ edit ] In the late 1890s, both Émile Durkheim and Ferdinand Tönnies foreshadowed the idea of social networks in their theories and research of social groups . Tönnies argued that social groups can exist as personal and direct social ties that either link individuals who share values and belief ( Gemeinschaft , German, commonly translated as " community ") or impersonal, formal, and instrumental social links ( Gesellschaft , German, commonly translated as " society "). [ 7 ] Durkheim gave a non-individualistic explanation of social facts, arguing that social phenomena arise when interacting individuals constitute a reality that can no longer be accounted for in terms of the properties of individual actors. [ 8 ] Georg Simmel , writing at the turn of the twentieth century, pointed to the nature of networks and the effect of network size on interaction and examined the likelihood of interaction in loosely knit networks rather than groups. [ 9 ] Major developments in the field can be seen in the 1930s by several groups in psychology, anthropology, and mathematics working independently. [ 6 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] In psychology , in the 1930s, Jacob L. Moreno began systematic recording and analysis of social interaction in small groups, especially classrooms and work groups (see sociometry ). In anthropology , the foundation for social network theory is the theoretical and ethnographic work of Bronislaw Malinowski , [ 12 ] Alfred Radcliffe-Brown , [ 13 ] [ 14 ] and Claude Lévi-Strauss . [ 15 ] A group of social anthropologists associated with Max Gluckman and the Manchester School , including John A. Barnes , [ 16 ] J. Clyde Mitchell and Elizabeth Bott Spillius , [ 17 ] [ 18 ] often are credited with performing some of the first fieldwork from which network analyses were performed, investigating community networks in southern Africa, India and the United Kingdom. [ 6 ] Concomitantly, British anthropologist S.F. Nadel codified a theory of social structure that was influential in later network analysis. [ 19 ] In sociology , the early (1930s) work of Talcott Parsons set the stage for taking a relational approach to understanding social structure. [ 20 ] [ 21 ] Later, drawing upon Parsons' theory, the work of sociologist Peter Blau provides a strong impetus for analyzing the relational ties of social units with his work on social exchange theory . [ 22 ] [ 23 ] [ 24 ] By the 1970s, a growing number of scholars worked to combine the different tracks and traditions. One group consisted of sociologist Harrison White and his students at the Harvard University Department of Social Relations . Also independently active in the Harvard Social Relations department at the time were Charles Tilly , who focused on networks in political and community sociology and social movements, and Stanley Milgram , who developed the "six degrees of separation" thesis. [ 25 ] Mark Granovetter [ 26 ] and Barry Wellman [ 27 ] are among the former students of White who elaborated and championed the analysis of social networks. [ 28 ] [ 29 ] [ 30 ] [ 31 ] Levels of analysis [ edit ] Self-organization of a network, based on Nagler, Levina, & Timme, (2011) [ 32 ] In general, social networks are self-organizing , emergent , and complex , such that a globally coherent pattern appears from the local interaction of the elements that make up the system. [ 33 ] [ 34 ] These patterns become more apparent as network size increases. However, a global network analysis [ 35 ] of, for example, all interpersonal relationships in the world is not feasible and is likely to contain so much information as to be uninformative. Practical limitations of computing power, ethics and participant recruitment and payment also limit the scope of a social network analysis. [ 36 ] [ 37 ] The nuances of a local system may be lost in a large network analysis, hence the quality of information may be more important than its scale for understanding network properties. Thus, social networks are analyzed at the scale relevant to the researcher's theoretical question. Although levels of analysis are not necessarily mutually exclusive , there are three general levels into which networks may fall: micro-level , meso-level , and macro-level . Micro level [ edit ] At the micro-level, social network research typically begins with an individual, snowballing as social relationships are traced, or may begin with a small group of individuals in a particular social context. Social network diagram, micro-level. Dyadic level : A dyad is a social relationship between two individuals. Network research on dyads may concentrate on structure of the relationship (e.g. multiplexity, strength), social equality , and tendencies toward reciprocity/mutuality . Triadic level : Add one individual to a dyad, and you have a triad . Research at this level may concentrate on factors such as balance and transitivity , as well as social equality and tendencies toward reciprocity/mutuality . [ 36 ] Actor level : The smallest unit of analysis in a social network is an individual in their social setting, i.e., an "actor" or "ego". Egonetwork analysis focuses on network characteristics such as size, relationship strength, density, centrality , prestige and roles such as isolates, liaisons , and bridges . [ 38 ] Such analyses, are most commonly used in the fields of psychology or social psychology , ethnographic kinship analysis or other genealogical studies of relationships between individuals. Subset level : Subset levels of network research problems begin at the micro-level, but may cross over into the meso-level of analysis. Subset level research may focus on distance and reachability, cliques , cohesive subgroups, or other group actions or behavior . [ 39 ] Meso level [ edit ] In general, meso-level theories begin with a population size that falls between the micro- and macro-levels. However, meso-level may also refer to analyses that are specifically designed to reveal connections between micro- and macro-levels. Meso-level networks are low density and may exhibit causal processes distinct from interpersonal micro-level networks. [ 40 ] Social network diagram, meso-level Organizations : Formal organizations are social groups that distribute tasks for a collective goal . [ 41 ] Network research on organizations may focus on either intra-organizational or inter-organizational ties in terms of formal or informal relationships. Intra-organizational networks themselves often contain multiple levels of analysis, especially in larger organizations with multiple branches, franchises or semi-autonomous departments. In these cases, research is often conducted at a workgroup level and organization level, focusing on the interplay between the two structures. [ 41 ] Randomly distributed networks : Exponential random graph models of social networks became state-of-the-art methods of social network analysis in the 1980s. This framework has the capacity to represent social-structural effects commonly observed in many human social networks, including general degree -based structural effects commonly observed in many human social networks as well as reciprocity and transitivity , and at the node-level, homophily and attribute -based activity and popularity effects, as derived from explicit hypotheses about dependencies among network ties. Parameters are given in terms of the prevalence of small subgraph configurations in the network and can be interpreted as describing the combinations of local social processes from which a given network emerges. These probability models for networks on a given set of actors allow generalization beyond the restrictive dyadic independence assumption of micro-networks, allowing models to be built from theoretical structural foundations of social behavior. [ 42 ] Examples of a random network and a scale-free network. Each graph has 32 nodes and 32 links. Note the "hubs" (shaded) in the scale-free diagram (on the right). Scale-free networks : A scale-free network is a network whose degree distribution follows a power law , at least asymptotically . In network theory a scale-free ideal network is a random network with a degree distribution that unravels the size distribution of social groups. [ 43 ] Specific characteristics of scale-free networks vary with the theories and analytical tools used to create them, however, in general, scale-free networks have some common characteristics. One notable characteristic in a scale-free network is the relative commonness of vertices with a degree that greatly exceeds the average. The highest-degree nodes are often called "hubs", and may serve specific purposes in their networks, although this depends greatly on the social context. Another general characteristic of scale-free networks is the clustering coefficient distribution, which decreases as the node degree increases. This distribution also follows a power law . [ 44 ] The Barabási model of network evolution shown above is an example of a scale-free network. Macro level [ edit ] Rather than tracing interpersonal interactions, macro-level analyses generally trace the outcomes of interactions, such as economic or other resource transfer interactions over a large population . Diagram: section of a large-scale social network Large-scale networks : Large-scale network is a term somewhat synonymous with "macro-level" as used, primarily, in social and behavioral sciences, in economics . Originally, the term was used extensively in the computer sciences (see large-scale network mapping) . Complex networks : Most larger social networks display features of social complexity , which involves substantial non-trivial features of network topology , with patterns of complex connections between elements that are neither purely regular nor purely random (see, complexity science , dynamical system and chaos theory ), as do biological , and technological networks . Such complex network features include a heavy tail in the degree distribution , a high clustering coefficient , assortativity or disassortativity among vertices, community structure , and hierarchical structure . In the case of agency-directed networks these features also include reciprocity , triad significance profile (TSP, see network motif ), and other features. In contrast, many of the mathematical models of networks that have been studied in the past, such as lattices and random graphs , do not show these features. [ 45 ] Theoretical links [ edit ] Imported theories [ edit ] Various theoretical frameworks have been imported for the use of social network analysis. The most prominent of these are Graph theory , Balance theory , Social comparison theory , and more recently, the Social identity approach . [ 46 ] Indigenous theories [ edit ] Few complete theories have been produced from social network analysis. Two that have are Structural Role Theory and Heterophily Theory. The basis of Heterophily Theory was the finding in one study that more numerous weak ties can be important in seeking information and innovation, as cliques have a tendency to have more homogeneous opinions as well as share many common traits. This homophilic tendency was the reason for the members of the cliques to be attracted together in the first place. However, being similar, each member of the clique would also know more or less what the other members knew. To find new information or insights, members of the clique will have to look beyond the clique to its other friends and acquaintances. This is what Granovetter called "the strength of weak ties." [ 47 ] Structural holes [ edit ] In the context of networks, social capital exists where people have an advantage because of their location in a network. Contacts in a network provide information, opportunities and perspectives that can be beneficial to the central player in the network. Most social structures tend to be characterized by dense clusters of strong connections. [ 48 ] Information within these clusters tends to be rather homogeneous and redundant. Non-redundant information is most often obtained through contacts in different clusters. [ 49 ] When two separate clusters possess non-redundant information, there is said to be a structural hole between them. [ 49 ] Thus, a network that bridges structural holes will provide network benefits that are in some degree additive, rather than overlapping. An ideal network structure has a vine and cluster structure, providing access to many different clusters and structural holes. [ 49 ] Information benefits [ edit ] Networks rich in structural holes are a form of social capital in that they offer information benefits. The main player in a network that bridges structural holes is able to access information from diverse sources and clusters. [ 49 ] This is beneficial to an individual’s career because he is more likely to hear of job openings and opportunities if his network spans a wide range of contacts in different industries/sectors. This concept is similar to Mark Granovetter’s theory of weak ties, which rests on the basis that having a broad range of contacts is most effective for job attainment. Social capital mobility benefits [ edit ] In many organizations, members tend to focus their activities inside their own groups, which stifles creativity and restricts opportunities. A player whose network bridges structural holes has an advantage in detecting and developing rewarding opportunities. [ 48 ] Such a player can mobilize social capital by acting as a “broker” of information between two clusters that otherwise would not have been in contact, thus providing access to new ideas, opinions and opportunities. British philosopher and political economist John Stuart Mill , writes, “it is hardly possible to overrate the value...of placing human beings in contact with persons dissimilar to themselves…Such communication [is] one of the primary sources of progress.” [ 50 ] Thus, a player with a network rich in structural holes can add value to an organization through new ideas and opportunities. This in turn, helps an individual’s career development and advancement. A social capital broker also reaps control benefits of being the facilitator of information flow between contacts. In the case of consulting firm Eden McCallum, the founders were able to advance their careers by bridging their connections with former big 3 consulting firm consultants and mid-size industry firms. [ 51 ] By bridging structural holes and mobilizing social capital, players can advance their careers by executing new opportunities between contacts. There has been research that both substantiates and refutes the benefits of information brokerage. A study of high tech Chinese firms by Zhixing Xiao found that the control benefits of structural holes are “dissonant to the dominant firm-wide spirit of cooperation and the information benefits cannot materialize due to the communal sharing values” of such organizations. [ 52 ] However, this study only analyzed Chinese firms, which tend to have strong communal sharing values. Information and control benefits of structural holes are still valuable in firms that are not quite as inclusive and cooperative on the firm-wide level. In 2004, Ronald Burt studied 673 managers who ran the supply chain for one of America’s largest electronics companies. He found that managers who often discussed issues with other groups were better paid, received more positive job evaluations and were more likely to be promoted. [ 48 ] Thus, bridging structural holes can be beneficial to an organization, and in turn, to an individual’s career. Research clusters [ edit ] Communications [ edit ] Communication Studies are often considered a part of both the social sciences and the humanities, drawing heavily on fields such as sociology , psychology , anthropology , information science , biology , political science , and economics as well as rhetoric , literary studies , and semiotics . Many communications concepts describe the transfer of information from one source to another, and can thus be conceived of in terms of a network. Community [ edit ] In J.A. Barnes' day, a " community " referred to a specific geographic location and studies of community ties had to do with who talked, associated, traded, and attended church with whom. Today, however, there are extended "online" communities developed through telecommunications devices and social network services . Such devices and services require extensive and ongoing maintenance and analysis, often using network science methods. Community development studies, today, also make extensive use of such methods. Complex networks [ edit ] Complex networks require methods specific to modelling and interpreting social complexity and complex adaptive systems , including techniques of dynamic network analysis . Criminal networks [ edit ] In criminology and urban sociology , much attention has been paid to the social networks among criminal actors. For example, Andrew Papachristos [ 53 ] has studied gang murders as a series of exchanges between gangs. Murders can be seen to diffuse outwards from a single source, because weaker gangs cannot afford to kill members of stronger gangs in retaliation, but must commit other violent acts to maintain their reputation for strength. Diffusion of innovations [ edit ] Diffusion of ideas and innovations studies focus on the spread and use of ideas from one actor to another or one culture and another. This line of research seeks to explain why some become "early adopters" of ideas and innovations, and links social network structure with facilitating or impeding the spread of an innovation. Demography [ edit ] In demography , the study of social networks has led to new sampling methods for estimating and reaching populations that are hard to enumerate (for example, homeless people or intravenous drug users.) For example, respondent driven sampling is a network-based sampling technique that relies on respondents to a survey recommending further respondents. Economic sociology [ edit ] The field of sociology focuses almost entirely on networks of outcomes of social interactions. More narrowly, economic sociology considers behavioral interactions of individuals and groups through social capital and social "markets". Sociologists, such as Mark Granovetter, have developed core principles about the interactions of social structure, information, ability to punish or reward, and trust that frequently recur in their analyses of political, economic and other institutions. Granovetter examines how social structures and social networks can affect economic outcomes like hiring, price, productivity and innovation and describes sociologists’ contributions to analyzing the impact of social structure and networks on the economy. [ 54 ] Health care [ edit ] Analysis of social networks is increasingly incorporated into health care analytics , not only in epidemological studies but also in models of patient communication and education, disease prevention, mental health diagnosis and treatment, and in the study of health care organizations and systems . [ 55 ] Human ecology [ edit ] Human ecology is an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary study of the relationship between humans and their natural , social , and built environments . The scientific philosophy of human ecology has a diffuse history with connections to geography , sociology , psychology , anthropology , zoology , and natural ecology . [ 56 ] [ 57 ] Language and linguistics [ edit ] Studies of language and linguistics , particularly evolutionary linguistics , focus on the development of linguistic forms and transfer of changes, sounds or words, from one language system to another through networks of social interaction. Social networks are also important in language shift , as groups of people add and/or abandon languages to their repertoire. Literary networks [ edit ] In the study of literary systems, network analysis has been applied by Anheier, Gerhards and Romo, [ 58 ] De Nooy, [ 59 ] and Senekal, [ 60 ] to study various aspects of how literature functions. The basic premise is that polysystem theory, which has been around since the writings of Even-Zohar , can be integrated with network theory and the relationships between different actors in the literary network, e.g. writers, critics, publishers, literary histories, etc., can be mapped using visualization from SNA. Organizational studies [ edit ] Research studies of formal or informal organizational relationships, organizational communication , economics , economic sociology , and other resource transfers . Social networks have also been used to examine how organizations interact with each other, characterizing the many informal connections that link executives together, as well as associations and connections between individual employees at different organizations. [ 61 ] Intra-organizational networks have been found to affect organizational commitment , [ 62 ] organizational identification , [ 38 ] interpersonal citizenship behaviour . [ 63 ] Social capital [ edit ] Social capital is a sociological concept which refers to the value of social relations and the role of cooperation and confidence to achieve positive outcomes. The term refers to the value one can get from their social ties. For example, newly arrived immigrants can make use of their social ties to established migrants to acquire jobs they may otherwise have trouble getting (e.g., because of unfamiliarity with the local language). Studies show that a positive relationship exists between social capital and the intensity of social network use. [ 64 ] [ 65 ] Social media [ edit ] Computer networks combined with social networking software produces a new medium for social interaction. A relationship over a computerized social networking service can be characterized by context, direction, and strength. The content of a relation refers to the resource that is exchanged. In a computer mediated communication context, social pairs exchange different kinds of information, including sending a data file or a computer program as well as providing emotional support or arranging a meeting. With the rise of electronic commerce , information exchanged may also correspond to exchanges of money, goods or services in the “real” world. [ 66 ] Social network analysis methods have become essential to examining these types of computer mediated communication. See also [ edit ] Collective network Complex networks Dynamic network analysis International Network for Social Network Analysis Interpersonal relationship Network science Network society Network theory Semiotics of social networking Social complexity Social group Social media Social network analysis Social Network (sociolinguistics) Social networking Social relation Social web References [ edit ] ^ a b Wasserman, Stanley; Faust, Katherine (1994). "Social Network Analysis in the Social and Behavioral Sciences". 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Facebook Use and College Students' Life Satisfaction, Trust, and Participation". Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 14 (4): 875–901.   ^ Wang, Hua and Barry Wellman (2010). "Social Connectivity in America: Changes in Adult Friendship Network Size from 2002 to 2007". American Behavioral Scientist 53 (8): 1148–69. doi : 10.1177/0002764209356247 .   ^ Garton, Laura, Caroline Haythornthwaite, and Barry Wellman (23 JUN 2006 2006). "Studying Online Social Networks" . Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 3 (1). doi : 10.1111/j.1083-6101.1997.tb00062.x .   Cite uses deprecated parameters ( help ); Check date values in: |date= ( help ) Further reading [ edit ] Wellman, Barry; Berkowitz, S.D. (1988). Social Structures: A Network Approach . Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences. Cambridge University Press. ISBN   0-521-24441-2 .   Scott, John (1991). Social Network Analysis: a handbook . SAGE. ISBN   978-0-7619-6338-7 .   Wasserman, Stanley; Faust, Katherine (1994). Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications . Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences. Cambridge University Press. ISBN   978-0-521-38269-4 .   Barabási, Albert-László (2003). Linked: How everything is connected to everything else and what it means for business, science, and everyday life . Plum. ISBN   978-0-452-28439-5 .   Freeman, Linton C. (2004). The Development of Social Network Analysis: A Study in the Sociology of Science . Empirical Press. ISBN   1-59457-714-5 .   Barnett, George A. (2011). Encyclopedia of Social Networks . SAGE. ISBN   978-1-4129-7911-5 .   Kadushin, Charles (2012). Understanding Social Networks: Theories, Concepts, and Findings . Oxford University Press. ISBN   978-0-19-537946-4 .   Rainie, Lee and Barry Wellman. (2012). Networked: The New Social Operating System. MIT Press. ISBN 978-0262017190 Estrada, E. (2011). The Structure of Complex Networks: Theory and Applications . Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-199-59175-6 Aneja, Nagender and Gambhir, Sapna. (2013). Ad-hoc-Social-Network-A-Comprehensive-Survey . External links [ edit ] Organizations [ edit ] International Network for Social Network Analysis Peer-reviewed journals [ edit ] Social Networks Network Science Journal of Social Structure Journal of Mathematical Sociology Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM) Connections . Toronto: International Network for Social Network Analysis. ISSN   0226-1766 .   Textbooks and educational resources [ edit ] Networks, Crowds, and Markets (2010) by D. Easley & J. Kleinberg Introduction to Social Networks Methods (2005) by R. Hanneman & M. Riddle Social Network Analysis Instructional Web Site by S. Borgatti Data sets [ edit ] Wikimedia Commons has media related to Social networks . Pajek's list of lists of datasets UC Irvine Network Data Repository Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection M.E.J. Newman datasets Pajek datasets Gephi datasets KONECT - Koblenz network collection RSiena datasets v t e Social networks and social media Types City Personal Professional Sexual Value Networks Distributed social network ( list ) Enterprise social networking Mobile social network Personal knowledge networking Services List of social networking websites List of virtual communities with more than 1 million users List of virtual communities with more than 100 million active users Concepts and theories Assortative mixing Interpersonal bridge Organizational network analysis Small world experiment Social aspects of television Social capital Social data revolution Social exchange theory Social identity theory Social network analysis Social web Structural endogamy Models and processes Aggregation Change detection Collaboration graph Collaborative consumption Giant Global Graph Lateral communication Lateral diffusion Lateral media Social graph Social network analysis software Social networking potential Social pyramid Social television Structural cohesion Economics Collaborative finance Social commerce Phenomena Community recognition Complex contagion Consequential strangers Friend of a friend Friendship paradox Six degrees of separation Social invisibility Social network game Social occultation Tribe Related topics Researchers User profile Viral messages Virtual community v t e Social sciences Primary Anthropology Archaeology Economics Geography human History Law Linguistics Political science international relations political economy public administration Psychology Sociology criminal justice criminology demography rural Interdisciplinary Anthrozoology Area studies Communication studies Community studies Cultural studies Development studies Education Environmental ( social science studies ) Food studies Gender studies Global studies History of technology Human ecology Information science International studies Media studies Philosophy of science economics history psychology social science Planning land use regional urban Political ecology Public health Regional science Science and technology studies Science studies historical Other categorizations Humanities Geisteswissenschaft Human science Index Journals Outline Portal WikiProject Wikiversity Retrieved from " 623348991 " Categories : Communication theory Community building Complex systems theory Network theory Organizational theory Self-organization Social information processing Social networks Social systems Sociological terminology Sociological theories Systems theory Hidden categories: Pages containing cite templates with deprecated parameters CS1 errors: dates Commons category with local link same as on Wikidata Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in Namespaces Article Talk Variants Views Read Edit View history More Search Navigation Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article Donate to Wikipedia Wikimedia Shop Interaction Help About Wikipedia Community portal Recent changes Contact page Tools What links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Permanent link Page information Wikidata item Cite this page Print/export Create a book Download as PDF Printable version Languages العربية Български Brezhoneg Català Corsu Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Euskara فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Қазақша Magyar Македонски Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本語 Norsk bokmål Polski Português Русский Simple English Slovenčina کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Taqbaylit ไทย Українська Tiếng Việt Walon 中文 Edit links This page was last modified on 29 August 2014 at 19:15. 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The audience includes researchers, managers and operators of networks as well as designers and implementors. The Editorial Board will consider any material for publication that is of interest to those groups. SUBJECT COVERAGE The topics covered by the journal but not limited to these are: 1. Communication Network Architectures : New design contributions on Local Area Networks (LANs), Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs), Wide Area Networks (WANs) including Wired, Wireless, Mobile, Cellular, Sensor, Optical, IP, ATM, and other related network technologies, as well as new switching technologies and the integration of various networking paradigms. 2. Communication Network Protocols : New design contributions on all protocol layers except the Physical Layer, considering all types of networks mentioned above and their performance evaluation; novel protocols, methods and algorithms related to, e.g., medium access control, error control, routing, resource discovery, multicasting, congestion and flow control, scheduling, multimedia quality of service, as well as protocol specification, testing and verification. 3. Network Services and Applications : Web, Web caching, Web performance, Middleware and operating system support for all types of networking, electronic commerce, quality of service, new adaptive applications, and multimedia services. 4. Network Security and Privacy : Security protocols, authentication, denial of service, anonymity, smartcards, intrusion detection, key management, viruses and other malicious codes, information flow, data integrity, mobile code and agent security. 5. Network Operation and Management : Including network pricing, network system software, quality of service, signaling protocols, mobility management, power management and power control algorithms, network planning, network dimensioning, network reliability, network performance measurements, network modeling and analysis, and overall system management. 6. Discrete Algorithms and Discrete Modeling Algorithmic and discrete aspects in the context of computer networking as well as mobile and wireless computing and communications. Fostering cooperation among practitioners and theoreticians in this field. TYPES OF CONTRIBUTIONS CONSIDERED The primary purpose of the journal is to publish original and complete papers covering a specific topic or project in the above mentioned areas in sufficient detail and depth to be of practical use to interested readers. The readers should benefit from the novel solutions and analyses presented in the papers. Enhanced, extended versions of quality papers presented at conferences or workshops can be submitted to our journal for review. Note that papers which were already published with the same contents or simultaneous submission of the same paper to other journals or conferences will not be considered for publication in our journal and will be immediately rejected. REVIEW PROCEDURE All submitted papers are processed by the Area Editors on the Editorial Board within their specialized areas. The area editors collect a minimum of two detailed and constructive referee reports and decide about the outcome and inform the authors. The referee reports are fully considered by the Area Editors in selecting the papers for publication. The names of referees are not divulged to the authors. However, the referee reports are provided to the authors to assist them in revising their papers accordingly. Computer Networks is an international, archival journal providing a publication vehicle for complete coverage of all topics of interest to those involved in the computer communications networking area... View full aims and scope Editors-in-Chief: I.F. Akyildiz , H. Rudin View full editorial board Guide for Authors Author instructions Useful links Download the ‘Author Information Pack’ PDF View ‘Guide for Authors’ online Read the ‘8 Reasons Why I Accepted Your Article’ blog Download the ‘Understanding the Publishing Process’ PDF Submit Your Paper Enter your login details for Computer Networks below. If you do not already have an account you will need to register here . Username Password I forgot my password Register new account Track Your Paper Check submitted paper Track accepted paper Username Password I forgot my password Once your article has been accepted you will receive an email from Author Services. This email contains a link to check the status of your article. 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Impact Factor: 1.282 Impact Factor: 2013: 1.282 The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. © Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2014 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.871 Five-Year Impact Factor: 2013: 1.871 To calculate the five year Impact Factor, citations are counted in 2013 to the previous five years and divided by the source items published in the previous five years. © Journal Citation Reports 2014, Published by Thomson Reuters Imprint: NORTH-HOLLAND ISSN: 1389-1286 Stay up-to-date Register your interests and receive email alerts tailored to your needs Click here to sign up Follow us Subscribe to RSS Latest News Most Downloaded Articles The most downloaded articles from Computer Networks in the last 90 days. 1. The Internet of Things: A survey Luigi Atzori | Antonio Iera | ... 2. Wireless sensor networks: a survey I.F. Akyildiz | W. Su | ... 3. 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HOME BLACK SEED OYSTER BLOG CONTACT Black Pearls For professionals and entrepreneurs seeking defined and bespoke business connections within a sophisticated and fun environment. Cultured Pearls Evening salons from the entertaining to the educational and always delicious fun. Seed Pearls Specific networking, targeted strategizing and beneficial workshops for all people in business From the Blog Aug 30 POSTED BY Tanya Buffet Do you ever feel like you would prefer a buffet meal to a sit-down three course one? The option to try a little of this and little of that, rather than be faced with a large plate of one kind of food? This is the blog version of a buffet – although just as you can have breakfast buffets or desert buffets or Chinese style buffets, there is a theme; Things that have drive us a bit mad during the summer holidays, together with things that have annoyed us, and peppered with things that always have irritated me a little, but until now, I’ve had nowhere to include them in my writing. read full post Aug 08 POSTED BY Tanya Ponydog About a lifetime or so ago, when I had just one child and not three, I bought a little house with a long back garden and a flat red brick drive. read full post Upcoming events Black Pearl Dinner Join us for our fab, funky but just a tad formal dinner Find out more The Seed Pearl Breakfast Breakfast, workshop and business connections in one of Londons most beautiful venues. With Zesty Lady, Rachel McGuinness Find out more The Oyster Club Monthly Meeting London\'s Legendary Monthly Meeting. All guests welcome. Find out more The Oyster Club All Pearls Lunch Connect over lunch with all the Pearls, no membership necessary to visit. Book now for 20th May Find out more Our latest Tweet Follow us on Twitter © 2011 Oyster Club | Networking and Socialising
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          EVENTS AND NETWORKING POLICY AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS ADVICE NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXPORT SERVICES AND DOCUMENTS CONFERENCE ROOMS   SEARCH Custom Box 1 heading Custom Box 1 heading logged off   Home Username Password LOGIN   Login help       Password reminder      About us   About membership   About international membership   Contact us   Contact our Media Centre   How to find us   Work for us   © London Chamber of Commerce and Industry 2014 - All rights reserved FREE NETWORKING EVENTS The excellent networking opportunities we provide is the main reason businesses join and remain members. Regular attendees report that the business networking we provide is as beneficial, or more cost-effective, than any other form of business communication they undertake.  Our most successful networkers tell us that they get the best from networking events by being prepared to buy as well as sell, attending regularly, referring business to other members and working the room effectively. When we were first approached to join we were a little skeptical as to how useful the networking would actually be.  However we have found all the sessions really well organised and a genuine opportunity for us to develop contacts and practice our skills.  It is particularly beneficial that the membership is for the whole company not just an individual, as this has allowed all of our management team to attend sessions of particular relevance/interest for them. - Liz Live Z-Card Ltd FREE LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUSINESS NETWORKING EVENTS    Members have access to over 100 free business networking events including:  By Invitation Only - informal, free-flow quarterly evening networking reception exclusive to Premier Plus members within the 51+ employee subscription rates.  Attended by up to 100 members from a variety of sectors and businesses   Cereal Networking - informal, free-flow quarterly breakfast networking reception open to Premier Plus members.  Attended by up to 50 members from a variety of  business sectors and companies ranging from SMEs to big business    Changing Places @ Lunchtime - informal, free-flow bi-monthly networking reception open to Premier Plus members and their guests.  Attended by 90 members from a variety of  business sectors and companies ranging from SMEs to big business    Changing Places  - informal, free-flow monthly evening networking reception open to members and their guests.  Attended by over 150 members from a variety of business sectors and companies ranging from SMEs to big business   Retail Evenings  - informal free-flow networking and shopping evenings open to Premier Plus Members form a variety of business sectors and companies ranging from SMEs to big business     International Trade events  - these seminars give you up-to-date information on a range of countries that you may be thinking of trading in. Key speakers give you the inside track to help your business in the international trade arena   Policy events  - what's changing in the world of business and what difference is it going to make you and  your company. These informative briefings keep you up-to-date and informed   Local Chamber events  - whether you need networking in Croydon, Dockland, Ealing, or Hammersmith & Fulham our local chambers have their own array of events that any Premier Plus member can attend See our calendar of free networking events below or visit our complete events' calendar .   01/09/2014 Time To Talk Business At: De Vere Venues Canary Wharf Time: 12.30pm - 2.30pm Nearest Station: Canary Wharf DLR and Jubilee Line Patron, Premier Plus, Local Members and their guests: Complimentary Non-members who have already attended Time To Talk Business twice or more: £15.00 Our September event will be a return visit to a much admired venue De Vere Westferry Circus. The magnificent reception lobby to this building at 1 Westferry Circus promises a smart but business like environment within, which is indeed the case. The De Vere Group has hosted several of our events over the past decades. We are sure of a warm welcome from our hosts with a complimentary drink and snacks, then cash bar. 16/09/2014 MEET THE SOUTH KOREAN DELEGATION LCCI is welcoming a delegation of South Korean manufacturers in the electronics and security sectors. They are looking for buyers of the following products: - Water ionizers - RF-ID readers - USB digital sound adaptors - Telephone amplifiers and headsets - DJ machines - Touchscreen user interfaces - Wireless-bridges for network - Remote controlled drone fighters - Finger-vein and fingerprint sensors At Asia House, 63 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 7LP Time 9.30am - 4.30pm (individual 60 minutes appointments)  If you are interested in meeting with them and viewing their profiles , please contact Marta Zanfrini, International Business Executive, E: or T: +44 (0)20 7203 1822 . Patron Member, Premier Plus Member, Local Member and Members' Guest FREE 17/09/2014 EXCLUSIVE NETWORKING AND SHOPPING EVENING AT MAPPIN & WEBB The Mappin & Webb story begins in 1775, when Jonathan Mappin opened a silver workshop in Sheffield with the mission to create the most beautifully crafted silverware, leather goods and fine jewellery for British high society. It would see the company become synonymous with excellence, craftsmanship and all things truly, greatly British. Today, Mappin & Webb holds Royal Warrants as silversmith to both HM The Queen and HRH The Prince of Wales. In addition our Master Craftsman, Martin Swift, holds the prestigious appointment of Crown Jeweller and maintains the Crown Jewels at both the Tower of London and during state occasions. Up to 50 guests will attend this exclusive event. Guests will have an opportunity to make new business connections and strengthen existing business links whilst viewing the fine jewellery, watch and corporate gift collections and discovering more about this iconic British brand. Mappin & Webb look forward to welcoming you to the store for a glass of champagne. At Mappin & Webb, Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 5DF Time  6.00pm - 8.00pm For more information contact Events Team, E: or T: +44 (0)20 7203 1700. This complimentary event is strictly open to Patron and Premier Plus Members. A maximum of TWO places per company applies. 18/09/2014 RESOURCE EFFICIENCY - DOING MORE WITH LESS This event focuses on a life cycle approach to design and construction, looking at both the potential benefits of adopting this approach and the environmental impact of construction products and materials. The event is co-hosted by the Alliance for Sustainable Building Products (ASBP), London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) and The Bartlett, UCL. Patron Member, Premier Plus Member, Local Member and Members' Guest FREE On Thursday 18 September, 2.30pm - 5.30pm followed by networking and refreshments At Pearson G22 Lecture Theatre, UCL, WC1E 6BT For more information contact Marta Zanfrini, International Business Executive, E: or T: +44 (0)20 7203 1822   23/09/2014 CHANGING PLACES NETWORKING RECEPTION Changing Places is our series of bi-monthly networking receptions, regularly attended by up to 120 of our members from a wide range of industry sectors. These events are held at a different venue each time so, wherever you are based, you are likely to find one held at a venue near you. These complimentary evening receptions are exclusively open to our Patron, Premier Plus and Local members.  Guests will receive two welcome drinks on arrival and snacks during the event. Host Venue Collyer Bristow is a leading London-based law firm with a rich history and a bright future, providing a comprehensive range of services to businesses and private clients in the UK and internationally. At Collyer Bristow LLP, 4 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4TF Time 6.00pm - 8.00pm Sponsored by     For more information contact Events Team, E: or T: +44 (0)20 7203 1700 Patron Member FREE Premier Plus Member FREE Local Member FREE Members' Guest FREE A maximum of two places per company are available.  To secure your place/s, please click on the below link and complete the online booking form.  Telephone and email bookings will not be accepted. When you are booking place/s on this event, you will be asked the following question: If you do NOT put a TICK in the box(es) provided your name, job title, company and business activity will be displayed on the printed guest list.   24/09/2014 CEREAL NETWORKING Cereal Networking is a breakfast networking event exclusively for our Patron and Premier Plus Members. This is the fifth of six Cereal Networking events in 2014.  The event is aimed at members from a variety of different business sectors and companies, ranging from SMEs to large corporates. It will provide an informal networking environment for attendees to make new business connections and catch-up with existing contacts that are in attendance. During the event, guests will be able to help themselves to tea, coffee or juice, as well as pastries, muffins and fruit. At Members' Lounge, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 33 Queen Street, London EC4R 1AP Time 7.45am - 9.00am Sponsored by     For more information contact Events Team, E: or T: +44 (0)20 7203 1700    Patron Member, Premier Plus Member and Members' Guest  FREE Restricted to TWO attendees per Patron Member and Premier Plus Member company.  Telephone and email bookings will not be accepted. 25/09/2014 THE GRAPEVINE NETWORK Join us at this evening Grapevine Network event, which is part of your flagship monthly networking event series in Croydon, that takes place on the last Thursday of every month*. Regularly attend these popular events to create new business opportunities, strengthen existing relationships and experience an informal, relaxed and fun atmosphere. You will get to network with over 80 like-minded business professionals from the local community and beyond. We are delighted to be hosted again by Metro Bank at their impressive Croydon store. *excluding July and December At Metro Bank (Croydon), Centrale Shopping Centre, Unit 1-2, Croydon CR0 1TY Time 6.00pm - 8.00pm For more information contact Linda Saran, Events Executive, E: or T:+44 (0)20 7556 2393 Patron, Premier Plus, Local Member, Members' Guest: Complimentary Please note: Members' guests are only eligible to attend one Grapevine Network event before we invite them to join membership. To secure your place/s please click on the link below. Telephone and email bookings will not be accepted. 01/10/2014 UNLOCKING AND COMMUNICATING THE VALUE OF ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATIONS (EPD) Practitioners from across the construction sector will share their insights and experiences about the use and benefits of Environmental Product Declarations (EPD). Hear from a leading trade association about their strategy for lower-cost EPD generation - how they are putting the power to produce EPD, across their entire product range, into the hands of their members. Speakers will suggest how contractors can communicate EPD information and add value. We'll learn how BIM and Building Assessment Schemes are transforming the way EPDs are considered and their role in a circular economy.  The BRE will update us on the ECO Platform and progress EPD programme operators are making towards mutual recognition of EN 15804 EPD. We will also examine the European Commission's recent Communication on Resource Efficiency Opportunities in the Building Sector and discuss how ASBP might respond. On Wednesday 1 October 2014, 1.30pm - 5.30pm followed by networking and refreshments At UCL, WC1E 6BT (TBC) For more information contact Marta Zanfrini, International Business Executive, E: or T: +44 (0)20 7203 1822 Patron Member, Premier Plus Member, Local Member and Members' Guest FREE 09/10/2014 MAXIMISE YOUR MEMBERSHIP Membership at Croydon Chamber of Commerce & Industry is all about offering you and your business opportunities and providing you with the tools to succeed. Open to all new and existing members or prospective members; find out how membership can boost your business by attending this informative session. Discover how to take advantage of our membership services, offers and networking events. Making sure you get the most out of your membership is key to ensuring you achieve all of your business objectives. You will also get to meet our team, get some useful tips on how to network successfully and start your networking journey by connecting with fellow members and local businesses.  At: Jurys Inn, Wellesley Road, Croydon CR0 9XY Time: 9.30am - 11.00am Premier Plus, Local Member, Members' Guests and Non Members: Complimentary For more information contact Linda Saran, Events Executive, E:  or T: +44 (0)20 7556 2393   14/10/2014 CHANGING PLACES @ LUNCHTIME Changing Places @ Lunchtime is our series of bi-monthly networking receptions, regularly attended by up to 80 of our members from a wide range of industry sectors. Held at a different venue each time so, wherever you are based, you are likely to find one held at a venue near you. These complimentary events are exclusively open to our Patron and Premier Plus members. Guests will receive one welcome drink on arrival (a cash bar will be in operation for additional drinks) and snacks during the event. Our Host Venue Opened in 2008 Mint Leaf Lounge is located next to the iconic Bank of England in the City of London.  The Lounge offers a contemporary dining experience in the heart of the City where guests can enjoy innovative Indian cuisine in an elegant and stylish setting.  Mint Leaf's striking bar is one of the longest in London with over 500 spirits and an extensive cocktail list available. At Mint Leaf Lounge and Restaurant, 12 Angel Court, Lothbury, Bank London EC2R 7HB Time 12:00pm - 2:00pm Sponsored by        For more information contact Events Team, E:   or T: +44 (0)20 7203 1700 Patron Member, Premier Plus Member and Member's Guest FREE A maximum of two places per Member company is available.  To secure your place/s, please click on the below link and complete the online booking form.  Telephone and email bookings will not be accepted.  15/10/2014 TIME TO TALK BUSINESS At Mercure London Greenwich Hotel Time 12.30pm - 2.30pm Nearest Station Greenwich DLR and national rail Patron, Premier Plus, Local Members and their guests Complimentary Non-members who have already attended Time To Talk Business twice or more £15.00 A maximum of two places per company are available. Mercure London Greenwich Hotel is a classicly designed building standing in a secluded square a short walk from Greenwich station. It offers easy access to Royal Greenwich's many visitor attractions. Our hosts will welcome us into one of the elegant assembly rooms with a complimentary drink and snacks followed by a cash bar for our monthly networking event. 20/10/2014 LCCI LIFE LCCI Life is our bi-annual unique showcase event for PAs and Corporate Event Bookers. With over 50 exhibitors from the hospitality, leisure and retail industry, LCCI Life is the perfect event for you to keep up-to-date with London's top venues, travel agents and corporate gift companies in a fantastic relaxed and informal setting. With fabulous prizes available throughout the evening, this is one event you won't want to miss At London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 33 Queen Street, London EC4R 1AP Time 5.30pm - 8.30pm For more information contact Emma Wood, Event Executive E: or T: +44 (0)20 7203 1876 LCCI Life is STRICTLY for PAs and corporate Event Organisers only. Registration is at the discretion of the LCCI Life Event Manager. Supported by Member and Non-member FREE 12/11/2014 CEREAL NETWORKING Cereal Networking is a breakfast networking event exclusively for our Patron and Premier Plus Members. This is the last Cereal Networking event in 2014. The event is aimed at members from a variety of different business sectors and companies, ranging from SMEs to large corporates. It will provide an informal networking environment for attendees to make new business connections and catch-up with existing contacts that are in attendance. During the event, guests will be able to help themselves to tea, coffee or juice, as well as pastries, muffins and fruit. At Members' Lounge, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 33 Queen Street, London EC4R 1AP Time 7.45am - 9.00amSPONSORED by    Sponsored by   For more information contact Events Team, E: or T: +44 (0)20 7203 1700.   Patron Member, Premier Plus Member and Members' Guest  FREE Restricted to TWO attendees per Patron Member and Premier Plus Member company.  Telephone and email bookings will not be accepted. To speak to our team about how LCCI membership can help you connect with other businesses, influence on your behalf and provide practical support; contact us on T: + 44 (0)20 7203 1881 or E: . Alternatively you can give us a few details here  and we'll call you back or complete an online application form .
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Members Area National Site Helping you generate more business Home Event Dates Seminar Information Benefits of Membership Testimonials News Contact Us Business Opportunity Members Area Visit one of our networks Bolton and Bury Chester Derby Hull Lancaster Lincoln Liverpool London Central Manchester Nottingham Central and East Lancashire South Herts South Manchester South Humberside Warrington Affiliate group Over 21 Years Of Providing Professional Networking Events For Senior Decision Makers There is a very good reason why The Business Network is still so popular over 21 years on from its launch in the UK - it works! Attracting senior decision-makers to the monthly, lunchtime events, the unique, professional and business focused format offers an effective environment for building close working links and establishing that invaluable 'support network' of business contacts. But we shouldn't be telling you how great we are - come to one of our events and hear it from our members ; they will give you a clearer picture as to how they have benefited from being involved. The Business Network Liverpool Launching 16th October                                 Reserve Your Place  Here News The May event of The Business Network London Central was the chosen occasion for Rugby, Travel and Hospitality to release their latest research findings on the effectiveness of Corporate Hospitality based around the forthcoming 2105 Rugby World Cup. Read More... Could you run a group? Click here to learn more What our members say... "What a terrific event you ran yesterday! Like many people, I've always been full of scepticism when it comes to network organizations; yesterday was a real eye opener." Richard Huglin TMS12 Ltd Next Events Bolton and Bury Business Network Wednesday 24th September Red Hall Chester Business Network Thursday 18th September The Chester Grosvenor Derby Business Network Wednesday 24th September The Gateway Suite - Derbyshire County Cricket Club Hull Business Network Tuesday 30th September The Hallmark Hotel, North Ferriby Lancaster Business Network Thursday 25th September Lancaster House Hotel Lincoln Business Network Thursday 18th September Jacosta's Liverpool Business Network Thursday 16th October Thistle Liverpool City Centre - Atlantic Tower London Central Business Network Thursday 18th September Hotel Russell Manchester Business Network Thursday 25th September Macdonald Manchester Hotel Nottingham Business Network Tuesday 9th September Trent Bridge - Nottingham Central and East Lancashire Business Network Thursday 18th September Stanley House South Herts Business Network Wednesday 17th September Aldwickbury Park Golf Club South Manchester Business Network Wednesday 10th September Pinewood on Wilmslow South Humberside Business Network Wednesday 10th September Abbys Upstairs, Grimsby Warrington Business Network Thursday 11th September The Mere Resort & Hotel Mr R Bennett & Mrs H Bennett (Partners), 83 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2JQ. t 0870 751 7523 Copyright © Partners, Mr R Bennett and Mrs H Bennett (T/A The Business Network) 1993-2014 All Rights Reserved - Terms and Conditions
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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Login Contact Us Tell a Friend Useful Links RSS Subscribe to our Weekly Bulletin Register to Add Events   Home Events by Region England Bedfordshire Berkshire Bristol Buckinghamshire Cambridgeshire Cheshire Cleveland Cornwall Cumbria Derbyshire Devon Dorset Durham East Sussex Essex Gloucestershire Greater Manchester Hampshire Herefordshire Hertfordshire Humberside Kent Lancashire Leicestershire Lincolnshire London (Central) London (East) London (North) London (South) London (West) Merseyside Norfolk North Yorkshire Northamptonshire Northumberland Nottinghamshire Oxfordshire Shropshire Somerset South Yorkshire Staffordshire Suffolk Surrey Tyne and Wear Warwickshire West Midlands West Sussex West Yorkshire Wiltshire Worcestershire Scotland Central Dumfries and Galloway Edinburgh and Lothians Fife Glasgow and Strathclyde Grampian Highlands and Islands Orkney Scottish Borders Shetland Islands Tayside Wales Mid Wales North Wales South Wales Northern Ireland County Antrim County Armagh County Down County Fermanagh County Londonderry County Tyrone Events by Town/City TOWNS/CITIES A-G: A B C D E F G TOWNS/CITIES H-N: H I J K L M N TOWNS/CITIES O-U: O P Q R S T U TOWNS/CITIES V-Z: V W X Y Z Events for Women England Bedfordshire Berkshire Bristol Buckinghamshire Cambridgeshire Cheshire Cleveland Cornwall Cumbria Derbyshire Devon Dorset Durham East Sussex Essex Gloucestershire Greater Manchester Hampshire Herefordshire Hertfordshire Humberside Kent Lancashire Leicestershire Lincolnshire London (Central) London (East) London (North) London (South) London (West) Merseyside Norfolk North Yorkshire Northamptonshire Northumberland Nottinghamshire Oxfordshire Shropshire Somerset South Yorkshire Staffordshire Suffolk Surrey Tyne and Wear Warwickshire West Midlands West Sussex West Yorkshire Wiltshire Worcestershire Scotland Central Dumfries and Galloway Edinburgh and Lothians Fife Glasgow and Strathclyde Grampian Highlands and Islands Orkney Scottish Borders Shetland Islands Tayside Wales Mid Wales North Wales South Wales Northern Ireland County Antrim County Armagh County Down County Fermanagh County Londonderry County Tyrone Workshops/Seminars England London South East (excluding London) South West Midlands Yorkshire and the Humber North West North East Scotland Scotland Wales Wales Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Business Shows England London South East (excluding London) South West Midlands Yorkshire and the Humber North West North East Scotland Scotland Wales Wales Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Blog Event Franchises Show Navigation Home Events by Region Events by City/Town Events for Women Workshops/Seminars Business Shows Blog Run Your Own Events Welcome to Find Networking Events Welcome to the online resource offering a simple, quick way to access information about Business Networking Events, Business Clubs, Workshops, Seminars and Business Shows happening in your local area. Upcoming Events Premium Profile Tue Sep 02 1200hrs - 1415hrs Women in Business Network (Wells) Wells Golf Club, Wells | Women in Business Network Premium Profile Tue Sep 02 7.30am - 9.30am Vibrant Network - Ombersley Ombersley Golf Club, Droitwich | Vibrant Network Premium Profile Tue Sep 02 12pm - 2pm Athena Hampstead meeting The Spaniards Inn Pub, London | Events for Dynamic Women Latest Blog Posts Video - King of Bathrooms: how one man challenged an entire industry By Stuart Russell | 19 Aug 2014 Colin Stevens is the Founder and Leader of a bathroom company based in Wigan. Under Colin's leadership, has grown to become a nationally recognised brand, serving customers throughout the UK, and in 2012 scooping two awards at the prestigious National Business Awards. Networking Group Profile: The Business Golf Network By Stuart Russell | 25 Jun 2014 For our latest networking group profile we spoke to Richard Lock about The Business Golf Network and why mixing sport and business is a such a great combination. Hate networking? Why you’re much better at it than you think! By Hannah Martin | 25 Jun 2014 Many people dread the thought of networking. In this article Hannah Martin explains why simply changing the way you think about the process can turn fear into enjoyment! Networking News PCG evolves to become IPSE, the UK's new association for the self-employed By George Evans | 01 Sep 2014 PCG, the membership organisation for freelancers, has today announced it is rebranding in order to represent all independent professionals working in the UK's growing self-employed sector. The Business Network - 21 Years Old By Helen Bennett | 21 Aug 2014 July 1993 saw the launch of The Business Network in the UK. Athena Inspire Conference 2014 By Angela Spiteri | 13 Aug 2014 INSPIRE™ Is The LARGEST NETWORKING EVENT In 2014 For Female Entrepreneurs! Whether you're an advanced business owner or you're just ready to explore becoming an entrepreneur, INSPIRE™ 2014 will deliver up-to-the-minute business strategies, passionate inspiration, and networking that is second to none! Networking Tips Fancy setting up and running your own networking event? 7 Steps to Creating and Maintaining a Positive Impression Nervous about Networking? 3 top tips to get you out there Networking Guide A Quick Guide to Business Networking Subscribe Subscribe to our Event Bulletin Register Register to Add Events Ads Premium Profile Event Organisers - Upgrade to Premium Profile for less than £3.50/month! Inclusion in Featured Events section and highlighting of your events, display of event photos and videos, direct booking and social networking links and more! Find out more... Twitter Follow us on Twitter More about Login Contact Us Subscribe to our Weekly Bulletin Register to Add Events Testimonials Online Marketing Mentoring Sessions Download 'A Quick Guide to Business Networking' Networking Events by Region Networking Events by Town/City Networking Events for Women Workshops/Seminars Business Shows Blog Networking News Support Run Your Own Events Twitter Facebook LinkedIn 6 Wemyss Place Peebles Peebleshire Scotland EH45 8JT © 2013. All rights reserved.   Terms & Conditions |   Privacy Statement | Site by
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Sign up Log in English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Help About Us We're Hiring! Privacy & Terms Blog Tech Blog API Made in NYC ©2014 Meetup Find a Meetup Group Start a Meetup Group Meetups are neighbors getting together to learn something, do something, share something… Sign me up!  Let's Meetup! All Meetups Meetups with friends Arts & Culture Career & Business Cars & Motorcycles Community & Environment Dancing Education & Learning Fashion & Beauty Fitness Food & Drink Games Health & Wellbeing Hobbies & Crafts LGBT Language & Ethnic Identity Lifestyle Literature & Writing Movements & Politics Movies & Film Music New Age & Spirituality Outdoors & Adventure Paranormal Parents & Family Pets & Animals Photography Religion & Beliefs Sci-Fi & Fantasy Singles Socializing Sports & Recreation Support Tech Women within 25 miles 2 miles 5 miles 10 miles 25 miles 50 miles 100 miles any distance of London, England, GB Groups Calendar Sort by Best match Recommended Best match Most active Newest Most members Closest   Iranian & non-Iranian Business Networking London UK 95 Business Next Meetup: Sep 17 Aim & Aspire Women's Business Club 198 Entrepreneurs Next Meetup: Sep 18 #1 Business Boosting Speed Networking Club 375 Club Members   Entrepreneurial Women’s Network 2,433 Entrepreneurial Women Next Meetup: Sep 22 Career and Business Lounge New 172 Londoners Next Meetup: Sep 6 Business Mentoring 1,285 Businesses Next Meetup: Tomorrow African Business Entrepreneur Networking 190 Members Next Meetup: Sep 18 Networking London 54 Londoner Next Meetup: Tomorrow Business Biscotti H/H - Informal Business Networking 16 BB Networkers!   Richmond & Twickenham Business Networking Meeting 34 People in business Next Meetup: Sep 26 Small Business Network 213 Members Next Meetup: Sep 15 Branding Network 367 Members   EBANG: Essex Business Advisers Networking Group 17 EBANGERS Next Meetup: Sep 15 South London Child Friendly Networking Group 9 Ambitious Parents   Business Brand Accelerator 27 Entrepreneurs Next Meetup: Oct 17 Drinks & Links - London 4,145 Great People   Entrepreneurs Networking Group 132 Members   The Business Growth Blueprint: Learn to Grow Your Business 111 The Elite Entrepreneurs   Kickass Entrepreneur Networking Event 52 North London Entrepreneurs   Free Networking 1.30pm 18/12 @ Yager Bar EC4M8EN 07828664917 14 Business Networkers   Internet Marketing Help & Business Networking - Herts/Essex 17 Seekers of Sales   International business network 19 Members   London Achiever's Entrepreneur/ Property investors 55 London Achiever's Entrepreneurs   Banking and Finance Professionals London (BFP London) 1,528 Professionals Next Meetup: Sep 11 LIFE CHANGING EVENTS & SEMINARS in London for FREE New 203 Members Next Meetup: Tomorrow Tech Start-up Networking London 171 Techies Next Meetup: Tomorrow exclusive Members Club 99 Members of the Club Next Meetup: Sep 5 London Social Society 787 London Socialites Next Meetup: Tomorrow The London Traders Network 1,332 Traders Next Meetup: Sep 17 Freelancers and freespirits 427 Kindred spirits Next Meetup: Sep 8 Business Workshops, Training and Networking 49 Members Next Meetup: Sep 15 social networking for musicians,actors &creatives in general 290 creatives   London Property Investors Network (pin) 227 CWpin Members Next Meetup: Sep 4 Premier Property Networking Club - London Canary Wharf 97 Premier Club Gold Members Next Meetup: Sep 23 Freedom Works UK - Community Works 32 Members Next Meetup: Sep 5 Islington Property Networking 210 Islington Property Networkers Next Meetup: Sep 10 Likacoaching 161 Professionals from Europe Next Meetup: Sep 6 Career Circus Young Professionals Network, London 72 Young Professionals Next Meetup: Sep 17 London Business Angels & Entrepreneurs 1,154 Entrepreneurs   The London Pro-Bono Accountants 51 Entrepreneurs   The London Property Investors Meet 722 London Property Professionals Next Meetup: Sep 23 International London Socialites- Professionals & Networkers 556 I L Socialites   Accelerace 115 Entrepreneurs   School for Startups Home Business Meetup 223 Members   London Luxury: The Business of Luxury Goods and HNW services 120 Luxury & wealth management folk   Freelance Brains 221 freelancebrains   Six O'Clock Club London 278 Six O'Clock Clubbers   The Communication Development Group 111 Communication Team Members   Pollen London: the marketing networking night 165 Networkers   Kent Success Group 11 Kent Success Group   LinkedUp - Professional & Entrepreneur Networking 33 Connected Londoners Next Meetup: Jan 15 Business and Social Networking Group 132 Networkers Next Meetup: Dec 10 Grow your Business, keep the equity. 180 Grant Maximisers   Shake On It (Business and social networking) 45 Shakers   Business Skills Exchange 23 Financial Freedom Seekers   Free Entrepreneurial Training Workshops 116 The ambitious   London Banquet Plus 114 Members   Using Social Experiences To Kick-Ass & Start A Movement 20 Members   Interesting Talks London 8,928 Interested Listeners Next Meetup: Sep 8 Silicon Roundabout 5,733 Inner Circle Next Meetup: Sep 17 MiniBar 7,233 Internet Professionals Next Meetup: Sep 11 AppsJunction-Developers, Startups, Investors, Speakers 2,922 Apps Enthusiasts   The Twickenham Social Meetup 1,109 Twickers Locals Next Meetup: Sep 7 London Behavioural Economics Network, monthly drinks 697 members Next Meetup: Sep 9 Forward Partners Live - Tech Startup Speakers Events 121 Members Next Meetup: Sep 24 Film Professionals Connection 391 Filmmakers Next Meetup: Sep 10 Beermat Monday - London 694 Members Next Meetup: Nov 3 Donatello Club London 360 Friends Next Meetup: Tomorrow Startups @ London 1,150 Entrepreneurs and Co-founders   CoFoundersLab Matchup London 366 Entrepreneurs Next Meetup: Sep 10 The City of London Gay Meetup Group 577 Members Next Meetup: Sep 16 LGBT Professionals 335 LGBT Professionals Next Meetup: Tomorrow Spanish Conversation with Spanish Tutor in London 632 Members Next Meetup: Tomorrow Broadgate Toastmasters - improve your public speaking skills 619 Public Speakers Next Meetup: Sep 9 Peer2peer Legal Advice for Startups 853 Members Next Meetup: Sep 17 Graduate Data Science Initiative 382 Data Scientists Next Meetup: Sep 20 lesbian of colour socials - LOCS 109 Members Next Meetup: Sep 6 Say YES! to your Life - UK Meetup Group! 234 Transformational Members Next Meetup: Sep 7 London Giggle 26 Girls Next Meetup: Sep 5 SATURDAY LIFE DRAWING AND COMEDY CLUB 113 Saturday Artists Next Meetup: Sep 6 Chelsea Women’s Socialising and Networking Group (London) 60 Ladies Next Meetup: Sep 4 #WomenRock New 15 Members Next Meetup: Sep 27 Female Formula 192 Naturals   Asian Dinner Club 461 Asian Singleton Next Meetup: Sep 12 Love Property in N1 Meetup Group 261 Members Next Meetup: Sep 23 Innate Thought - A New Beginning 53 Members Next Meetup: Tomorrow Lesbian & Gay Professionals 44 L & G Professionals Next Meetup: Tomorrow London : Girl Gone International 928 girls gone international   Online Mastery - Live Events and Meetups New 27 Outstanding Action Takers   Finance Your BitCoin Business & Meet BitCoin Investors 155 UK BitCoiners Next Meetup: Sep 5 Union Black 89 Members   Established Young Entrepreneurs Meetup 124 Young Entrepreneurs   Peak Performers in London - Leadership Development Community 79 Peak Performers   Taking Action, Making it Happen - Central London 50 Members Next Meetup: Sep 9 London Osho Active Meditations Group 1,355 Active Meditators   The Adobe & Web Open Source London Meetup Group 115 Dreamweavers & Web Open Sources Next Meetup: Sep 25 AppFusion London 821 mobile app folks   Zappers - Software Testing Community 892 Zappers   Open Blend 52 Members   MarketingTank 125 Members   Show more All Meetups My Meetups & suggestions My Meetups I'm going Sign up Meetup members, Log in Your name Your name will be public. 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Business networking From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search Not to be confused with Network marketing . This article does not cite any references or sources . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . (June 2014) Networking' is a socioeconomic business activity by which groups of like-minded businesspeople recognize, create, or act upon business opportunities. A business network is a type of business social network whose reason for existing is business networking activity. There are several prominent business networking organizations that create models of business networking activity that, when followed, allow the business person to build new business relationships and generate business opportunities at the same time. A professional network service is an implementation of information technology in support of business networking. Many business people contend business networking is a more cost-effective method of generating new business than advertising or public relations efforts. This is because business networking is a low-cost activity that involves more personal commitment than company money. Country-specific examples of informal networking are guanxi in China, blat in Russia, Good ol' boy network in America, and Old boy network in the UK. In the case of a formal business network, its members may agree to meet weekly or monthly with the purpose of exchanging business leads and referrals with fellow members. To complement this business activity, members often meet outside this circle, on their own time, and build their own one-to-one business relationship with the fellow member. Business networking can be conducted in a local business community, or on a larger scale via the Internet . Business networking websites have grown over recent years due to the Internet's ability to connect business people from all over the world. Internet businesses often set up business leads for sale to bigger corporations and businesses looking for data sources for business. Business networking can have a meaning also in the ICT domain, i.e. the provision of operating support to businesses and organizations, and related value chains and value networks . Contents 1 General business networking 2 Networked business 3 See also 4 References 5 External links General business networking [ edit ] Before online business networking, there existed face-to-face networking for business. This was achieved through a number of techniques such as trade show marketing and loyalty programs. Though these techniques have been proven to still be an effective source of income, many companies now focus more on online marketing due to the ability to track every detail of a campaign and justify the spend involved in setting up one of these campaigns. [ 1 ] "Schmoozing" or "rubbing elbows" are expressions used among professional business professionals for introducing and meeting one another in a business context, and establishing business rapport. Networked business [ edit ] This section may be confusing or unclear to readers . In particular, it may require a rewrite, if it's not actually propaganda. (June 2014) With business networking developing more business, many businesses now have this as a core part of their business strategy. Those businesses that have developed a strong business network of business connections suppliers and businesses can be seen as networked businesses, and will tend to source the business and their suppliers through the network of relationships that they have in place. Networked businesses tend to be open, random, and supportive, whereas those relying on hierarchical , traditional managed approaches are closed, selective, and controlling. These phrases were first used by businessman Thomas Power, businessman and chairman of Ecademy, an online business network, in May 2009. [ citation needed ] See also [ edit ] Professional network service Personal Network References [ edit ] ^ Peter Symonds Why Offline Marketing Still Works in a Digital World , The Display Hub by Display Wizard , 28th July 2014 External links [ edit ] Why you should join a referral group Networking for Introverts 9 Ways To Leverage Your Online Business Networking Activities , April 18, 2010 Hubert Österle, Elgar Fleisch, Rainer Alt (2001), Business networking: shaping collaboration between enterprises (2, illustrated ed.), Springer, ISBN   978-3-540-41351-6   v t e Business organizations Types Employers' organization Chamber of commerce Trade association Cooperative federation Regional Zaibatsu (Japan) Keiretsu (Japan) Chaebol (South Korea) Oppositional groups Trade union Consumer organization See also Business networking Cartel Retrieved from " 622894167 " Categories : Business models Business terms Professional networks Hidden categories: Articles lacking sources from June 2014 All articles lacking sources Wikipedia articles needing clarification from June 2014 All Wikipedia articles needing clarification All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from June 2014 Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in Namespaces Article Talk Variants Views Read Edit View history More Search Navigation Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article Donate to Wikipedia Wikimedia Shop Interaction Help About Wikipedia Community portal Recent changes Contact page Tools What links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Permanent link Page information Wikidata item Cite this page Print/export Create a book Download as PDF Printable version Languages Français עברית Українська Edit links This page was last modified on 26 August 2014 at 15:09. 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Sign up for our e-newsletter Search BIPC Home Visit us Workshops & events Advice Databases & publications Our partners About us Growth  > Home  >  Business networking Business networking Link 1 Soul Trader: Your life, your business' workshop Food for thought with Thomasina Miers Know your elevator pitch! Business Networks - The Do's and Don'ts Events to promote business networking   Networking is an essential part of setting up and running your own business, helping you to find potential customers, partners, suppliers and the chance to meet like-minded entrepreneurs.  For any business willing to succeed, growth is central to ensuring that the service, brand or product survives and becomes a success. Business networking is not all about exposure; it can also serve as a very valuable medium to get unbiased help and support from other business owners and entrepreneurs.   This is especially valuable when your business is still new and you are trying to find the best way to do things. Network in the Centre We have a free networking area in the Centre, where you can meet other entrepreneurs, use the free wifi and hold informal business meetings.  Sometimes, getting out of your businesses premises and into a neutral environment can be helpful, not to mention the opportunity to meet other business owners. We also run a series of networking events that are a great chance to make essential contacts for your business. There is also a great range of free and highly-subsidised events where you can meet other entrepreneurs and experts, as well as gaining important business insight, advice and knowledge.  For more information view our workshops and events calendar. Network with us online Social Media is another great tool for business networking, where you can share business tips, trends and articles, not to mention linking up with other business owners and hearing what they have to say. All of this can be done via our: Facebook Group LinkedIn Group Twitter Feed Helping you find other small business networks Finding business networks relevant to your business and customer base can be a very valuable way to get extra insight and contacts. Although wider business networks can be useful to get broad perspective, more specific networks can really narrow down what you need to succeed. On our Business essentials wiki you can find lists of networks in London for entrepreneurs and SMEs. Knowledge Peers Knowledge Peers Startups is an online resource offering advice, products and services to new businesses Striding Out A community working together to develop entrepreneurial skills and supportive relationships Women Unlimited A community for women who want to start a business, or grow an existing business Join us online Success stories Imtaz Khaliq is a bespoke tailor whose work has featured on GMTV and Channel 4... See our success stories e-newsletter View a sample issue Contact us Business & IP Centre The British Library 96 Euston Road London NW1 2DB Tel: +44 (0)20 7412 7901 Email: Reference Team By using this site, you agree we can set and use cookies. For more details of these cookies and how to disable them, see our cookie policy . Accessibility Terms of use Sitemap  Copyright © The British Library Board Copyright © The British Library Board
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Home About Us Our Mission Vision & Mision Partners Business Network In The Press Membership Our Member List Membership Benefits Become A Member What Do We Expect From Our Members Events Up Coming Events Past Events Advisory Board Contact Services PR Services Market Research Business Matchmakers Magazine Useful Links Accommodation – Main Menu – Home About Us - Our Mission - Vision & Mision - Partners - Business Network In The Press Membership - Our Member List - Membership Benefits - Become A Member - What Do We Expect From Our Members Events - Up Coming Events - Past Events Advisory Board Contact Services - PR Services - Market Research - Business Matchmakers - Magazine - Useful Links - Accommodation Home About Us Our Mission Vision & Mision Partners Business Network In The Press Membership Our Member List Membership Benefits Become A Member What Do We Expect From Our Members Events Up Coming Events Past Events Advisory Board Contact Services PR Services Market Research Business Matchmakers Magazine Useful Links Accommodation WELCOME TO BUSINESS NETWORK Business Network was founded in 2008. This organization is a charitable organization. We presently have around 500 members and 15,000 subscribers who receive regular services such as seminars, panels, conferences and similar activities from us around UK. PR Services Networking Reception, Doing Business In London, 15 September 2014. 28 days ago Wishing You a Joyful and Blessed Eid 36 days ago 5th Most Successful Turk Awards, Nominations are Now Open. 48 days ago RT @SuccessfulTurks : Please visit our website to nominate your candidates for the 5th Most Successful Turk Awards. 48 days ago RT @SuccessfulTurks : MSTA 2014 48 days ago RT @SuccessfulTurks : 5th Most Successful Turk Award, Nominations are Now Open. 48 days ago Business Network Annual Iftar Dinner in Partnership with British Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce, 12 July 2014 51 days ago Future Events 1 to11 Meeting with Charles Tannock MEP Business Network Annual Iftar Dinner UK Energy Policy: Squaring the Triangle? Meeting with Lord Michael Storey CBE Commercial Councilors & Entrepreneurs Annual Outreach Forum Flickr Twitter Networking Reception, Doing Business In London, 15 September 2014. 28 days ago Wishing You a Joyful and Blessed Eid 36 days ago 5th Most Successful Turk Awards, Nominations are Now Open. 48 days ago Powered By KasvaTech
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Top Navigation Body Footer News and events Contact us Home About us Research projects Our experts Publications and reports Useful links PhD Scholarships The University of Greenwich has the largest concentration of business network analysts in Europe. Organisational and economic network analysis is providing powerful insights into the ways people relate to one another within and across organisational boundaries. The techniques allow a rigorous quantification of many aspects of relationships that have previously at best been sensed intuitively. The Centre for Business Network Analysis is applying the techniques of organisational network analysis to a wide range of business problems, reconceiving individual firms, organisations and markets as structured relationships. Our experts have published widely and are working on a range of current research projects including fields within enhanced networking with social media, black and minority ethnic career support networks and interorganisational networks in microfinance. We provide: Presentations to corporate audiences Short courses Training in software and analysis Problem-solving and software consultancy Certified postgraduate courses Commissioned research News and events Five PhD Scholarships available with the Centre for Business Network Analysis commencing 2014-15. CBNA members Francesca Pallotti, Guido Conaldi and Alessandro Lomi win Best International Paper in Academy of Management HCM Division . Nominees for Best International Paper in the Academy. May 23, 2014. Susan O'Shea, University of Manchester. When birds of a feather rock together is it all for the love of homophily? Hamilton House, 11.30-13:00. May 27, 2014. Prof Mark Mizruchi, University of Michigan. Domination via fragmentation: The decline of the American (and British?) corporate elite . QA065, 13:00-14:00. May 30, 2014. Dr Kathryn Oliver, University of Manchester. Strategies to influence people and organisations in public health policy. Hamilton House, 11.30-13:00. June 2-11, 2014. Summer School in Social Network Analysis . © 2013 The University of Greenwich Accessibility
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Base Home About Us Columnists Contact Support in your Area Events Navigation Prowess Women in Business Support for women in business and their advisers. Home Categories Home Start & Grow Marketing & Social Media Startup Guides Home Business Growth Lead & Manage Mindset Networking Online Business Social enterprise Funding Funding Money Saving Managing Money Support Support in your area Events Stories Overcoming Hardship 50+ Mums in business Student entrepreneurs Growth stories Innovators & Inventors Campaign Campaign Facts Research & Policy Return to Content Women’s Business Networks Listings By admin on December 11, 2013 Tweet cc Courtesy of JodiWomack via Flickr Women’s business networks are thriving. There have never been more and they’ve never been more in demand. And there’s a very good reason: most women in business find that other women in the same position are their most valuable form of support, inspiration and business connections. If you’re not already a member of a network, maybe now is the time to give it a go? Networks vary in their approach and atmosphere and you might need to try a few before you find the one that’s right for you. Most charge fairly modest fees, but some referral networks can be very pricey; be sure that this approach to networking is right for your business and go along as a guest a couple of times before you sign-up. Below we’ve listed a wide range of women’s business networks across the UK and also a few networks in other countries. All of those groups have regular local meetings. For up-to-date information  about locations, events and fees click through to the website of the network you’re interested in. If you can’t find a network in your area, have a look at our business support map – it includes women’s business organisations, which often also provide networking opportunities. We’re keen to make the Listings even more comprehensive: if you run a network and would like to be added to the Prowess Women’s Business Networks Listing, please get in touch . For tips on how to enjoy networking and get the most out of it, read this great article: How to network .   UK Women’s Business Networks Association of Scottish Businesswomen   The umbrella organisation for business and professional women’s clubs throughout Scotland. Business Women’s Link is a friendly network of women who both working for themselves or as part of a larger organisation. Regular social and corporate events across Lincolnshire and the East Midlands. Cambridge Businesswomen’s Network   Monthly meetings are open to women from all sectors of the business community and professions, small businesses and start ups to corporates. East London Creative Women Business Network   Peer to peer network set up to grow and sustain women business leaders in the arts & creative sectors in East London, meets monthly. Free/ minimal cost. Fabulous Women   “To inspire, inform and motivate women in life and in business.” Meetings in Surrey, London, home counties. Flying Start  offers women in Birmingham specialist social enterprise business support through masterclasses, mentoring, peer support and 1-1 advice. Network meetings are held in Digbeth, Birmingham. Forward Ladies     Networking events for women in business across the North of England. Over 350 events a year. Highflying Divas   A not-for-profit mentoring forum for professional women in their own business or a career, with meetings in Essex and London. Networking Women is a collaborative organisation offering networking opportunities for women running small businesses in Oxfordshire, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire. Norwich Business Women’s Network   Friendly monthly business networking for businesswomen and women in corporate roles in Norwich and Norfolk. Rural Women’s Network   A network of 10 women’s business networks across Cumbria. Sussex Women In Business Sussex Women in Business is a not-for-profit, non-political, voluntary network for women in business. The Athena Network    A national referrals focused network which is managed by local franchisees. The Women in Business Network      A referrals based network, which has around 70 groups managed by local franchisees. 1230 The Women’s Company   London and Kent.  Franchise based networking meetings and events. Vale  Women’s Business Network    For women in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales. WiRE   Women in Rural Enterprise – the national business club for rural women in business. Women in Business Hull   is a networking organisation for decision-making women in Hull, East Yorkshire and North/North East Lincolnshire. Women in Business NI      Network for women in business across Northern Ireland. Women in Business (NW)   Networking, training and awards for women in the Merseyside area. Women in Management network (WiM) offers a varied programme of events across the UK. WiM London regularly hosts events in the City encouraging the discussion of issues affecting the women managers of today and the future. Women Mean Biz  For professional women in Bristol, Bath and North Somerset. WIN   Networking events and awards for women in the North East of England. Women Outside The Box Business Club for freelancers, entrepreneurs and corporate women runs monthly in Bristol for training and networking. Festival of female entrepreneurship in October each year.   Women Unlimited Events and workshops for women in the London area. Women What Do Hartlepool based network for women who are starting or run their own business, freelancers and third sector female leaders. Women’s Business Zone  Networking groups and business support for women in York, Selby and Northallerton. International Women’s Business Networks Canada – Company of Women is an organization that connects and supports women in business. We provide monthly events in seven cities across Canada, as well as an annual conference and online publications. Canada and Ireland – The Women’s Executive Network (WXN) hosts professional development and networking events in 8 cities including Toronto, Mississauga, Richmond Hill, Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton, as well as in Dublin, Ireland.     Related Posts The Good, Bad and Ugly of Business Networking Local Support for Women in Business Think, Feel, Do… How to Jump-Start your Self-Confidence Awards for Women in Business Listings business clubs , Events , Networking , Women's Business Networks Top Five Tools For PR Success Using Pinterest for Market Research Logging In... Profile cancel Sign in with Twitter Sign in with Facebook or Name Email Not published Website Comment Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. 6 Replies 5 Comments 0 Tweets 0 Facebook 1 Pingback Last reply was 2 months ago Sarah Ainslie View February 20, 2012 This is a great post; it’s good to see that women have access to a number of sources of support for their business and for their personal development as well. At Forward Ladies we find that our members gain real value from the support they get from other like-minded women who are running businesses or developing their careers (we welcome both). We also find that women’s needs are often different from men’s and that they seek a range of types of support including skills development, peer support/mentoring, online resources and access to listen and speak to inspiring women, as well as ‘pure networking’. Reply Jane Horwood View October 9, 2012 I have been running since 2005. No membership fee. Just the cost of lunch. Informal and friendly but a great a way to ‘do business’ and meet other like minded women. Reply Jacqui Burke (@jacquiburkefp) View January 5, 2013 RT @WomensBiz: Women’s Business Networks Listings Reply Start-up Stories: In My Father’s Footsteps | Women in Business | Prowess 2.0 View February 11, 2013 [...] has been 100% supportive in my decisions, too. I would recommend you surround yourself with a firm support network, whether it will be your family or external circle of contacts and friends, and this can give you [...] Reply Anna B. Sexton View August 22, 2013 I have just discovered your post and thank you for including East London Creative Business Women Network in as we are newbie in a list of strong and long set up networks. Thanks for including us – we grow more each month and are in the position now to set bigger more academic and higher profile partners to sustain us! Yeah! ELCBWN Reply Emma Thorpe View 2 months ago This is a very useful site for women in business! I have been running MidKent LadiesWhoLatte for 3 years now in Chatham, Kent. It’s a great group of business women who meet for 2 hours on the 2nd Thursday each month at 9.30am for £3. We have helped so many ladies move on with their businesses. No booking necessary, just turn up! Two of our ladies do their business presentations each month, which helps them practice and hone their presenting skills. We then go round the room talking about everyone’s events, then it’s open networking. We get between 20 and 30 ladies every month. Reply Sign-up for the Newsletter! The top-up for women in business Monthly | Easy to unsubscribe | Privacy safe.         Popular Latest Comments Tags General Election 2015 – Why Women in Business Need to be on the Agenda May 7, 2014 Universal Credit for the Self-Employed: unworkable, unfair and short-sighted November 8, 2013 Is work-life balance a myth for home-based female entrepreneurs? November 27, 2013 Partnership? Date first! February 24, 2014 Why women in business is a headline issue November 13, 2013 Success is about Making a Difference October 30, 2013 You can never please all the people – Live with it February 19, 2014 Should you commit random acts of marketing? September 1, 2014 Ownership of Legal Services Gets More Complicated September 1, 2014 Staying on holiday with your business August 28, 2014 “If you’ve done it once, you can do it again, only better” August 25, 2014 Summer Reads: The Growth Story by @SueStockdale August 21, 2014 Starting your business on the side August 18, 2014 How to reinvent yourself post 50 August 13, 2014 Sue-Slique Photography: Amazing story! Well done Aelita! I wish you a succ... Oliver R.: Hi Sue, Thank you for your instructive guide. O... Izhar Ul Haq: Its really extreme level of trust, I never see com... Katie Day: Thank you so much Monalisa, I'm so glad you enjoy... UTheCenter: Interested in starting your own business while in ... monalisa: Hi,thanks for sharing this article its really nice... 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