Domain Statistics

The domain has IP address and is located in  United Kingdom United Kingdom.  The domain's age is 15 year(s), 4 month(s).

Domain PR  Domain Google PageRank No data
Alexa Rank  Alexa Rank 10274929
DMOZ Listing  DMOZ Listing Yes
Yahoo! Dir Listing  Yahoo! Dir Listing No

Social Activity
 Domain bookmarks in Delicious 0
 Domain's views in StumbleUpon 3
 Domain Diigo bookmarks 0
 Domain's mentions on Twitter 0
 Domain's Google +1's 0
 Domain's popularity on Facebook 0
 Domain LinkedIn Shares 0
 Domain Pinterest Bookmarks 0

Crawl Statistics

  Proprietary research showed 189 pages
  Google showed 135  pages
  Yahoo showed 623  pages
  Bing showed 622  pages

Crawl Availability

  •  175 (92.6%) pages are good to crawl (their server response code is 1xx or 2xx)
  •  0 pages redirect to other pages (their server response code is 3xx)
  •  14 (7.4%) pages have client errors (their server response code is 4xx)
  •  0 pages have server errors (their server response code is 5xx)
  •  0 pages are not yet checked

Content and Structure Crawl Stats
error  4 pages have missing or empty title tag
error  19 pages have a too long title tag (> 65 chars)
error  6 pages have duplicate page title
error  13 pages have duplicate meta description
ok  0 pages have duplicate rel="canonical" code
warning  8 pages have missing or empty meta description tag
ok  0 pages use frames
ok  0 pages have conflicting character encoding
ok  0 pages have a too long URL (>115 chars)
ok  0 pages have too big size (> 100 kB)
Info  0 pages are restricted by robots.txt
Info  0 pages are restricted by X-Robots-Tag
Info  1 pages are blocked by noindex meta tag
Info  0 pages use meta refresh redirect
Info  0 pages use rel="canonical"
Info  2 pages use rel="alternate"
Info  1 pages use nofollow meta tag

HTML Validation
CSS Validation

Site has 1550 errors and 676 warnings

  • Marker 0 pages are valid
  • Marker 142 (75.1%) pages have errors & warnings
  • Marker 0 pages have warnings only
  • Marker 47 (24.9%) pages are not checked yet

Site has 105 errors and 41 warnings

  • Marker 107 (56.6%) pages are valid
  • Marker 65 (34.4%) pages have errors & warnings
  • Marker 2 (1.1%) pages have warnings only
  • Marker 15 (7.9%) pages are not checked yet

Google PR Distribution

  PR 10 was assigned to 0 pages
  PR 9 was assigned to 0 pages
  PR 8 was assigned to 0 pages
  PR 7 was assigned to 0 pages
  PR 6 was assigned to 0 pages
  PR 5 was assigned to 0 pages
  PR 4 was assigned to 0 pages
  PR 3 was assigned to 0 pages
  PR 2 was assigned to 0 pages
  PR 1 was assigned to 1 (0.5%) pages
  PR 0 was assigned to 51 (27%) pages
  PR N/A was assigned to 137 (72.5%) pages
                    Not yet checked  0 pages

Link Statistics

  •  3410 (100%) links are do-follow
  • 0 links are no-follow
    •   Marker 0 no-follow links are internal
    •   Marker 0 no-follow links are external

Broken Links

  •  3257 (95.5%) links are valid
  • 153 (4.5%) links are broken  (67 pages have broken links)
    •   Marker 49 (1.4%) broken links are internal
    •   Marker 104 (3.1%) broken links are external