Domain Statistics

The domain has IP address and is located in  United Kingdom United Kingdom.  The domain's age is 2 year(s).

Domain PR  Domain Google PageRank RP PR 4
Alexa Rank  Alexa Rank 551754 arrow down   26.7%
Compete Rank  Compete Rank in Compete.Com No data
Compete Traffic  Traffic according to Compete.Com No data
DMOZ Listing  DMOZ Listing No
Yahoo! Dir Listing  Yahoo! Dir Listing No

Social Activity
 Domain bookmarks in Delicious 0
 Domain's views in StumbleUpon 0
 Domain Diigo bookmarks 0   0%
 Domain Social Mention Popularity 1   0%
 Domain's mentions on Twitter 58
 Domain's Google +1's 2
 Domain's popularity on Facebook 15
 Domain LinkedIn Shares 3
 Domain Pinterest Bookmarks Not yet checked

Crawl Statistics

  Proprietary research showed 1043 pages
  Google showed 2050  pages
  Yahoo showed 658  pages
  Bing showed 60  pages

Crawl Availability

  •  808 (77.5%) pages are good to crawl (their server response code is 1xx or 2xx)
  •  231 (22.1%) pages redirect to other pages (their server response code is 3xx)
  •  4 (0.4%) pages have client errors (their server response code is 4xx)
  •  0 pages have server errors (their server response code is 5xx)
  •  0 pages are not yet checked

Content and Structure Crawl Stats
error  2 pages have missing or empty title tag
error  745 pages have a too long title tag (> 65 chars)
error  255 pages have duplicate page title
error  255 pages have duplicate meta description
ok  0 pages have duplicate rel="canonical" code
warning  4 pages have missing or empty meta description tag
ok  0 pages use frames
ok  0 pages have conflicting character encoding
warning  65 pages have a too long URL (>115 chars)
ok  0 pages have too big size (> 100 kB)
Info  0 pages use meta refresh redirect
Info  0 pages use rel="canonical"
Info  0 pages use rel="alternate"

HTML Validation
CSS Validation

Site has 3733 errors and 1330 warnings

  • Marker 0 pages are valid
  • Marker 620 (59.4%) pages have errors & warnings
  • Marker 187 (17.9%) pages have warnings only
  • Marker 5 (22.7%) pages are not checked yet

Site has 33950 errors and 93144 warnings

  • Marker 2 (22.3%) pages are valid
  • Marker 806 (77.3%) pages have errors & warnings
  • Marker 0 pages have warnings only
  • Marker 4 (0.4%) pages are not checked yet

Google PR Distribution

  PR 10 was assigned to 0 pages
  PR 9 was assigned to 0 pages
  PR 8 was assigned to 0 pages
  PR 7 was assigned to 0 pages
  PR 6 was assigned to 0 pages
  PR 5 was assigned to 0 pages
  PR 4 was assigned to 2 (0.2%) pages
  PR 3 was assigned to 83 (8%) pages
  PR 2 was assigned to 2 (0.2%) pages
  PR 1 was assigned to 11 (1.1%) pages
  PR 0 was assigned to 49 (4.7%) pages
  PR N/A was assigned to 865 (82.9%) pages
                    Not yet checked  31 (3%) pages

Link Statistics

  •  103427 (99.9%) links are do-follow
  • 7 (0.1%) links are no-follow
    •   Marker 0 no-follow links are internal
    •   Marker 7 (0.1%) no-follow links are external

Broken Links

  •  103131 (99.8%) links are valid
  • 173 (0.2%) links are broken  (18 pages have broken links)
    •   Marker 163 (0.1%) broken links are internal
    •   Marker 10 (0.1%) broken links are external